Verse 1
微涼的天氣 載滿著行李
需要這勇氣 走遍所有未經歷過的生命
炎熱的天氣 溫度的差異
漸漸想清晰 如果想看見世界所有的美麗
原來需要多一些努力 原來需要自己不間斷前進
白天的絢麗 黑夜的寂靜 需要用身體去感應
就是旅行的意义 我和你
Verse 2
沉重的空氣 城市的壓力
需要透透氣 拋開一切生活負擔的累績
你我在這裡 大自然的懷里
慢慢去看清 就要細心發掘大自然的秘密
收音机在埋怨 今天的天气预报 彩虹布满天
我假装听不见 不想要太多的誓言 却让自己继续沉淀
蔚蓝的星期天 慢慢的躲进这个 疯狂的夏天
我轻轻闭上双眼 让自己的情绪 蜕变
可能这个世界 没有人 能了解
抛开这一切 开始相信 我的直觉
就这么简单 这一刻 我想飞
我要 冲出这片蓝天 单人的旅行
甩掉 烦恼自由自在快乐没有限期
就让 这一夜的星空属于 我自己
让心情 飞跃到 下一个 新世纪
我要 跳出这个城市 慢慢的寻觅
只要 随便说声拜拜就能找回自己
就让 这一秒的回忆留在 我心里
不必再怀疑 这是我最真实 的心情
一个人的房间 今天的电视频道 黑白的画面
我故意看不见 不想要太多的改变 却让自己继续遮掩
没有人的雨天 慢慢的躲进这个 寂寞的季节
有一天你会发现 证明一切不是 幻觉
This year camp is a refreshing point for me.
I believe that God has done something beautiful for me in the camp.
I pray that He will grant me the perseverance to carry on and be firm to honour my promises to Him.
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Just saw this pic in an email sent by a friend...
Hope you'll like it...
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Took part in a small gig yesterday with Mage.
I think we did badly.
Largely due to the fact that we don't have enough practice collectively as a band.
A few factors that I think affects our performances :-
1. My playing bad
2. Don't have proper sound check
3. PA system no good. No monitors/amp. I can't hear myself.
4. We probably didn't have much fun playing.
It's a bad performance for me. Anyhow, a lesson learnt.
I'll do better next time.
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Just called my mom and dad.
My dad has been discharged from ward yesterday night.
Thank God for what He'd done.
Thank you guys so much for your prayers and supports.
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Just received a sms from my sister.
My dad will be discharged from ward tonight.
Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragements.
Please continue to pray that he will take care of his diet and get a healthy lifestyle.
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Just some updates on my dad's situation.
According to my sister who heard it from my dad, he had a minor heart attack. Some slight blockage of arteries.
Keep your prayers coming... Thank you so much.
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Around 7:15pm yesterday, I received a sms from my youngest sister in hometown that my dad was admitted to hospital ward due to chest pain and breathing difficulty.
Please pray for my dad.
According to my sister, the diagnostic report is expected to be out today.
Thank you for my dear brothers and sisters in Christ out there who is praying for us. We really need it.
I'm in a bad mood today .... Please pray for my family and I as well.
Pray for my dad that God's healing hand will be upon him.
Pray for my mom that she'll receive Christ and be calm during this time.
Pray for my youngest sister that she'll concentrate in her SPM and excel.
Pray for my younger brother that he'll get a good employer.
Pray for me that I will remain calm.
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这首歌是国民大学第25届国大中秋文艺晚会的Grand Finale曲。
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练团完毕了,我们一伙儿到Puchong的一间Shabu Shabu店去吃晚餐。可惜鼓手Brett有结婚晚宴要出席,所以不能和我们一起去。
简单来说,这间店的Shabu Shabu还蛮不错的。我也是经过朋友介绍才来的。
小弟和Sax Player, Jin (她在忙着吃东西)
Bassist 宗豪和键盘手Andrew
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这一组照片是在Sri Petaling的Fusion Haven拍的。。。
这是一间以中西合并为主体的一间餐馆。所有在菜单里的食物都很符合Fusion Food的主题。
先来介绍几个小弟的挚爱。。。。Mushroom Soup
Milan Style Chicken Chop
Warm Heart Chocolate Desert << 特别介绍,小弟把它称为“毒品”
再来是要介绍Puchong的Little Italy. 主要是以意大利餐为主。
Beef Lasagna
Salmon Pasta
接下来,上海10的上海灌汤小笼包。价钱会偏贵。(RM 8.00)
再来是一间位于Sri Petaling的中东式餐厅。顾名思义是以中东食物为主。价钱还满贵的。
先来介绍他的Rice Pudding (RM 8.00)
Baklava - 中东式甜品。(RM 16.00)
再来,TGI Fridays的Jack Daniels Chicken Steak 和 Tomato Soup. 还蛮不错的。价钱也有些偏贵,不过份量还蛮大的。 他的Tomato Soup超浓的,可以用叉来喝.
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Sejarah Harga Minyak selama 16 Tahun / We will suffer !
