2day is the sport carnival for utar, organize by the sports club of utar, but held at ktar.. hilarious har? cuz utar no facilities ma, nth v can do.. haha.. but i believe kampar utar hav a better condition in terms of facilities compared to other campuses.
i tried to slp early last nite.. well, it was 'almost' a success. i gone to bed by 12, go half snooze by 1230, but throughout the whole nite, i was in half asleep-half awake status. who to blame? MOSQUITOES!!! DARN! hate those buzzing sound when it come around my ears.. my pair of ears had became the 'top 10 most visited destination' rated by the mosquitoes' community.. WTF!! so i presume the next day wont b a gd day for me..
in the morn, so lucky i was able to wake. or else sure kena 'der' by my teammates. i was nervous while i m driving to genting klang morning market to meet them for breakfast. nervous abt being nt in form, nervous abt causing my team to lose, nervous of meeting Victoria? (haha, the last 1 is definitely not one of the things tat causes me to b nervous, jz crap only.. zzz..) i was nervous abt the competition. but after the warmup session b4 the match n wit talks of comfort from my friendly teammates, i manage to calm down n jz concentrate in the game..
tis is my 1st official competition as keeper for futsal. i nvr gone into a competition b4 for futsal. my past records r only basketball n football, n definitely i m nt playing keeper back then for football. so dear readers, hope u understd my feeling..
guess wats the score? group stages: 3-2, 3-2, walkover (sg long team gone back early) semi: 2-2(lost at penalties at 3-2), 3rd/4th place: 2-2(lost at penalties at 3-2). (our score- opponent's score). my teammates compliment me by saying my performance is ok for my 1st match, but i still feel sry for conceding those goals. most importantly, need say sry to superman. he trusted me but i disappoint him. (你要拆我tayar我也是酱讲的啦.. haha).. if kuak is here to play, v might had gone into the finals n played wit 'chopstick'.
injuries r unpreventable. although i m wearing track btm 2day, but i still hav bruises on my kneecap, and also my elbow. nt to mention the swell on my lap and thumb.. but really had fun 2day.. my teammates played well. ah gem, ah loy, kc, hoel, yong oso scored i think. but 1 thing is for sure, ah yuen din score, n kena zat by jason.. haha.. even crystal (the gal from KL campus team A) can score 3 goals in 4 matches.. lolx.. yuen pity lo... but still, they still played well, only i noob.. when the event comes to an end, v took a team photo for rememberance.. the photo still wit vic, hope to get those photos from her n post them here..
finish abt sports carnival.. lets flashback to friday.. friday i had training for futsal for utar selection, b4 tat, i enjoyed lunch on last day of the promotion for tenji japanese buffet.. the verdicts and comments on medias abt tenji is rated good, so its worth to use only RM46 to try out the food there. to me, comparatively, i still prefer jogoya when jogoya's std was back to a few yrs ago. jogoya has much more variety of food compared to tenji. since jogoya launched the promotion package, all my frens comment abt it was negative.. tenji's seafood r fresh, especially the sashimis.. for those who enjoyed buffet, the satisfaction after having a meal at tenji would nt disappoint u. i assure tat.. but u might find the food there quite ordinary, its the same lik other japanese buffet restaurant. nth special abt it..
when i recalled tenji, i recalled the time v consumed jz to reach solaris mont kiara.. lol.. SIONG AH!!! at 1st v took the DUKE highway since its faster, jz 15 min v could reach mont kiara dy. but siong, blur blur 1.. when solaris appeared in front of us, he direct sin tat to another route instead of the 1 in front of us. so v took another detour.. (i m trailing sin tat's car btw). so turning around jln duta, jln kuching, v cant manage to find our way to mont kiara. nth left to do but to call for help.. finally, depart from utar by 12, reach solaris by 1pm++.. wasted toll money, wasted much fuel, wasted my energy.. 阿雄,你记着,你‘帮’我的,我会双倍奉还给你的.. wakaka!(jk la. hope siong dun mind)
31/7.. last day for tenji's buffet promotion, last day for McD coupon rebates, n the day i m selected to b the 2nd choice keeper for FES UTAR.. glad to b the substitute keeper.. keke.. after all the tough futsal training which resulted in muscle crammed, joints pain, n bruises all over, its worth the price...
2mr is already week 10.. still no news from the company tat i applied for my internship. i planned to seek for my dad company's assistance if i still cant manage to get a company by tis coming wed (5/8/09).. assignments r approching their due date, everything seems to b had gone only half way through. handing in the bridge design competition proposal by 2mr. bz life...
more photos will b posted up when i had a copy of it..

my injured thumb.. swollen.. (notice it?)

team mates 合照
me n siong..

all of us.. except siong.. he lansi, dun wan take photo wit us.. LOL
other tenji photos, can go facebook c..