Wednesday, July 20, 2011

1 month

Okay so this is mainly a journal post for me since I don't have a baby book for Carson yet.  I plan on picking one up when we're in Mesa next week.  I really like the ones that are designed from Birth to Baptism and I didn't want to pay shipping. :) Anyway, my sweet baby is 1 month old today! It seems like he was just born yesterday while at the same time it seems like he's been with us forever.  He's already grown and changed so much.  Some things I want to remember and document.

1.) Weighing in at almost 9lbs now and 22.5 inches long.
2.) Nicknames from mom include "bright eyes and cars"
3.) You really do have the biggest brightest eyes that always peer up at me.
4.) You recently began clutching on to me...which I love.
5.) You are a champ at nursing and LOVE to eat.
6.) You love being swaddled.
7.) You are a structure oriented baby and set your own schedule.
8.) You like your binky....yay!
9.) You are a good sport being carried, played with, and lugged around by all your siblings...and their friends.
10.) You love tub baths, but hate sink baths.
11.) Not a fan of getting your diaper changed.
12.) You love it when I pat your bum.
13.) You make lots of noises especially when you sleep...but they are always the same noises over and over again.
14.) You keep us guessing on occasion in the middle of the night and don't want to be put in your crib unless you are sound asleep.  Did I mention you keep us tired too? Mom and Dad are still a bit rusty since it's been 5 years since our last baby.
15.) You've been sleeping in your crib in your own room since 2 weeks of age.
16.) For being the 4th child, I've actually remembered to take lots of pictures of you.
17.) We can't imagine our lives without you and love you to pieces.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Summer Flood 2011

Okay so  I don't know if it's even possible to put the album of pictures I created on facebook on here, but you have to check out the flood at our house we woke up to this morning.  I made a facebook album with individual photo descriptions so be sure to check it out.  Matt will post actual video on here tonight.

Monday, July 18, 2011

And the fun continues

The first 3 pictures are just some 4th of July pictures with Grandma Eagar that I forgot to post earlier.  They were all taken on our front porch...which just might be my favorite part of my house. We all really enjoyed having her come for a visit and it's a memory we will always treasure.

This is my Sunday photograph number#2. 
Brady gets a fun Lego Club magazine in the mail and he decided to build a creation to send in to get published. Now if only Mom remembers to actually print the picture and send it in...
Carson taking a Sunday snooze on Dad's lap.
Emma rocking Carson in his nursery.  She's the best little caretaker...she even changed a wet diaper today when I was on the phone.  This is big news for our sweet little OCD handwasher.
So other than the swaddle blankets that strap in the carseats, these tubby towels are my favorite new baby invention.  It keeps them warm.  Carson loves it so much that he totally relaxes and goes limp during his bath. It's really sweet.
Emma, Brady, and Ellie went to Vacation Bible School this week at our friends church.  It's a summer tradition that they love and this year the theme was "The Big Apple Adventure." The daily classes were actually held at a home in our neighborhood and then they put on a finale at the church along with a
"Coney Island" Adventure cook out.  They really got into the songs.

This week brings the conclusion of swim lessons, our first trip to Cedar Point followed by a night flight to Arizona to see family and friends.  From there Matt will fly home while I fly to Idaho with the kiddos to visit my side of the family and then finally fly back to Ohio on August 13th.  Stay tuned for lots of pictures and tales of our adventures.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I Need Football Now