0 dots dotted by gray-dots at 11/14/2007 12:57:00 PM*****************************************************************************
DISCLAIMER : The content of this post was not originated by me, nor I have any involvement in the writing. It was widely circulated via email. I shall not be held responsible for any implication caused by this article.
Got this article via email from a friend a while ago. Quite an interesting article to read and judge it yourself ......
on top of that ... still want to send 2 'fan cheong' to bulan. Untuk apa ya ???? minum teh tarik ke ??
Harga minyak sepanjang zaman.. (dalam masa 16 tahun - sejak 1990 )
sebelum 90 - RM 0.89
tahun 1990 - RM 1.10 (kenaikan RM 0.21 )
01/10/2000 - RM 1.20 (kenaikan RM 0.10)
20/10/2001 - RM 1.30 (kenaikan RM 0.10)
01/05/2002 - RM 1.32 (kenaikan RM 0.02)
31/10/2002 - RM 1.33 (kenaikan RM 0.01)
01/03/2003 - RM 1.35 (kenaikan RM 0.02 )
01/05/2004 - RM 1.37 (kenaikan RM 0.02)
01/10/2004 - RM 1.42 (kenaikan RM 0.05)
05/05/2005 - RM 1.52 (kenaikan RM 0.10)
31/07/2005 - RM 1.62 (kenaikan RM 0.10)
28/02/2006 - RM 1.92 (kenaikan RM 0.30)
: (ayat - ayat standard)
1. Kenaikan minyak masih rendah berbanding mana2 pun negara ASEAN.
2. Kerajaan akan pastikan kenaikan tidak membebankan
3. Kerajaan tidak mampu lagi menampung subsidi.
4. Kerajaan memberi jaminan harga runcit petroleum tidak akan dinaikkan lagi pada TAHUN INI .
Saudara / Saudari,
Pertama sekali abang Perdana Menteri kita ia itu Ibrahim bin Badawi menerusi syarikatnya SkyChef menjadi supplier makanan kepada syarikat penerbangan MAS yang sekarang mengalami kerugian RM900 juta untuk sembilan bulan pertama 2005. Abang PM kita jual sebotol air mineral kepada MAS dengan harga RM30 setiap botol. Kenapa kita hairan MAS rugi ?
Menteri Besar terengganu Idris Jusoh telah mengadakan lumba kapal layar Monsoon Cup yang menelan duit rakyat sebanyak RM300.0 Juta.
Duit ini di bayar kepada
seorang taukeh bernama Patrick Lim dan kekawannya termasuk Khairy Jamaludin menantu Perdana Menteri. Perlumbaan kapal layar tak sampai lima hari makan duit rakyat RM300.0 Juta. Sudah tentu duit RM300.0 Juta itu ditelan oleh orang yang sungguh bertuah dapat kontrak RM300.0 Juta itu.
Untuk menutup kehilangan duit sebesar ini sekarang sabsidi minyak di potong dan harga minyak nail 30 sen satu liter.
Telekom Malaysia pula rugi lebih RM700 Juta duit rakyat sebab terpaksa bayar ganti rugi kepada syarikat telekom German ia itu Deutsche Telekom.. Terpaksa bayar ganti rugi RM700 Juta sebab Telekom Malaysia tak tahu buat kontrak.
Nak tutup rugi ini pula kerajaan potong sabsidi minyak.
Sekarang lebih murah naik kapalterbang Air Asia pergi balik dari
Kuala Lumpur ke Kuala Terengganu. Tambang pergi balik Air Asia dari Kuala Lumpur ke Kuala Terengganu tak sampai RM300 bagi tiga orang sekeluarga.
Air Asia diurus oleh orang yang tidak rasuah dan yang tahu buat bisnes tanpa menyusahkan rakyat.
Sekarang dengan harga minyak yang sudah naik, belanja minyak sahaja nak pergi balik dari Kuala Lumpur ke Alor Setar sudah naik hingga RM220 (kereta Proton Waja). Bayar tol pula lebih RM120. Belanja makan dan minum (nasi campur dan teh kosong) bagi sekeluarga enam orang tambah lagi RM40. Ini bermaksud jumlah belanja minyak, tol dan makan minum pergi balik dari Kuala Lumpur ke Alor Setar hampir RM400.
Negeri lain bukan macam negara kita. Walaupun harga minyak di Thailand lebih mahal daripada harga minyak di
Malaysia tapi di Thailand tak ada bayar tol.
Dari Bukit Kayu Hitam ke Bangkok jauhnya lebih 1,100 batu (bukan kilometer) naik lebuhraya enam lorong tanpa bayar TOL (bukan empat lorong macam Lebuhraya Utara Selatan kita).
Di Thailand tak ada rasuah AP. Harga kereta Honda Civic 1.5 di Thailand tak sampai RM40,000. Lebih murah daripada harga kereta Perodua Kelisa 1.0 di Malaysia. Inilah kelebihannya di Thailand - tak ada AP di sana .
