I am so happy to have received this sweet award from
The MommyologistShe has such a great Blog, if you haven't been over there, you should, it rocks.

With this award I get to list 10 things that make me happy-
1- When my children stick up for, comfort or freely offer help to each other, that really makes me get the warm fuzzies inside.
2- Reading new Blog posts from my Bloggy Buddies, I am so Happy I got into blogging, it is Awesome.
3- Coming home to a clean house, this is big on my Happy list, with 4 kids and 2 dogs and a Hubby who likes to spread the love, my house staying clean long enough for me to enjoy it doesn't happen very often. So very very very rarely when I come home and it's clean, sigh, very nice.
4- My Family, I have the best Siblings and Parents ever. They are always there for me to support me 100%. I am one lucky lady.
5-Crafting, sitting down and making something that turns out always brings a smile to my face.
6- Playing games with my kiddos, we love to play board games. Even sitting with Miss M and playing games online makes me happy.
7- Cooking, I cook when I am frustrated, sad, mad and glad. But by the time I am finished cooking my mood is always the same Happy. I love being able to create yummy things, it definitely makes me happy.
8- A good book, reading has been something that has brought me joy for many many years. There is nothing like finishing a good book.
9- Driving in the car with my Kiddos, we sing, play games, and are pretty goofy. We enjoy road trippin together.
10- Music, I love all kinds of music. There is music for every feeling in the world, and there are some that I like to play when I am needing a Happy boost.
I am passing this on to-
Katherine's (a.k.a Katie's) Corner52 weeks of Preschool Speaking from the CribStir-Fry AwesomenessMuddy RunnerWho has the Thyme? The MommyologistBashful ToastThanks for making me a happy Blogger guys!!! :)