Saturday, May 31, 2008

I Like Horses

Friday, May 30, 2008


Sister Lloyd in our ward took this random picture and we LOVE it!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

She Loves To Bake With Her Mom!

This child is something else!!! So full of personality! We can finally understand most of the things she says, so that has made life more enjoyable for her and for us.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

May is our new busy month

So, I've come to the conclusion that once you have kids in school, May is the busiest month of the year. I promise I'm not complaining - I'm just hopping from one thing to another everyday. I suppose it's a good thing I thrive on being busy! Anyway, just a couple of pics from our adventures. Emma had a Spring recital at school and was very excited to get to wear her church dress to school. We even curled her hair and are excited it's getting long again. Brady finished school last Friday with a big luau. You'll notice he's the only kid not wearing his lei, hat, or his smile even though he was having a good time. Brady was also lucky enough to get his very first bike this week. Emma's Kindergarten teacher was overly generous when she paid me to make some quick breads for a Bridal shower she hosted and it turned out to be exactly the amount of the bikes Brady's size at Toys R Us. We've enjoyed family bikes/walks since "the purchase." My big pet peeve about our neighborhood is that there aren't any sidewalks so our outings aren't quite as relaxing as I'd like. It seems like I'm always yelling at a kid to get out of the middle of the street or to stop because they're getting too far ahead. Anyhow, we planted flowers and our very first garden yesterday so we're ready for the summer. We enjoyed working together as a family and are anxious to enjoy the fruits of out labors. I even have what I've dubbed the "smorgasboard pot" of flowers. I took all the flowers the kids grew or bought for me at school (there aren't labels) for Mother's Day and planted them in the same pot. It will be a fun surprise to see what blooms! Anyhow, I'm off and running this week with school projects to finish and graduation parties to cook for.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Treats

Yesterday, the kids wanted to go to the mall (basically for free Auntie Anne's pretzel samples). Since we haven't been there in a couple of months we went and while we were there I took the kids into Williams-Sonoma and trained them on where the apron was that I wanted for Mother's Day. Emma called Matt and asked him to take her and Brady to the mall because they found my gift. Well, since poor Matt is swamped in the middle of Finals, he asked her to just get it then. Sooooo....I handed my 6 year old the Visa card and sent her into the store to pick out my Mother's Day present. Emma picked the color of her choice and then the saleslady gift wrapped it up for free so I wouldn't see it. As I was standing in the entrance to the store (after all I did have to sign the charge slip), I snapped this picture of her on her tippy toes giving the lady the visa card. I just thought it was too cute! Anyway, I opened my present today and I'm pleased to say she picked a very cute pink apron for me and I love it!

On Friday, I went the Mother's Day event of the year at Emma's School and was very spoiled. As you can tell from the self portrait above, we made a wonderful poster together.

Ellie tagged along and made it extra challenging for Emma to paint my fingernails at the Elementary school turned Day Spa room, but we managed. Aren't they pretty? I have to say that some of the moms were wiping the polish off as quick as their kids painted it, but I left mine on until right before church this morning.

The last activity of the day was a program where each child gave a statement about one of the reasons they love their mothers. Emma said "I love my mom because she lets me pick flowers with her." Then, she presented me with a red rose and a little book she made for me. The whole class also sang a song and the whole day really touched my heart and made me feel special. Being a Mom is a privilege to me and it's the best job I've ever had!

Birthday Girl Escapes

This cute little stinker can not only open the door - she can unlock the screendoor and open it too! Two year olds bring so much spice to life!

Her little friend Mallory from next door gave her a fun little puzzle. She really likes it!

Since Ellie's not fond of Birthday cake and Ice Cream, I made her a Chocolate Chip Cookie cake. We also served homemade vanilla ice cream and hot fudge to the 2 families that came to celebrate with us.

We gave her a necklace/bracelet set and a new baby. She sleeps in her jewelry and lugs her baby everywhere. She's just so darn cute to watch.

The Third Time is a Charm...we hope!

Brady recently got his third set of tubes in his ears at Akron Children's Hospital. They decided to put a longer lasting tube in his ear this time. The poor little boy has been suffering with a perforated eardrum (a.k.a. a big hole in his ear). Needless to say the waiting room filled with Thomas the Train tables was his favorite part of the whole day.

Even though it's sad, I felt like we should document the surgery since it's been such a big part of his short little life so far. He was so angelic and never shed a single tear.
Yeah! They took out my I.V., gave me back my clothes plus a popsicle, and turned on cartoons!
This place turned out to be lots of fun! They even gave me a wagon ride out the car.
After starving all day, Brady decided to he wanted McDonald's on the way home. I splurged and bought him a Happy Meal plus a Hot Fudge Sundae. He was in total disbelief!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Check Your New May Friend Magazine

About a year and a half ago, Emma and Brady's primary president Sister Gashler submitted this picture of the primary at the Kirtland Temple to the Friend Magazine and it is in the new May edition we just got today on page 47. Emma and Brady are on the far right of the picture. I got this picture from the Friend Magazine at We are very thrilled that it finally made it into the magazine. The tour guides in the temple asked the kids if they wanted to sing a primary song and if one of the children wanted to lead the music. Emma quickly volunteered to lead "The Spirit of God". It is a great blessing to us to live close to these wonderful church history sites.

Oh Happy Day!

YES! YES! YES! After several years of stink, I never have to endure my husband or my laundry room smelling like cadaver and formaldahide (sp) again! Today Matt officially completed all of his Anatomy classes forever!!! Oh Happy Day!