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Another busy week

 There's no better nap spot than on a blanket in the grass.
 We finally hung up the flag my parents gave us.  Matt put it up on the 4th and I think it looks great!
 Grandma Eagar bought all the kids a flag to wave around at the parade and they decided to pose Carson with his.
 Hanging out with Grandma and our friends waiting for the parade to start...throwing snap its to pass the time. The weather was great, we had good company, and feasted on Dominoes pizza, Krispy Kreme Donuts, and cherries while watching the hour and a half long parade.
 Then we came home and the kids took super speedy showers so we could launch bottle rockets and dance around with sparklers.  Our always wet trees and grass took all the sparks like a champ...doesn't matter here if your bottle rocket shoots right into the tree...over and over and over again.
 On my Birthday some friends invited us to their pool where we hung out for 3 hours (thank goodness for patio umbrellas making shade for babies) and had a great time.  They even ordered in pizza for lunch because none of us wanted to leave.
 On my Birthday night, some other good friends of ours invited us over to their house where they made me one of my favorite meals and purchased a Dairy Queen ice cream cake.  Apparently it's their tradition and I enjoyed partaking...I haven't eaten one of those in years! And while I don't have any pictures to document it, we celebrated our family tradition the day after my Birthday and went to Red Robin for my Birthday meal with some other friends and then came back to our house and enjoyed the special lemon cake Matt makes me for my Birthday along with the homemade ice cream he whipped up too.  Let's just say I'm super spoiled. For my Birthday present, I decided I really wanted a new garage door opener (seriously I can't wait) and so last night Matt bought it.  Oh the things you get excited about at age 35!
 This is where most of my time is spent these days and I honestly wouldn't trade it for anything. I just can't get enough of this little sweetie.
 Brady finished up his baseball season (see #4).  His team really improved during the course of the season and so the games got more exciting to watch.

Stay tuned until next Sunday.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I Miss Monsoons!

Looks like quite a monsoon last night in the valley!  Yeah the dust is not fun, but the much needed rain is awesome.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Singing With Grandma

We miss you already Grandma!!  Stacy and I were able to go out on a date while my Mom watched the kids.  They secretly practiced this song and sang it for us on Sunday.  It sounds great and we wanted to share it with everyone.

Monday, July 4, 2011

What we've been up to

So my pictures didn't upload in order, but they all uploaded at once saving me lots of times so here goes in mixed up order.

This is my #1 Sunday Photograph.  I had a friend who started taking a Sunday photograph of her kids every week to note their growth during the year so I've decided to do the same.  It's just casual and fun, not dressy and forced so last night while we were in Fairlawn waiting for the fireworks to start I took picture #1.
 It's really fun that my kids are all old enough to hold and help with Carson without me constantly fearing that they will hurt or harm the baby.
 Brady is more taken with his new brother than he will admit.  It's really sweet.
 Grandma Eagar came to town and boy have we been getting spoiled. I haven't touched a dirty dish, made a single meal, scrubbed my bathrooms, vacuumed, or anything else like unto it for an entire week.  How lucky am I?!  Anyway, don't worry because we've been squeezing in lots of fun as well.  We've enjoyed Rizzi's custard cones a couple times.  I mean c'mon a twist cone is a summer icon!
 Enjoying cute little frog bums.
 Lots of cuddling going on.
 Emma and Brady participated in Soccer camp and had a great time.
 Here's what Carson thought of his first soccer game.
 Our silly little girl at the soccer game...protector of her baby brother in his stroller and guard to the bottled water.
 Can you see Emma's big grin?!  Her team (the chocolate team) won the older division of the world tournament at soccer camp.  She did a good job learning the basics and played her position well.
 Poor poor Brady.  Can you see the look of disappointment on his face?  You've NEVER seen a kid play harder in your life...scoring goals and having lots of break aways....unfortunately for him the rest of his team wasn't nearly as skilled and they didn't win a single game.  This was a hard thing for him.
 On Saturday we ventured out to Amish country and had to stop at the Smucker's store on the way. Hehehe who doesn't love the Pillsbury dough boy?
 Picnic break in Amish country for lunch.  The kids and Grandma had to eat on top of the hill.  It was an extra exciting day in Amish.  They were having a horse, quilt, furniture, and building auction.  There were HUNDREDS of Amish families, buggies, food and entertainment everywhere! Just hearing the auctioneers was amazing.  They also had a big Amish baseball game we enjoyed until we were driving past and the baseball hit our car.  :)  From the ashery, to Heini's, to Hershbergers's and everywhere in between we had a great time.
 Soothing his brother.
 Hanging out with good friends waiting for the fireworks to start.
 Eating popsicles waiting for the fireworks to start.
Stay tuned for lots more fun pictures this week!