Observations, pictures, and sketches highlight the transition of moving to the nations's Capitol after 30 years of living in the Midwest. A clash in cultures? Maybe not!

Thursday, August 31, 2023
The Inchworm
While on our walk in the neighborhood park this morning we literally ran in to a tiny caterpillar hanging suspended from a tree on a string waving about in the breeze. It was moving about so much that I couldn’t get a clear photo of it. At the time we really didn’t know what it was. Then we started a query with google while we were having brunch and learned that it was an inchworm. Just hearing the name made me think about Danny Kaye. When we were youngsters we had the album Hans Christian Andersen and there was a song on it that was called The Inch Worm. I remember the song and the words to this day. That, along with many other Danny Kaye songs, were a part of our childhood. And I thank my parents for introducing us to these classic songs and stories. So when I played the song today it brought back so many memories and was very nostalgic. It brought tears to my eyes - and I’m not supposed to have water in my eyes after cataract surgery! When I worked at the Library of Congress there was a Danny Kaye display commemorating his work and I saw his daughter being interviewed there. We also attended a program about Danny Kaye and she was part of a question and answer portion. Music was always a big part of our lives. I’m glad we had the opportunity to experience these treasures. What an interesting way to be reminded of them.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023
How About District Taco?
Neither my husband nor I ever got back in to the dining scene after the pandemic. We rarely go out to eat anymore. It’s kinda sad for many reasons. Our grandson and his mom stopped by last weekend on their way back home to central Virginia and we went out for brunch. We used to get pick up at El Tio Mexican restaurant, but lost our appetite for it. So it’s been a while since we had Mexican food. Last week we tried chipotle for the first time. They forgot the chips. It was “ok.” This week we tried another fast food type Mexican place called District Taco. It just opened last month and it’s just a couple of blocks away. The menu is limited but has just about everything you might want. So we got our usual chicken burrito and quesadilla, but this time we got the nachos borrachos chip bowl that is covered with all sorts of components like queso, black beans, sour cream, lettuce and picot de gallo. My husband was impressed with the new store and employees. I was impressed with the packaging. It all looked so clean and neat. But both of us actually liked the way the food looked - and tasted. So I think we will go back. Lately that’s not always been the case. So at least now when we are in the mood for this type of food we have a go to place. That’s nice to know.

Monday, August 28, 2023
52Frames Upside Down
The subject this week for the 52Frames photo challenge was “upside down.” So we drove to the National Mall to see what we could find. We parked by the Smithsonian Castle and headed toward the Capitol. The carousel was an option. It’s closed now, but I could add the horses in upside down. The American Indian museum reflection in the pond wasn’t so great. The Capitol building reflection in the glass fountain was okay. And the columns were an option. When we walked by the National Gallery of Art I got an idea. We went to my favorite section and ended up by Vincent Van Gogh. What made it even better was a painter from the Copyist Program was in the process of painting Vincent. So I took a few photos and hoped I would be able to transform the images. I really like creating composite images for these challenges. When I got home to edit the image, both the portrait and the painter’s canvas were isolated, inverted, and turned upside down. It looked quirky. But the other painting was distracting. So I painted it out. The Van Gogh on the wall needed to be moved closer to the artist, so that was also accomplished. Then I needed to add a shadow along the top of the painter’s canvas and define the lower section of the stand supporting the canvas. The end result is interesting though I know the framers would rather have photographs rather than composites. For the next two weeks it will be more difficult to maneuver because I am basically a cyclops after having left eye cataract surgery last Friday. Hopefully the time will pass quickly for the other eye to be done. But in the mean time my enthusiasm to take photos is not at its usual level.

Sunday, August 27, 2023
I Can’t See Clearly Now
It can’t happen soon enough. I can’t wait for the second cataract surgery because I just can’t see straight with just one eye working at a time. But that won’t happen for another two weeks plus. It will be lovely when all is said and done and it is amazing to be able to see distance without glasses. But having one lens removed from glasses that are four years old doesn’t work. For whatever reason they couldn’t remove the lens from my current glasses because of the frame. And putting on my husbands readers don’t work either. It is completely blurred in both eyes. So after trial and error and a bit of frustration, what works best - and it certainly isn’t good - is not to wear glasses at all for non reading vision. The corrected left eye takes over and it is tolerable. But for reading and working on my iPad I need to wear my last pair of glasses that I can read with. So my right eye uses the prescription of the right lens and my left eye is useless. I didn’t think it was supposed to work this way. I am amazed I don’t have any headaches. Then there are the drops, the no bending, wearing the eye guard at night, and sleeping at a thirty degree angle that are somewhat uncomfortable. I cannot imagine living in a world with bad vision - and in my case - very poor hearing. Having corrective surgery and hearing aids make so much difference. So I am thankful for the resources we have to make life easier. But for now just trying to get through the next two weeks might be a bit of a challenge.