Di Malaysia pula ada AP. Sebenarnya harga AP yang perlu di bayar kepada Kerajaan (MITI) tak sampai RM250 sahaja. Tapi AP boleh di jual sehingga RM40,000 sekeping kepada Dato Dato yang kaya yang di kenal sebagai 'AP King'. Rasuah AP ini telah berlanjutan selama lebih 30 tahun. Akhir kata rakyat Malaysia yang terpaksa tanggung rasuah AP ini.
Oleh yang demikian kereta Honda Civic 1.5 yang dijual dengan harga RM40,000 di Thailand naik harga sehingga RM110,000 di Malaysia. Rakyat Malaysia rugi.
Kerajaan pun hilang wang. Bila kerajaan tak cukup wang - maka potonglah subsidi minyak. Maka naik lah harga minyak 30 sen satu liter.
Malaysia Boleh!!!!
Sekian. Salam.
* Tolong hantarkan informasi ini kepada kawan kawan yang anda kenali. Tolong print dan sebarkan kerana hanya 1% penduduk Malaysia yg celik IT.... 99% memerlukan informasi ini sebagai langkah pertama untuk transformasi negara.... Sedarlah sudah 50 tahun kemerdekaan negara kita, tapi kita masih di takuk lama.... HAPUSKAN
Adakah kita harus menjadi mangsa dalam kejadian sedemikian?
Orang lain hutang duit,kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia pula kena membayar ?
Yang penting sekali, bukan setakat bayar sahaja, manakala nak bayar sampai bila ? Adakah ini akan berhenti ?............
who else . . .
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游完了,就到附近的“明天”Food Court吃晚餐,发现有一个新的档口,卖炸酱面,上海灌汤小笼包。非常不错。下个星期还要去一次。
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第一次去没办法品尝到鸡饭粒,有点遗憾。所以一听到有朋友要去马六甲,就立刻答应了。这次去果然没有白去,吃了很多东西,又摇头面,会飞的Roti Canai,Satay Celup,Cendol,鸡饭粒等等。不过一回来了就要积极减肥。
Just finished the Jrock Kingdom 4 audition today.
Thank you for all the bands who came early and on time for the audition.
And thank you for your participation.
The result will be announced soon.
After the audition, JUNK jammed at the same place at 6:00pm.
4 of us where there - Brett, Andrew, Choong How and me.
It was a fun and happy session. I can see everyone is smilling while playing. Hopefully our saxophonist will join us for the next jamming.
Got a chance to play a Made in Japan Fender Strat. The tone was good and feel was great. Too bad the guitar is to be sold. Any buyers? Hehe......
Anyhow, looking forward for JUNK's next session.
Hi, so long didn't update my blog.
Just drop by to say that I'm still alive.
Nothing much happened lately.
Just that I'll be organising a gig and involved in a few bands.....
See ya around then....
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Yesterday was one of the happiest jamming session that I haven't been experiencing for a long long long long time.
Junk has finally completed our lineup, with Sax player and keyboardist. However, keyboardist Andrew was unable to join our jamming because he need to attend a conference at KLCC.
Nevertheless, we had a Sax player now !!!.....
And 2 bassist playing together, wahahaha.......
Played quite a lot of stuff....
T-Square - Sunnyside Cruise
T-Square - Explorer
T-Square - Naughty Boy
T-Square - Omens Of Love
Chobits - They Come and Go
T-Square - Takarajima
T-Square - Japanese Soul Brothers
Fourplay - 101 Eastbound
Looking forward for next week's jamming session.
Went for a HP-Unix Certification exam today. For a long time, I didn't feel the pressure of having exams after I graduated 3 years ago. Haha...
Anyhow, I passed the exam. So now I'm a Certified Unix System Administrator.
So to reward myself.... I went to indulge myself with some marvelous foods from San Francisco Steak House @ Midvalley.
Ordered a Charbroilled T-Bone Steak, Mushroom Soup, Garlic Bread and Haagan Das Chocolate Milkshake...
Only one word to describe, Heaven (in terms of food taste).... But when it comes to settling the bill..... *sigh* .. RM84. But never mind, I personally it's worth it.
As usual, the pics .... and drool....
The Mushroom soup ...
The Haagan Das Chocolate Milkshake ...
And.... last but not least... the T-Bone Steak
Andrew has been mentioning about this dish for a long long time but I just don't have the time to go try it out....
Finally..... I had the chance to try it in Sg Wang, Shang Hai Ten (4th floor). Strangely, the floor is located in the IT floor, just beside the Roller Skating Rink.
There's a way to enjoy the food in which I do not want to tell... You go try it yourself. The instruction manual is at the back of the menu...
Enough said..... The pics...
Yummy Yummy
p/s : It's RM8... not cheap, but worth it.
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Just finished a small gig yesterday.
I played Santana's Game Of Love and another chinese song.
As usual, did a couple of mistakes here and there.
The volume was not balanced due to lack of soundcheck because I need to work.
But nonetheless it was a good performance.
Will post the pics if I got a hand on them....
It's been so long that I didn't update my blog.
Just a quick update.
Recently just moved to a new place. A very nice and convenient place.
