Monday, September 26, 2011

3 months

Carson turned 3 months old on September 20th.

Now this is a kid who knows what he wants and cries until he gets it.  He has quite the stubborn little attitude and I'm anxious to watch his personality develop.

He is getting cuter everyday and just when I think he can't get any cuter he does.

He is hands down the squirmiest baby ever!

He hates his carseat and cries every single time I strap him in...until the car starts moving and he falls asleep.

He has started lifting his legs up when we lay him down.

He still sleeps through the night and has given himself an even earlier bed time which we are totally fine with. He sleeps from 9pm-7am straight.  It's wonderfully amazing!

All his hair is blonde now except for a tiny little patch in the back.

He loves bath time.

He smiles whenever he's eating and looks up at me.  It melts my heart every time!

He's a real trooper and takes his new daily medicine (which the doctor said he tasted and it's disgusting) really well!

Much to my dismay he has stopped taking his binky and during the day cries and cries when he's tired.  While sleeping through the night is a breeze for him...taking naps during the day....well not so easy.  Today I took him on a field trip to Wal-mart where I bought several different types of binkies to hopefully solve the problem.

We just can't get enough of him!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

9/10 goal

9/20 Soccer goals

Here are 2 of the 3, he just loves soccer, what can I say?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Prize Fighter!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

 Here we have our mini Mama Emma grown up enough to use the Baby Bjorn (which I love by the way and could not survive without).  Carson is an extra squirmy little guy so on this particular night it made it easier for Emma to walk around with him while I made dinner.
 Later that night when Brady should have been asleep...he snuck into Carson's room to help me dress him after his bath and get him ready for bed.
 Every Saturday brings football games and cheerleading for Emma.  It's more exciting this year because we have turf and because the team is undefeated so far.

 I love how babies fall asleep.  I think this is just the sweetest little picture of a conked out Carson.
Big brother getting a little braver albeit Carson was sliding down Brady's slick pants.

 This past week was Constitution Day and the anniversary of the day the Star Spangled Banner was written. Emma was selected as one of the 4th graders who sang the National Anthem for the whole school.  Above she is back...far right.  Between dodging other parents and cameras and while juggling a sleeping baby these are the best pictures I could get.  We also realized a bit too late that she currently doesn't have any red, white or blue clothing. :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Soccer is on, finally!

Stacy and I LOVE watching Brady play soccer! He is a natural and is so good at making everyone else on the team better as well. He plays every minute like it is his last minute on earth, just fast and furious and is constantly in attack mode. The team is REALLY good as well. Brady said one of the really talented boys told him today that he has played 4 seasons of soccer and today was his first win. That made me really happy for that kid

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Baby Smiles

Carson loves to look up at the fish mobile in his swing.  He watches it for hours smiling and cooing all the while.  I tried to capture his thrill, but never caught quite the exact moment. His eyes are really a deep blue but the red eye function on the camera turned them this color instead.  Never the less - ENJOY his cuteness.