Monday, March 29, 2010

A Busy Few Days

Spring break is finally here for the kids and the weather is finally suppose to cooperate. Thursday Stacy and I headed to the temple for the 6pm session. Of course with the 2 hour drive each way we had to leave early. We are so lucky that our good friend Debbie was able to watch the kids while we went. We had such a great session and we are so thankful to have a temple within a reasonable distance. On the way home it snowed like crazy on us turning a 2 hour drive into 3, so that was no fun for us. Friday night we had our annual President's Ball hosted by our Stake. It is an annual adult only dinner and dance at a local Ball Room and Restraunt. We enjoy sitting at a table with a lot of our good friends and socializing with them.

Saturday we got up and the boys went to Lowes to do the build it project, and the girls went to Michael's to do the craft that was offered. I have had a sore throat and congestion, so I took the afternoon off. We had Sister Pena who I hometeach, over to our house for dinner on Sat night. We always enjoy having company for dinner. She loves the kids and always brings a nice spirit into our home. Sunday we had Brother Miles over for Sunday lunch and had a great time visiting with him for a few hours. He is our hometeacher and we love having him over. I really enjoy talking with him about his days as an NFL player and hearing the stories he has to tell is absolutely amazing. He started radiation treatment for his brain tumor last week and has not been feeling the best, but that didn't stop him from fulfilling his assignment to home teach us. He even had to stay late at church because of his new callling and was held up in meetings for a couple of hours. What a great example of dedication and service he is. I went hometeaching at 6pm and that kind of finished off our Sunday.

We have enjoyed watching the tournament as well. Brady has really gotten into the tournament. Anything with charts(brackets) and numbers, and sports he seems to be into these days. We will watch the game and he will constantly be asking me what team I am going for and he will be keeping score in real time. It amazes me that a Kindergartener can do math like he can. The score will be 55-47 and he will inform me that Butler is up by 8 points. He will do this almost everytime a team scores! His mind never stops (kinda like his mom). He will also always ask me which state each college is in, so I have had to go to the internet sometimes and learn where Butler is or where St Mary's is etc.

Anyway, we hope all is well with everyone. I'll sign off until the next post.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fun Stuff

We have had a great March so far. The weather has been very Spring like and we have enjoyed taking walks and enjoying the sun and fresh air. I went to Dr Seuss with Dad with Brady. We enjoyed reading Dr. Seuss books and doing other fun activities. We also attended family fun night at the kids elementary school. It is an annual fundraiser for the PTA at school. The kids have really enjoyed riding their bikes in the warm weather.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Great Quote

"If you are still in the process of raising children, be aware that the tiny fingerprints that show up on almost every newly cleaned surface, the toys scattered about the house, the piles and piles of laundry to be tackled will disappear all too soon and that you will - to your surprise - miss them profoundly." -President Thomas S. Monson

Thanks for finding the quote Alison!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Loving the Weather!

The kids have been riding their bikes and I have been waiting on the grass to grow so I can mow. We are hoping we can avoid some late snow around here, and we are doing well so far.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Dare I say Spring????

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Squirrel Population Control

The last few Sunday's we have caught our neighborhood hawk having his dinner. We get a kick out of it because there are plenty of squirrels in our neighborhood for him. I have thought about purchasing a bb gun to take care of some of the squirrels, but now I won't need to.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Emma's Baptism and Other Fun Stuff

What an amazing weekend we had! Both sets of Grandparents flew in for Emma’s baptism. Where do I begin. I think I will begin by thanking all those who helped us SO much in getting things ready. I had not even attended a baptism in MANY years (probably since my mission), so I forgot how much work and planning go into preparing everything for a baptism. We had so many ward members help with the preparations. We were very overwhelmed by the love and support that was shown to us. The primary room was filled with people and we couldn't have asked for a better experience. We will remember it for a very long time. The Grandma’s gave very good talks (Grandma Eagar also directed the music and the children’s choir that sang), Grandpa Eagar was a witness and gave the closing prayer, and Grandpa Eccles was the photographer, and a great support. There was a wonderful Spirit at the baptism and we feel very thankful to have been able to have such a great experience.

It was VERY cold over the weekend and about 6” of snow fell over Friday and Saturday. I will never forget pulling into the church parking lot and seeing the Maier family shoveling the walks and brother Maier running the snow thrower. This is just one example of the many acts of service on our behalf. Our home teacher brother Miles is severely limited due to many neurological problems in his legs and previous brain tumors. He is a huge guy (he used to play offensive lineman in the NFL for the Seattle Seahawks). He now has to use two crutches to even get around. He was at the baptism, right on time, it his suit and tie. I am humbled to realize that it must have taken him at least an hour to get ready for baptism. He told me that he woke up not feeling well, but he read his patriarchal blessing, and thought back on his own baptism 2 years ago, and somehow felt a renewed sense of energy and was able to make it to the baptism. He stood in as a witness and also stood in the circle to help me confirm Emma, along with my Dad, and many great friends of mine. Stacy was SO good to work so hard with many of the preparations and organizing the baptism. Emma and I are so thankful for her and her efforts.

Here in Ohio there is a ton of iron in the water, so it was really no surprise that when we opened the font, the water was a nice brown color. It was warm though, and that is all that mattered to me. Emma did a great job. Jenice was an amazing help to us behind the scenes. Emma was baptized in the same dress that Stacy was baptized in. Jenice made a few modifications on it with her sewing machine, and we were in good shape, she also hemmed the pants I wore to baptize Emma (she also stayed up late and mended my snow shoveling coat). She is always doing something for us and we are always extremely thankful for her and her willingness to help us. My Mom is also always an amazing help to us. She purchased my pants and a new pair of scriptures for Emma and brought them with her.

We had a great time after the baptism. We had lunch at the house and then headed off to a movie (the perfect place to go when it is snowing). We went to the cheap theater and saw “Old Dogs”. It was hilarious. We also went to Red Robin for dinner and really enjoyed that.

Emma wasn’t herself Sunday morning and we later found out that she had an allergic reaction to her new allergy medication. She also still has an ear infection that has hung on for a couple of weeks, so that was really a bummer on Sunday. I really enjoyed introducing my parents to all of our wonderful friends in our ward who mean SO much to us.

Stacy’s parents had to leave on Monday morning and we were sad to see them leave, but we are SO thankful for the sacrifices they made to come. Watching our children interacting with both sets of Grandparents is always such an amazing experience for Stacy and I.

Monday we went down to Amish Country with my parents and we had such a wonderful time. It is always like taking a few steps back in time and it is always very refreshing. I made a list of projects around the house for my Dad and I to do together and we had a great time getting them all done. It is amazing to me to see my Dad’s expertise and “life experience” make short work of projects that would take me much longer to do/figure out myself. My Mom was so good to play with the kids, go eat lunch with Emma at school, and she even made me a pan of her world famous cinnamon rolls. My parent’s sacrifices on our behalf are numerous and I just marvel at the love they have for us. I always cry when they drop us off at the airport, or in this case when I dropped them off at the airport. I look forward to the day when we will live closer to them or have the means to see them more frequently.

Life for us definitely has its ups and downs. These last few days belong in the “up” column for sure.