Sunday, June 24, 2012

One year old!

Our sweet baby boy turned 1 on the 20th. Oh what a wonderfully busy year he's given our family. Carson is FULL of life and ALWAYS exploring.  He's fun to watch and a workout to chase.  He grows faster than weeds and readily eats any and everything.  He's our biggest baby weighing in his 1st big day at a whopping 24 lbs!  He has an endearing, albeit often challenging independent and stubborn personality. He keeps us on our toes.  Some of his favorites right now include:
climbing everything (chain link fences, the stove, dishwasher, you name it)
playing peekaboo with the curtains/doors/my skirt at church
throwing balls and chasing them
crawling up the stairs
standing up in his carseat quicker than we can buckle him
rolling over and out of his clean diaper before I can get it on him
slapping the tv because he likes the gasps we all give him
opening any drawer within reach, standing on his tip toes, reaching in and throwing out everything he find
yanking clean clothes out of the laundry basket
throwing his sippy cup off his highchair tray repeatedly
flashing us his turbo grin
giving open mouth kisses
letting me rock and snuggle him for at least 45 seconds before he's done
binky for comfort and sleep
loves to be outside
especially adores his older siblings

On his actual Birthday, the girls wrapped up a couple fun toys I found at a great yard sale last month.  Then, last night we had a couple family friends over and we had cake and ice cream while visiting in the yard. The big kids looooved the trampoline and Carson enjoyed the view from his new swing (thanks so much for the perfect present Grandpa and Grandma Eccles).  Emma made and decorated his cake all by herself. She decided that since the word "cars" is in his name that a "cars" (not the movie) cake was in order.  She also made a second cake just for him.  She called it his "smash" cake and decorated a bullseye target on it so that his hands had a target to smash into. It was very special to have her take on this task...not to mention helpful.  Yesterday the kids and I took him to the splash pad to celebrate Birthday month with his centering friends.  Even though only 3 of the 7 centering babies could make it, we still had a wonderful time splashing and picnicking on pizza and watermelon.  We pulled into the driveway at the same time the party goers arrived at our house.  Talk about day of festivities.  Carson must have known it was going to be a big day because he prepared with 5 hours of naps. I hope you enjoy the pictures below of the now 1 year old!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

What a Woman I Married!

I have the most amazing wife!  If you follow our blog regularly you have no doubt noticed the MANY pictures of activities and events going on this time of year.  Most people do a few of them here or there, but we seem to do everything we get wind of.  Stacy is SO full of life and is a great example to me to live life to the fullest and don't take anything for granted.  She has recently catered a few events and has a few more coming up.  She wrestles 4 kids all day and then continues to get so much done.   I will never forget our wedding dinner years ago when I was advised by certain individuals that Stacy could not cook.  I have never felt that she could not cook.  Stacy has enhanced her ability to cook so well by researching, reading, and watching her favorite food network shows.  I love going to these events and overhearing people marvel about her cooking.  I love how she shares her knowledge with other people as well, that is just who she is and I really love that about her.  She has recently tackled our flower beds with some helpful advice from a great friend of ours in our ward.  We work together so well and she is so good to work with me and we get so much done together.  In short, I feel like we compliment each other so well.  We are definitely not the same person, but we share the same core beliefs and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ to best of our ability and things really work out well for us.  I love her so much and I never get tired of being around her.

Busy Busy!

The 4th graders from all 3 schools in the district had a special field day at the high school.  Carson and I stopped by for an hour or so and enjoyed watching Emma have so much fun.  I did however lose my breath for at least a full minute when I read the back of her shirt.  Anyway enjoy her pictures.  The one above is her entire graduating class of 2020.  Can you believe it?!  It's only 8 years away!

She came away with new friends from other schools which will make her transition to Middle School easier.

 A relay race where you had to wear/carry everything.

Where did the time go?

Ellie and the Kindergarteners at their end of the year class picnic.  Boy was it COLD for June 5th, but that's Northeast Ohio. 