I'll be having a small gig this coming Monday night at Bangi playing 2 songs, one of them is Santana's GAME OF LOVE. woo hoo.. finally......
Nothing much happens. Got a new haircut, new place to stay.
Others are pretty much the same....
Catch'ya later....
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Hi, so long didn't update this blog....
Basically nothing much happened.
I'm in the process of shifting to a new house in Sentul East.
So still in the midst of packing and moving......
Will post my new nest when everything is up and running.
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Recently there are lots of swindling cases happened around. And I happen to stumble across this youtube recording that my friend pass it to me and I feel like I want to share it to you guys....
Be careful and don't be greedy.
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Just came back from Kuala Terengganu, my hometown....
Took leave last Wednesday till Friday and went back to my sweet beloved hometown.
Quite some changes has occured. School's staff room is back operational, Mr Seah's office has been renovated by my uncle, A breakfast of a soup noodle + fried egg which cost me a total of RM1.80, soon to be opened Secret Recipe and etc.
Helped my hometown church to configure the sound system and the stage as well... Our church finally has our own church building. It's a really nice building. Hopefully the place will be fully utilised for the work of Christ.
Manage to catch up with a few friends and chit chat about lots of stuff..... BUt sadly, time passes fast and now I'm back at KL and tomorrow I'll need to work again.
Plan to take leave again next month to go back...........
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Today, GEPC had a team from US to lead part of the worship. They are American Blacks. So those who are into music, you know how black music sounds like.
I had the chance of playing drums for them. Damn nice....
First time in my life experiencing a US Black worship session....
Truly inspiring....
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Saw a quite interesting post on someone else's site and feel like wanna share with you guys.
Spiderman Logics
1. Spiderman is a super hero that dirties the New York city because every time our friendly neighbourhood springs into action, he'll leave his spider web on every wall.
2. Spiderman should have shot his web from his spinnerets, not from his wrists.
3. Peter Parker was bitten by the super spider . But does that imply that there are possibilities that there are more Spidermans if the spider bites someone else?
4. Spiderman normally sticks on the wall because there are tiny tentacles under his skin. But, did the tiny tentacles really works since he's wearing costumes and gloves ???
Think about it....
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On Sunday, Andrew and I initially decided before hand that we want to go to have dinner at Fusion Haven at Sri Petaling. But when I almost wanted to go out around 7:00pm, the sky starts to get dark and soon after that, the raining starts.
So I messaged Andrew that we have to cancel our food trip due to the rain. And I resorted to have a dinner at the food court near my house. The rain is getting heavier and heavier and shows no sign of improving. So I waited for the rain to stop before I can walk home.
As time goes by and the rain doesn't seem like wanting to stop, I was getting more and more pissed because so much time wasted waiting for the rain to stop. So I went to a hair saloon nearby to get a haircut. After finish getting a haircut, the rain is still raining heavily.
Impatiently I waited for another 20 minutes, finally I decided to walk home in the rain. And so I did, it feels good. Maybe should go walk in the rain more often. It might boost your body immunity.
Then on Monday, I saw the news about the flash flood in KL. Quite interesting. Pak Lah gives the water work department a surprise visit and we get to see lots of funny responses from the people in the department. Then we see some of our elected ministers which includes the infamous Tai Chi Master Mr. Sami Velu starts to Tai Chi the responsibility around instead of working together to resolve the issue.
Here are some pics I found on the net on the flash food around KL...
1. The flood scenery in Dang Wangi
2. This one was shot at Masjid Jamek
張雨生 - Those who follow the chinese music in the mid 90s will know who he is. To me, he is a brilliant and a very talented musician. He's a producer, musician, song writer, singer and etc and have written so many songs which is still popular even today. He's able to write songs a few eras ahead of him and that's truly remarkable and shows how much vision he has for his music.
It's truly a tragic event when he passed away after a serious car accident in 1998. The music arena is definitely gonna miss him.
Today I'm going to share with you a song from his last album before his demise.
It's an amazing song. I still remembered I'm hooked with the song for a very very long time. Hope you guys will like it too.
Today I'm gonna introduce to you guys a song that I wrote.
It's called Slave. Hope you guys will like it.
作曲:David Chin
编曲:David Chin
Verse 1
抛开理智 双手合十
祈求遗失 比获得真实
Verse 2
沉默都市 喧闹歧视
要接受指示 活着多讽刺
懒得去解释 睁着眼睛排斥
何时才能坚持 不装作不可一世
我有我的方式 接受完美是说辞
闭嘴就是知识 更显得你最忠实
After a long break, the JUNK is gathering again and resumed our jamming session.
It was quite funny and fun though. Did lots of funny stuff, playing the wrong stuff and etc. And impromptu Summer Song jamming kakakaka.
Looking forward for this coming week's jamming as a keyboardist is coming......