Saturday, August 26, 2023
Cataract Surgery
I’ve been dreading it since the end of July when I learned I would probably need cataract surgery. So without thinking much about it we scheduled it for yesterday and then again in two and a half weeks. Even though I am a nurse it makes me really anxious to have anything done and this was no exception - although I know this will make things so much better. I’d been taking the three drops a day, completed all of the on line paperwork, and we got to the outpatient center in plenty of time. There was more paperwork there and then the fun began. My husband had his cataracts done in February/March 2020 - just before the pandemic. So I was familiar with the routine. We ended up with a preop nurse who was from Iran but trained in Sweden. She was very good. You don’t even have to undress anymore - you just cover your hair, put the hospital gown over your clothes, and the booties over your shoes. I kept one hearing aid in so I could at least be somewhat aware to answer questions and follow directions. They cover you in warm blankets and start the IV - the worst part. I just remember watching cataract surgery in nursing school and it seemed so gross - they put a drape over you except for a hole over the eye. Things have changed there too. The doctor we have is exceptionally confident which makes me feel better and he stopped in to say hi. Then they roll you in to the laser room first. I don’t remember getting the versed but I do remember them sticking the plastic piece in my eye to keep it open. I had glaucoma surgery first, then they rolled me in to the OR for the extraction and lens implant. I could sense the liquid pouring over my eye and also the pressure when the lens was implanted. All the while the light and the colors almost looked impressionistic and actually pretty. I was surprised. Then you get rolled in to recovery room and get discharge instructions. From there we drove over to the office for a post op check. Usually it’s done the day after but since it was a Friday we had no choice. When we got home we ate a bit of lunch and I crashed on the couch for four hours. I’m

So glad my husband is around to share these experiences and provide emotional support. I slept really well even at a thirty degree angle. So now the drips continue and will start up for the other eye in two weeks. I know it will all be worth it. Just getting through it all is the hard part.
Thursday, August 24, 2023
Yas Bakery Cookies
There is a lovely Persian bakery in Vienna called Yas. We found it several years ago when we lived on Capitol Hill. It has some wonderful treats and other goodies that we oftentimes stop by to pick up when we are in the mood. My husband loves the vibe and the jellies and the pistachios and some particular cookies. We have also found some unusual Christmas and other gifts there when the occasion arises. We recently picked up some tea and pistachios for an after dinner visit with our neighbors that we just met. Last weekend our grandson and his mom were going to be passing through town on the way back from New York where he spent the summer giving white water rapid tours on the Hudson River. He was on his way back to college at UVA. They first stopped to visit her parents in Baltimore and we were next on the map. So before they arrived we took a ride to Yas Bakery and picked up baklava and some Persian cookies - enough for both to take home and school and share with our son. First we went out for a late lunch and then shared the treats before they left. It’s always so nice to have these delectables around. It’s also a great reminder of my husband’s background. We really appreciate having the bakery nearby - especially for times like this.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023
The Eyedrops Start
At the end of last month it was determined that I probably need cataract surgery. I didn’t think it would be so quick - but in December the eye doctor said they were getting bigger. And since it’s better to tackle this sooner than later we decided to have surgery scheduled this week for the left eye and then two weeks later for the right eye. My husband went through this in Feb/March 2020 - right before the pandemic. So I am familiar with the routine - all of the pre op and post op appointments, the day surgery, the eye patch - and the dreaded eye drops. So starting yesterday the routine began that calls for a drop to the left eye three times a day for two weeks, then two times a day for one week, and one time a day for one week. Then the same schedule applies for the right eye in the middle of the other schedule. That is why the office provides you with a chart to keep it all straight. I do remember my husband saying that the drops burned a bit. I don’t seem to have that problem but I do have a metallic taste every so often, which is another side effect. The drops are a special order combination of prednisone and other ingredients to help reduce and/or prevent inflammation, infection, and pain. Of course I can’t take drops that hit your eye from above. I need to look in the mirror and pull the eye down and instill in the under eye. So this will be the schedule for the next month. I am not looking forward to the surgery, but I am looking forward to seeing better than I have since I was sixteen. I just want to get it over with!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Building Alarm Blaring at Five AM!
In our one bedroom condo there are three small alarm speakers located in the living room, bedroom and den. About a week or two ago they were completing annual tests on the system. It is VERY loud with blinking lights and an ongoing loop saying there is an emergency in the building and to walk down the stairs to the nearest exit. We didn’t think we would hear it again for awhile - until five AM this morning. I was in a deep sleep and so very discombobulated when I tried to figure out what to do. I forgot to put my hearing aids in, got dressed having no idea what the temperature was outside, put on a jacket and took my phone. My husband was likewise getting ready too. When we headed to the stairwell we ran in to our neighbors and we trudged down to the first floor. Then we saw the fire engines pull up and the flashing lights which drove my brain crazy. We finally settled in at a table in the park across the street and waited for any sign of what was to come. Some of our neighbors were wearing their bathrobes while others had their dogs in tow. A few got in their cars and drove away to somewhere quieter. Then someone came by and said they didn’t find anything, and the alarm couldn’t be turned off?? So we wandered back inside and we sat on the balcony because the alarm is not so loud out there. Forget about sleeping. It finally was turned off and I crawled back to bed. I am not a morning person and now I am just exhausted. Luckily nothing egregious occurred and we are lucky to have a safety system in place. It would be nice to find out what actually caused the problem. It’s bad enough to occur at anytime. But at that hour it’s really uncomfortable.

