Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fall is so FUN!

Just a regular weekday afternoon at our house between the hour of 3:30-5:00 - snack time and homework.  They were extra happy on this day since the snack was their Great Grandma Eccles banana bread.

Here's Carson just hanging out at the soccer game.  This is definitely an "out of the box" kid.

Boxes, Rubbermaid Containers, Laundry Baskets - you name it and this kid will drag it around and climb in and out for hours on end.

Brady looking dapper with all his hair in it's proper place. :)

My neighbor gave me an Ohio Mart ticket and so Carson and I went with my friend Javan.  Stan Hywet Hall (a mansion) and the grounds are always beautiful, but the fall foliage made them spectacular!

Fort Island Fall Hike.  It's a great no-sell fundraiser at Brady and Ellie's elementary school.  All the kids receive free t-shirts designed by their classmate and then hike through the woods on beautiful trails next to the school for 40 minutes earning pledge money to raise money for their school and promote physical fitness all at the same time.

All the parents (well actually anyone) is invited to join the hike so Carson and I decided to hike with Brady this year.  Here he is with his classmates and football teammates.

It's tradition! We always go to the apple festival and apple picking the first Saturday in October.  Then we go home and make a yummy apple dessert to enjoy while we watch General Conference.

This year Carson joined right in.

Emma likes to take our picture lately.  We enjoyed a hayride through the apple orchards.

The girls posing and well...this is actually a Brady pose too.

After he realized apples weren't balls, he started chomping away.

I love the sound of baby teeth eating their first whole apple.

Ellie is a pro by now and quickly filled her bag with all varieties of apples.  I think she look like a cute little red riding hood in this coat.

She had to check them over and make sure they were good enough to get in her bag.


There's sure a lot of us!

Go Eagar #3! Brady just finished his football season yesterday (Matt and I are secretly cheering).  He enjoyed his season and was a great contributor to his team.  We just both believe he'll make it a lot further in other sports with his build and natural athletic ability.  Anyway, enjoy the pictures.  He mostly played the inside line position on defense, but his dream was to play the corner position.  He'll try again when he's older and can "try-out" for his coveted position.

I thought it was a great honor to breast cancer awareness month that this whole team wore pink socks during all their October games.  It also made them like the NFL players.

Check out the next 2 action pictures.

He's the one in the middle with red arms.  Check out the size of the kid (namely his caboose) of the player he's defending.  He easily outweighed Brady 3x.  The kid is huge, but Brady didn't let him through once.

Yay for Grandmas! We loved having Grandma Eagar (aka Arizona Grandma) come visit for a long weekend during the kids Fall break.

The kids and I took Grandma and headed out to Ramseyer Farms for their Fall festival.  We enjoyed LOTS of Fall games, corn mazes, potato box mazes, hayride through the woods where we saw deer and breathtaking foliage, picked out pumpkins from the patch, and last but not least ate freshly made DELICIOUS pumpkin donuts.

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My pumpkin rule is that if they couldn't carry it themselves they couldn't get it.  They found the wagons at the end. :)

Carson can't enough of his ball...I mean pumpkin and carries it around  our yard on a daily basis.  We also caught him  trying to eat it like an apple.  He left some cute tooth marks behind.

The next day some friends from the ward invited us over for a Bonfire Hot Dog Roast/picnic and a pontoon ride through Portage Lakes.  We let Carson eat cheetos for the first time and as you can see by his face he LOVED them!

I just thought all the little backsides bending over to feed the ducks was cute.

We went on a 2+ hour ride and once the sun went behind the clouds and we were out in the open it got a bit cool but we came prepared.

I had to include this picture because most of the boat ride was spent with me keeping my little climber from climbing overboard.  He is fast and fearless.  The end.