Our current setlist :-
1. Cosmosquad - Sheer Drama
2. Fourplay - 101 Eastbound
3. T-Square - Naughty Boy
4. T-Square - Omens Of Love
5. T-Square - Moon Over The Castle
6. Time Lapse Consortium - Patrolin'
7. Time Lapse Consortium - Come Back Boomerang
8. Chobits - They Come And Go
9. Joe Satriani - Summer Song
10. Los Lonely Boys - Heaven
11. Wild Cherries - Play that Funky Music
A friend just sent me a link ... quite interesting.
Go have a look
Among the excerpts ...
Essentially a tiny peninsula found to the north of their cousins who live on an even smaller island Singapore, it is a young nation of diverse cultures and races such as F1 Formula-1 and Nascar. Malaysia's timezone is unique because it follows the system of +1/+2 PMT (Predetermined Meeting Time) which is 1 or 2 hours later than PMT. Most foreigners are having difficulty adjusting to this new timezone as they tend to show up 1 or 2 hours earlier than the local counterparts. The nation is moving foward with a vision as a collective community towards the vision of becoming a developed nation by the year 2020, 4040, 5050 or whatever catchy number. Malaysia is a nation in Southeast Asia and is made up of 13 states namely Selengor, Kedoh, Terengggganu, Kelentoh, Pahang, Penang, Malacca, Johor Balu (just north of Singkaypoh), Sabah, Sarawak (which are essentially Malaysia's eastern colonies), Police, Maliuka, Berak and Nogowi. The three federal territories Kuala Laupek, Puterijaya and Labuah don't count as states since they're too small anyway, like Taiwan. Another common state that Malaysians have is denial (no lah, where got?), which incidentally, is a river in Egypt
Favorite quotes of the Customer Service representative at TMwait Slowmyx / TMnerd Shitmyx:
(if u r using external ADSL modem)"Is the light of the ADSL light blinking of off??"
"Please unplug your network cable and turn it around and plug it back in" (Witchcraft lah, just stand up and turn around 3 times, your internet will be aaalrite!)
"What version of Windows are you using?" (If it ain't WinXP, fuxx you, we do not support Mac, Win2k or Linux)
"Please unplug your microfilter and plug the modem wire directly into the wall socket" (I can hear the pages flipping, she's either reading Kosmo! or from a frickin' manual, which I can also do, and Fuxx You very much, I already tried, my microfilter is brand new)
"You must plug your SATA modem to the IDE floppy disk and put your USB monitor to the 2-socket plug. Then only can you turn on the 30-Amp power to your Acer.
"I tak tahu..." / "I don't know..."
" "Currently, we have no service distruption in malaysia"<--- a good reply when international cable breakdown. Stupid Customer service dont even know.
" Nonit talk so much la..... Let me make report for u. U take the report number and keep quiet... Wait for technician to come( if he remembers).. Bye.... tooo..tooo..
" Now restart your comp....
" Uninstall and then reinstall the network driver. That didn't work for you? What you don't have your original disks? No problem, use this web site... what do you mean you have no Internet without the driver? Are you trying to question me?"
"Please reinstall your modem"(driver)
" I am sorry, our support does not cover that. Try calling the company that made your computer or Microsoft. (I have no idea what you are talking about and my script does not cover these sorts of things. Rather than tell you I have no talent, I am instead telling you to go somewhere else and passing the buck to them. Yet I know they also have help desks in Malaysia so I am phoning them ahead to warn them about you. You are so fuxxored.)
"Talk talk talk... Please wait while all our staffs are engaged on line...(Stupid tmnut song plays... played over and over hundred of times.. then, line disconnected" - This happened when all the staffs went to minum kopi, lepak, talk cock ...etc watever and refused to answer the phone because they know they can't do anything other than saying "Please wait while our technical workers are currently fixing the problemss"
"Huh ?"
"Cannot... cannot" -TMNET customer service on speaking to your supervisor
"Tomorrow you come lah... to tmnet center" -TMNET customer service typical panics
An official reply via email from their customer service: "Send email with details can ? We no receive your email at all." Same email recycle until customers give up.
"Suh... you made no payments" -on the bill you payed 3 months ago, now they're threating to block your connection
"Oh unplug your cable lah, then you squeeze squeeze should be ok adiiiiii!!!"
"Slow? I think you should upgrade to Streamyx 1 Meg. How much you are paying now? Just add little bit only ma."
"Unplug your telephone line, rub it towards your breast, let the telephone line gets high, then plug back in ur asshole. I'm 100% u can use ur internet to see BOGEL INTERNET."
Go take a look at the full article and have a good laugh.
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Went to KLCC to watch the movie yesterday alone.
After buying the ticket, I dropped by Sony Style to buy a rechargable battery pack since I have extra time.
The movie was great, with lots of plot twists and humourous as always.
In this installment of the movie, the director seems to put more attention to human values and feelings, which is a good thing. I do not want to talk much here. Go watch the movie if you can.
My favorite actors of the movie goes to Johnny Depp and Geoffrey Rush. Particularly Geoffrey Rush as the Captain Barbossa.
Oh yar... one advise... Stay until the end of credits. Got some surprise there. I like to watch credits, therefore I didn't miss the ending.
