Queen of my castle and... well everything else I suppose!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Finally Fall!

The Phillies are the NL East Champs, 
the grocery store is selling mums &
Mr. Baby wore his first article of little tiny
outerwear yesterday.
I guess it's officially Fall!! 
I am beyond ready for cool days, crunchy leaves &

Lots going on here in the next few days -
True Prep event/signing at Vineyard Vines
Little English warehouse sale.

Lots to blog about SO I promise I will! 

The Colonel (aka my Father)
Just arrived after a long trek from the
Greeeeat North East & we're going to 
go grab a bite to eat.

Have a fab rest of the week!!

Bee Good!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The last few weeks & 4 month stats

Well hello there!
Where did the Summer go!? 
I can't believe school is back in session
& that Fall is just around the corner.
We've been pretty busy here at our hive...
Mister Baby is growing exponentially, he goes to 
Parents Day Out twice a week since I am back to work 
(very part time,)
he's drooling like a faucet, 
showing everything in his mouth, loving his 
jumperoo & loves any and every 
mirrored surface in the house!

Here are a few pictures from the last couple weeks-

squeaky clean
Baby blue eyes
so happy!
who's that baby?
This one was Monday on his 4 month birthday!

So, we tried solid food yesterday...
Neither rice cereal or applesauce were a hit.
He made some amazing facial expressions in disgust               
(which I do have on video)
We'll try that again in a week or so.

He took his first nap in his crib this afternoon. 
I was glued to the video monitor the entire time
but was very excited that it was an actual nap!!

Mr Baby Stats:
16 lbs and 25 inches
wearing 3-6 month clothes
just bought our first box of size 3 diapers

 While diaper shopping, 
the saleslady at the baby store found a 
single random newborn diaper on the shelf & asked
me if I could tell what size it was. 
As I pointed out the NB on the front, 
I nearly teared up! 
I can NOT believe that those actually used to 
fit him!!
I still can't swallow
that 18 weeks ago I didn't even have a baby!!

That said, 
My blogging time is over for the day. 
The bouncy seat has lost it's thrill &
the live in entertainer (me)
is being summoned.

Bee good!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Truly Preptastic sweepstakes!

Hey friends!
With all of the fabulous chatter going on about
our new bible  
True Prep,
I thought I'd share this Truly Preptastic 
opportunity with you-
Sperry Topsider currently has a True Prep sweepstakes going on!
Grand Prize winner will receive a trip for 2 to Nantucket.
Can't get much preppier than that.

There are 1st, 2nd & 3rd place prizes too including:
a True Prep fashion consultation with a stylist, 
free Sperrys & copies of True Prep!

If you win, you'll take me...

Happy Friday
Bee Good!

PS: big thanks to my best dressed friend Carey for sharing this with me!!  
check out her blog- 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

No, I have not fallen off the face of the Earth...

Hi friends!!
I just wanted to make this quick post
to let you know that I've been super busy but have
not forgotten about my blog
& my fabulous blog friends!
There's a post in the works
that will be up before the weekend.
I have been seriously missing you all
Some of you I've been keeping up with via
Twitter but I can't wait to sit and catch up
On what everyone else's been up to!

Sooo stay tuned & don't fret
(As if,ha)
I'm baaaaack!

{PS: I'm posting this from my Bberry... If it looks weird,
My editing options are pretty limited}

Bee good!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Birthday fun & the Tervis goes to....

Friday night I had a fabulously fun dinner party
for my 30th birthday.
(Even though the big day wasn't actually until Saturday)
I sent out this Lilly invitation from Cocodot-
The food was delish &
The champagne was flowing.. 
(& floating)

Mister baby was such a good sport.
After visiting with everyone, 
he then opted to doze off for a bit
& let us celebrate! 

I was not allowed to put the candles on my own cake
but whoever did.... ahem... decided to be a comedian!
The party was great time with great friends!

Funny, I don't feel any older.
This 30 stuff isn't all that bad after all.
(so far)
What a great turn out for my Tervis giveaway!
I've made it to over 100 followers already!
Thanks so so much to everyone for entering.

After serious calculation 
multiple indecipherable columns on a scrap of
paper that only I would ever be able to understand,
Congratulations friend!
Please contact me at :
with your mailing info so I can get your 
Queen Bee Tervis in the mail 

Bee good!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Bye bye 20's & hello three oh!

Today is the last day of my 20's.
It's been a pretty great decade though.
So many great memories,
 in fun places with wonderful friends.
We're busy preparing for a little 
"night before the big day" 
dinner party.
Now that I think about it, 
this is actually my first dinner party.
I mean I have had parties  (ha, oh have I ever!) 
but not so much a sit down, 
use my wedding china,
(which is fabulous & monogrammed, duh) 
"dinner party."
I will take pics & let you know how it goes 
after a full recovery 
from tonight & the big day itself.

Mister Baby is calling me- have to run!!

Don't forget to enter my 

Bee good!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's like this & like that & like this & uh...

Happy boozeday 
I mean Tuesday!
(wow, too much Kathie Lee & Hoda for THIS girl)

DR is on vacation this week!
We're planning on taking a day trip.
Close & fun are the only 2 criteria.
Oxford, MS 
has been suggested by almost everyone who
I pestered polled for places to go 
I think that will be our destination.
Neither of us have been there before &
it's about an hour & a half away so that should be fun!

Mister baby hit the 3 month mark last Friday!
We had the regular photo shoot 
with his pal the gorilla in his nursery.
Here are some of the keepers:

I am proud to say he's a full fledged 
"supported sitter"
I don't CARE what Gerber says 
about that happening at 4 mos- 
my child is advanced, OK?
He's taken the Bumbo chair for a test drive 
& gave it 2 thumbs up. 
(Ok one was sort of up the other partially in his mouth.... 
but you get it)
He is a spit bubble machine & is profoundly enamored
with any and all variety of 
ceiling fans.
DR thinks perhaps his first word may actually be

Oh yeah, 
he's been catching up on the latest blogs too-
Maybe he'll do some online shopping this week
 for a fab birthday present for his
favorite Mommy!?
T minus 4 days 

***Don't forget to enter my Tervis giveaway!***

Bee good!

not sure where the 
"Nothin' but a G thang" 
title for this blog came from
but... whatevs!