Monday, August 21, 2023
52Frames Black and White Minimalism Photo Challenge
The subject this week for the 52Frames photo challenge was “black and white minimalism.” I had one thing in mind - use the tiny borzoi toy that was given to me by a friend several years ago. We had a beautiful borzoi named Tatiana when we lived in the Midwest. The toy is an image of her. So I took a photo of the toy and created a composite image. I wasn’t sure if a solid black or solid white background would look better. Then it seemed the image needed something a little bit more whimsical. So a few different surfaces were added beneath her feet. Even though I wanted to keep the image sparse with a lot of space around the subject, it still needed something else - even though a single subject should really be the focus. So because my photo challenges these days are more about projects that include the original photo, additional elements added from other photos, and some sort of painting that is added - I needed to do the same here. So a bone hanging from a string was drawn in just above the head of the dog. My husband really liked the dog with the concrete surface, but the image of the dog on a black background with the bone painted in was selected. I liked the contrast of the black and white while maintaining a very simple subject. Hopefully it will also bring a smile to someone’s face. This week I have two pet portraits to paint to I don’t have a lot of time for the photo project this week. Hopefully it will all work out. It’s a fun way to stay occupied.

Saturday, August 19, 2023
Beyond Granite: Pulling Together Art Exhibit
Even though it was not ready for prime time, we drove down to the National mall for a morning walk and parked at the Tidal Basin. From there we were on the lookout for the art pieces that were being installed for the grand opening on Friday. It’s called Beyond Granite: Pulling Together and doesn’t look anything like the traditional flair on the Mall. I had read about the exhibit somewhere and wanted to see how far things were going. This is the first curated outdoor exhibition in the history of the National Mall. So we started at the Lincoln Memorial where the Marian Anderson statue was being constructed. Then we headed over past the Viet Nam Memorial and found the routes of southeast Asian refugees on a map of the world. Next up was the huge fingerprint with the names of the Crow nation chiefs who signed treaties with the US Government. This was located on the constitution gardens island. Then we walked over to the east side of the gardens to an interactive playground that reflects the story of desegregated public spaces. I asked the person setting it up if he was the artist. His reply was “I wish.” We didn’t make it to the two other pieces that are located further down the mall past the Washington Monument. But I’m sure we will have that opportunity over the next month. Usually there isn’t a lot of traffic around Constitution gardens which is why we like it so much. Hopefully it will stay that way in spite of this collection.

Friday, August 18, 2023
Rewatching Henry V with Kenneth Branagh
I have to say I was never a Shakespeare lover. We had to read one play in high school and I just didn’t care for it. Over the years we have tried to watch several movies. I think Henry V with Kenneth Branagh changed things. That was back in the 1980’s when we went to our art house movie theater in the Midwest. It took a while to catch on to the verbiage, but the music and the speech were mesmerizing. We ended up getting the CD just to hear the music again. When we moved to Capitol Hill we visited the Folger Shakespeare library and theater in our neighborhood and even went to a play there. We also went one time to visit Mr Darcy’s shirt from Pride and Prejudice. A couple of months ago we watched the king trilogy Hollow Crown on Prime which includes another version of Henry V played really well by Tom Huddleston. Since there is currently a lull in British programming as of late I stumbled across Kenneth Branagh’s Henry V on Prime. My husband was all too ready to watch it again. As soon as the music started we were enthralled again with the whole thing. Luckily we always have the closed captions on because it is very difficult to understand British accents and Shakespeare all at once. It was as moving this time as the last - the speech of course, but the hymn sung at the end. It’s still looping around in my head now. In the end it’s another rendering of a sad state of affairs. When will we ever learn?

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