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I still remember after I finished my degree, I've decided to move to Setapak and settle there. There and then I want to find a band that I can relate to. I've been searching for bands that plays J-rock and for the first few months, I still can't find one. So I ended up joining JUNK.
Towards the end of August, my brother happened to stumble across a friendster bulletin that says there's a band playing Jrock is looking for a guitarist and ask me whether I wanna try this band out. I did.
I managed to chat with the band members on MSN prior to our first jamming. Quite nice.
Wow, it's almost 2 years already I'm with Mage.
The music of MAGE is somehow heavily influenced by J-rock music. On some occasion, other elements too. Check out Mage's Myspace.
From left to right :
Moon (vocal), Ichiro (guitar), Gene (drums), Chit Wei (bass), Me (guitar)
Picture was taken after our gig at the Laundry Bar @ The Curve in March 07.
Not so official biography of Mage (copy and paste from Myspace)
Formed 2004, founded by Moon, the vocalist and the main composer of the band.
1st generation Mage ended by August/September '04 as the bassist left the band. The following month, new bassist Chit Wei joined the band, 2nd generation Mage was born. 2005 August/September, New guitarist David Join the band and the band now consist of 5 members.
15th March 07 - Harajuku Night @ Laundry Bar, The Curve
Bands : Mage, Strawberry Jam, Haze feat. Miniature Garden
4th November 06 - Jrock Kingdom III @ Halo Cafe, South City Plaza.
Bands: Mage, Brave, Rade
Guestbands : Hybrid, J'misquall, Haze feat. Miniature Garden, StrawBerry Jam
22th April 05 - Jrock Kingdom II @ Paul's Place, Old Klang Road
Bands : Mage, Brave, Rade
26th November 04 - Jrock Kingdom I @ Paul's Place, Uptown Damansara
Bands: Mage, Brave, Rade
Jan 2004 - Oct 2004 :
UCSI Rock Festival
UCSI Prom Night Function @ Palace of The Golden Horses
Battle of The Band @ KDU
Check out Mage's performances in Youtube
For those gamers out there, you might have heard this song before. Moon Over The Castle is the theme song for a car racing game on Sony Playstation consoles called Gran Turismo.
I first heard of this song when I was playing the first Gran Turismo on the PlayStation 1 console. The song straight away got my attention even it's the first time I heard it in 1996. Then I went on to search for the mp3 for this song and still couldn't find it until 2 years later and then only I know the song is called "Moon Over The Castle".
The composer for this song, Masahiro Andoh is the guitarist for T-Square. Apart from composing music for this game, he composed the soundtrack for Arc The Lad as well. This song has gotten me in T-Square even until now and Masahiro Andoh is one of my favorite musician of all time.
There you go.. the footage from the Gran Turismo 2 featuring the song.
and another one, a cover of my band - Hybrid on the same song
yet another one, a cover of me playing the song. Recorded this morning.
Went to gym yesterday and joined the BodyStep class for the first time.
I got a bloddy hard time following the moves. I can't coordinate my hand and legs well hahaha. I'm definitely not a good dancer hahaha.
More information on BodyStep is here ....
Imagine David doing those moves, you must have think it's funny...
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Another video
Another side note, the arrangements on this whole record was done by the conductor, Shahrdad Rohani. Impressive work.
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I still remember that I saw this VCD when I was back in Thailand visiting my relatives there in 2002. Out of curiousity, I played this VCD and soon was addicted to it. My Thai aunt even gave me this original VCD.
It's a very well done recording.
Some of my favorite track in the VCD, including Santorini, Within Attraction and etc.
Introducing one of my favorite track on the record.
Do take note of the drum battles and violin battle towards the end. Impressive
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JUNK .... is actually the first band that I joined after I graduated around 2 years ago. After I moved to Setapak after my graduation, I've been trying hard to find a band that I can join and play. After posting a post asking anyone being a T-Square fan and wanted to jam their music, here comes Eugene replied that he wanna give it a try. And so we met at one of the studio (now called CSI) in Subang Jaya.
And there I met Brett, one of the good drummers that I've ever met. And so we jammed for quite some time and manage to join a charity gig to raise fund for Reuben for his medical treatment.
Our line up was Eugene on bass, Brett on drums and I on guitar. We're a 3-piece band. Playing a few songs from soundtracks, Time Lapse Consortium and T-Square. It was my first ever underground gig in KL. It's truly unforgetable.
Picture from our one-and-only first gig.
After then due to time constraints we seldom meet anymore, except through MSN. Then we have Davin, another brilliant guitarist joined in to play for a short time before departing to work in Germany and since then Junk has been in silence.
In early March, I've always been wanting to meet up again with Brett and play the musics that we liked. So we had a jamming at Ampang and manage to play back a few of our old song with another bassist, Choong How. However, due to his studies, we have to suspend the jamming while waiting for him to finish his thesis and Viva.
Currently I have manage to get another guitarist to join us, Chee Choy. So we'll be having a jamming session this coming 2nd June with the new lineups. I hope the band will stay on and we'll have more chance to perform.
Oh ya, we're still looking for suitable keyboardist. So gimme a buzz if you're interested.
