Our school has a summer camp program to accommodate our school age children. When preparing the classroom for the kids, they simply put up blank bulletin board paper for the kids to make their own bulletin boards. The overall class theme this summer is outer space. The bulletin board the kids painted is pretty out of this world!
For Memorial Day, they painted this AWESOME American flag. The room is enormous and they have these wonderful vaulted ceilings. You probably can't tell from the picture, but this flag is about 4 feet x 6 feet. (Please forgive the balloon partially blocking the shot, the kids were having a contest with balloons when I went in to take the picture and one wandered into the shot.)
The kids have been learning about zoo animals in preparation for their big field trip to the zoo next week. This is the bulletin board they painted of the zoo.
Even the smallest kids can help make the bulletin boards for their class. I love this handprint flag our one year class made for Memorial Day.
This one is so cool. I bet the one year olds had a blast walking through all this paint! There were a few little spots worn thin, but it came out so cute!
You can almost see the outline of one stray foot here.
I think these are just as cute as the boards we teachers spend hours creating, then completely covering up. I think when school starts, we will be doing a lot more kid made bulletin boards!