Ive been thinking about my family trip overseas last October,which seems like eons ago, a feeling that it was all just a dream.
This trip was to take our children to see family (My husband and I are
English, I was imported to Oz when I was 2) and to show our eldest where he was born.We did so much in the 6 weeks s

o thought I would share a peek with you.
The first week was spent in Chelmsford,Essex, where my hubby and our first born are from.Of course we stopped by the semi detached house where we lived in Hatfield Peveral, and I reminised.Saw the field nearby where I had made my first snow angel and listened to the quietness that new fallen snow brings.Oh how many things I had forgotten.
From here the children had their first experience of a castle in Colchester,the oldest recorded village in Essex.The home of the rhymes Humpty Dumpty (a huge cannon) and twinkle twinkle.
Of course we travelled the underground around London and did

the tourist thing. The London Eye,Big Ben, cruise on the Thames,Big red open topped bus,
Covent Garden,London Bridge,grey squirrel's, tea with the Queen.Its so seeped in history with so much to see and do.
We just had to go to the theatre of course ,so the families choice was 'We Will

Rock You'.Really enjoyable.
Tottenham Court Road,now there is a very busy place.All hustle and bustle.
I heard the sweetest sound of a busker whistling in the underground tunnels that day.
From here to Paris , but that is another post.