She never gets tired of loving on her brother.

Lined up ready to purell and eat their pizza!

Later that night we heard that the strawberry fields were almost depleted (earlier than normal), so the girls and I made a quick trip to the farm.  We had to work VERY hard to pick 6 pounds, but we persevered and came out victorious.

We even kept picking during the rainstorm that blew our way.

Emma debating whether it's good to enough to keep.

The sweet look she gave me when she saw me watching her through the camera.

The next morning was the last day of school (note the jackets since it was STILL cold).

Silly faces ready to get er done and finish their year!

The last ride of the year.

Emma had a 4th grade awards ceremony.  I thought it was great because the kids didn't "graduate" (something I personally think should be saved for High School...all that cap and gown stuff is something to look forward to when you're ALL done with school....okay off my high horse).  Anyway, I do think it's nice to award kids when they've worked hard and earned the honors.  So, I'm proud of Emma and all her accomplishments.  She earned 6+ awards/honors and they didn't give them "just because" (not a fan of that either).  She worked hard all year long and was duly rewarded.  She was also chosen to sing the National Anthem in the above trio of 4th graders.  She did an excellent job, and yes I walked right up in front of everybody to take her picture.

Carson enjoyed pointing at Emma....

...and entertaining the crowd by showing off all his tricks.

She did it!  Middle School watch out!

Some of her closest friends.  They're sure growing up!

She had a fabulous 4th grade teacher Mrs. Coffee.  She was a wonderful match for Emma.

Matt and I took Emma and of course Carson out for lunch of her choice.  The girl loves steak so Outback it was.

When the manager found out she just "graduated" from Elementary school, he told her she could pick any dessert on the menu compliments of him.  She chose Sidney's Sinful Sundae and it was quite tasty.

After all the celebrations were over we came home and went to work making strawberry jam and strawberry syrup.

Don't they look pretty?

Yummy and pleased to report that Carson is a fan.

The next night we kicked off summer with an amazing bbq at our friends amazing home.  First , we enjoyed fishing at their lake...

...followed by a bounce in the bounce house....

....he was safe and CONFINED!

We played cornhole.  Carson had his own version of the game that involved crawling up the board, sticking his hand through the hole and throwing out all the bean bags.

A good trip down the slide and discovering sand for the first time is always fun.

Hard at work.

Teeter Totters, water balloon tosses, eighties music blaring...this party had it all!

Did I mention they fed us ribs with homemade bbq sauce, corn on the cob, coleslaw, and a wonderful Paula Deen dessert.  All they let us bring was some boring fruit. :)  Anyway, they were very generous and we are certainly fortunate to have such wonderful friends.

Yesterday was work in the yard and Bike Rodeo day.

Who doesn't enjoy a free Rickshaw ride?

Brady and his always crazy faces!

Ready, Get Set, Go...let's follow the Rickshaw and see if we can beat him!

You're never too old for firetrucks!

The people from Target asked the girls to be in a "promo picture" with them.

And then IT happened...Ellie won a bike (which she needed if you couldn't tell by all the above pictures with her scooter).  What a blessing.

AND THEN IT HAPPENED AGAIN! Carson won a bike too!!!  Talk about luck! They kept telling us to pick up a lottery ticket on the way home. :) (which we didn't of course).

Then it was back home to start cutting up the trees and bushes we cut down earlier.  Thank heavens for a chainsaw.  Now if only a pickup truck would appear and haul it all away.

Let's just say that we were BEAT last night, but it was totally worth it.   At least Carson miraculously took a nap during church today and I feel like my Relief Society was a success.  It's been YEARS since I taught RS.  

And now to change the topic, I wanted to give a public shout out to my wonderful hubby who after working hard ALL day long has been tending the kids in the evenings during all my catering jobs lately.  I only have 1 party this week, so hopefully he can have a breather.  He sure is the best!