Today, the CARI forumers had a 2nd CARI Jamming.
It was quite fun as we were having an extensive time of free jamming and playing around messing up the songs. The jamming session was recorded and available in DVD ;-).
After these 2 jamming sessions, I found out that I really lost my rock touch. Perhaps it's due to I listened too much on groovy songs and T-Square. Perhaps I should go back sometimes.....
Anyhow.. here are the pics... courtesy of Silver
Group Photo
Click for the larger pic
Can an average income of RM3000 survive in Malaysia?
3 dots dotted by gray-dots at 5/18/2007 10:08:00 AMI found this interesting writing from an email from a friend. Quite interesting and feel like wanna share it with you guys.
In Malaysia , the average family income is RM3,000 /month (where father works, mother doesn't).
I understand there are many families whose monthly income does not reach RM3,000, but, to make things simple, let's take RM3,000 as the figure.
Ok lah, right?
Okay, let's start rolling with a family which has Papa, Mama, 1 daughter and 1 son. Ngam-ngam ....
Calculation starts...
Electricity and water bill: RM100
(No air-con, No home theatre, No water heater ... ok?)
Phone bill (Telekom): RM100
Meals for a happy family: RM775
(3 meals on RM25/day, RM25 for 4 persons...?)
Papa makan / teh-tarik during working hrs: RM155 (RM5/day, RM5 ... can eat what?)
Car repayment: RM400
(A proton saga aeroback, 7 yrs repayment)
Petrol (living in city, traffic-jam): RM300 (go to work, bring son to school, only can afford one car running)
Insurance: RM650
(kids, wife and myself)
House repayment: RM750
(low cost housing repayment for 30 yrs,
retired still have to work to pay!)
Tuition: RM80
(got that cheap meh? i don't think so)
Older children pocket money @ school: RM20 (RM1/day, eat bread?)
School fees: RM30
(enough ah?)
School books and etc: RM100
(always got extra to pay in school)
Younger children milk powder: RM50
(cannot have the DHA, BHA, PHA one, expensive)
Miscellaneous: RM100
(shampoo, rice, sauce, toilet paper)
Oh wait!!! I have to stop here, so...
No Astro,
no movie @ cinema,
no DVD,
no CD,
no online,
cannot KFC,
cannot McDonald,
cannot go Park walk during weekend (petrol expensive), no chit chat on phone with grandparents, and etc...
Let's use a calculator to total up... WALAO EH! Shit! RM3,610 already...
EPF belum potong, income tax lagi........oledi RM3,610 ...
How to survive lah tuan-tuan dan puan-puan sekalian ???
Our Deputy Prime Minister asked us to change lifestyle?
How to change? Don't eat? Don't work? Don't send children to school and study?
Besides that, I believe in Malaysia population, there are millions of rakyat Malaysia which still don't earn RM3,000/month!!!
What is this? Inilah Malaysia Boleh... Sorry... it should be Malaysians Boleh , because we're still alive and kicking!!
Our politicians must be mad!!!!
Please forward and comment boleh or tak boleh. No wonder so many Ah Loong around..
He missed out the tolls, maintenance and etc. Hehehe.
Anyhow, interesting,.....
Do comment whether boleh or tak boleh ... :-)
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Another post on one of my respected Malay female singers.
Ning Baizura is no stranger to those who follow closely with Malay music scenes. After some research from wikipedia, her music background was interesting. Unlike those mediocre chinese pop singers you see in chinese music market nowadays where those know how to write a few songs, have a decent look but sucks at singing can be a singer already. Shame....
Ning's voice has a distinctive tone to it and you can immediately recognise her voice. Her singing technique is superb. Just listen to her album, you'll know the reason why she's one of the Diva singers in Malaysia.
(Quoted from Wikipedia)
Ning Baizura Bt Sheikh Hamzah (born 28 June 1975), known as Ning, referred to as Malaysia's "Soul Queen" or the "Malaysian Madonna". She was born in Kajang, Malaysia and is of Arab Malay and Pakistani Javanese descent.
Ning started singing professionally at the age of six by recording radio and television jingles and began formal studies in voice at the age of nine under the renowned Indonesian opera linguist and soprano Siti Chairani for five years. In that time, she also sang with the National Choir at the Akademi Seni Kebangsaan, and was offered a full scholarship in music at the prestigious Vienna Conservatoire (which she had to unfortunately turn down). At the age of 16, Ning had won the 'Best Artiste Development' award at the prestigious Voice Of Asia Competition.
Ning crossed over into the commercial scene in 1992 and became a recording artiste under various international labels (Sony, BMG, AMS Records Japan, and currently Warner Music), where she recorded within the genres of pop and R&B. Her discography includes nine full studio albums (two of which are full English albums), as well as numerous compilations. Ning has also won various industry awards and prizes, and has performed in the UK, Italy, France, China, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Pakistan and Monte Carlo, Monaco.
Ning is best known for her live stage performances, an extensive repertoire and her versatility especially in cross-over projects. She is also an actor and has taken roles in a musical, seven major films, a short film and several tele-movies. Most significant is her critically acclaimed performance in the short film 'Malaikat Di Jendela', directed by Osman Ali. The short film had participated in several film festivals in Cannes, Rotterdam and Singapore. Beside singing and acting, Ning is also a violinist and played 1st violin in the National Youth Orchestra in her teens.
She has been the brand ambassador for several brands in the Malaysian and Singaporean market, most significant among them are Sony Truvox (1992), Guess? (1994 - 1999), Addidas (1996 - 1998), Petronas Malaysian F1 Grand Prix (2003 - 2004), The Singapore Tourism Board (2004)and TIME dotNet Berhad (2003 - 2005). She also has had strong brand associations with Christian DIOR couture, Christian DIOR parfums, the Carat Club and REDKEN in the past. Ning is currently the brand ambassador for SSANGYONG and was recently appointed the Judo Ambassador by the Judo Association of Selangor to create awareness of self-defence for women.
In 2006, Ning has set up her own recording company, 'Artiste United Records (AUR)'. Her stable of artistes are her proteges, Nicolette Palikat or 'Nikki' from Malaysian Idol Season 1) and Yanie (from Mentor Season 1). Ning is currently in the midst of recording her latest studio album.
I'd like to share one of my favorite Ning's song, called Selagi Ada Cinta. A song written together by her and Malay music industry lovebirds, Ajai & Nurul.
The arrangement is very good and compliments the song very well. A job well done.
SELAGI ADA CINTA (Ning Baizura/Ajai/Nurul)
Telah ku lakukan semuanya kasih
Telah ku korbankan segalanya
Namun ku sendiri tak pernah mengerti
Apa yang engkau fikirkan
Apa yang engkau inginkan
Ku tahu kau tak pernah setia (kasih)
Ku tahu diriku tak bererti
Namun ku sendiri tak pernah mengerti
Apa yang engkau fikirkan
Apa yang engkau inginkan
Selagi ada cinta di hatiku
Selagi ada rindu yang membara
Selagi air mata ini mengalir
Kau tetap di hati ini
Cintamu tetap di hati
Selagi ku mampu bertahan kekasih
Jangan sampai cinta tiada lagi
Jika memang cinta tiada lagi (kasih)
Tinggalkan aku sendiri...
Tinggalkan cintamu kasih
Selagi ada cinta di hatiku
Selagi ada rindu yang membara
Selagi ku mampu bertahan kasih
Ku terima segalanya
Walau hatiku merana
Check out her site here.
I went to clinic yesterday for dressing as usual.
The wound has closed up. Now waiting for the nail to grow back.....
I'd like to thank God for bring someone who is responsible to look into my toe.
I'd like to thank Dr Harjeet Singh from the MEDIVIRON CLINIC in Genting Klang for the patience throughout these 4 weeks.
He's the friendliest doctor that I've seen so far.
I'd like to thank friends, colleagues, bosses that cared for me.
Thank you to all of you.
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Adibah Noor is one of my respected singer in Malaysia.
She came into my attention when I saw her perform on TV in one of the live shows. Previously she acted in a few commercials in TV3, which is quite good and funny. Didn't know that she's a good singer....
So I'd like to share with you guys a song from her called Terlalu Istimewa, meaning Too Special. It's a beautifully and nicely written song. Much better than those crappy shitty chinese pop songs nowadays where noobs can be singers.
My interpretation of the song is about a mother who lost her child, staring at the child's picture, then all kinds of feeling and memories keep coming back.
Terlalu Istimewa
Lagu : Azlan Abu Hassan
Lirik : Adibah Noor
Ku tatap gambar wajahmu
Sinar mata itu
Lirik senyumanmu
Pesona yang membelai
Wajahmu bercahaya
Memberi bahagia
Tiap yang memandang
Hati jadi salju
Kau terlalu istimewa
Kasih dan sayangmu terpancar
Tiada batasan terus membara
Terkilan rasa jiwa
Inginku lihatmu dewasa
Apa daya
Tuhan menyayangimu
Ku pasti kau berbahagia
Duduk di sampingNYA
Mendengar cerita
Segala rahsia
Tak tertanggung rindu
Mendengar suaramu
Tawa mengusik jiwa
Go support her....
Check out her site at http://www.adibah-noor.com
Nothing much to do. So played around with Adobe Photoshop and modified my own pictures.
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Today, a few folks from the Musician's Thread in CARI Chinese forum came out for a jamming meet in Setapak. I was one of them.
The meetings started at 4:30pm. Around 30 people turned up. Quite nice. Met a few good players. And I happened to have a chance to test Rossie's Keeley modded DS1. It was superb.
During the jamming, I was transformed from a guitarist to a bassist, playing bass for other groups. And lastly, I only managed to play guitar for 1 song (not even the solo part was played by me). Nevertheless, it was funny and fun.
Will post up the pics later once I got it from the organisers.
We'll be having another round of meeting next week at Subang Jaya... Stay Tuned.
Pics .....
Pic courtesy of Silver