Sunday, January 31, 2010

My "me" weekend.

It took me 1 hr 20 mins to get home friday through the base. Normally it takes 25 mins. I was relieved when I got to Tullahoma but then I realized the 'homa streets were worse than the base. Needless to say, I didn't leave once I was at home. I got on the trainer for a very slow 45 mins in front of "Say Yes to the Dress" & "What Not to Wear". (Hi, I'm Lisa & I'm a TLC junkie.)

Sat morning, after trading a few text messages about the road conditions with people, I decided to get out & head to Harvey's. The main roads were fine. I jog-walked 2.5 miles (2 mi straight jog) on the deathmill before pilates class started. Did some weights afterwards & then errands. It started snowing just a little bit again but nothing major. I was all too happy to get back to the house to read & "catch up with the Kardashians".

I thought about going to a movie with Terri but I was way more interested in the current book I'm reading, "A Race Like No Other" by Liz Robbins (sports writer for the NY Times). I'm more than 1/2 way through the book. It follows the journey of NYC 2007 marathon runners; a recovering alcoholic VA woman, grandma runner, cancer survivor, plus Paula Radcliffe, Gete Wami, Hendrick Ramaala, etc... It takes you mile by mile on what to expect when you run the race. I had read on a NY city blog how great a read it was...& of course I ordered it off amazon.

As for the little walk/jog thing I've been far so good. If the Mach Tenn club meets up Tues evening, I may join them for a 3 mile jog.
I keep staring at the smooth area of the bone in my shin under flouresent lights trying to see if I can see the slight dip in it. Ya know the one that I've had for over 2 yrs now... Maybe I'm dreaming or in denial, but that long shin bone looks ok to me. This slow journey is killing me, though. The little 2.5 mile stretches are nothing. I'm not tired, barely sweating, & I feel as if I could keep going for 3, 4, 5, or 6 even... Apparently, endurance has never been a's the speed.
I cannot wait until I can do speed work & that's something strange coming out of me!

February, bring it on...

Monday, January 25, 2010


How 'bout dem Saints?!
How 'bout those Colts?!

I love both teams so I don't really care who wins the Super Bowl!

I can't get enough of Bart Yasso's book, "My Life on the Run".
That man has lived an AMAZING life. When I met him in NYC all I could think of was Yasso 800s, Yasso 800s... Little did I know he has been there & seen it all. I highly recommend the book even if you don't run.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Various levels of change...

For some odd reason I’m actually eating less these days & making a conscious effort to eat better-no fake sugars-less carbs. I am starting to feel the change ever so slightly. I feel better than I did the first week of Jan for sure.

I’m trying new dvds & still going to Carla’s class on most Saturdays. My body needs to stretch more now than ever. It makes my core stronger, yet relaxes me… I love it!

I’ve been told for the 3rd time in 2 yrs that I can start running again.
Here we go again… Right now I’m doing a walk/jog thing on the dreadmill for about 2-2.25 miles 3X a week. If after a few weeks of this it appears to be ok, I’ll bump it up to 3 miles 3X a week & so forth. Doc said that it’s definitely improved over the last 3 months. I’m going back in Apr for another X ray to see if I've set the progress back again. (HELL NO, I'M NOT DOING CMM at all this year.) If I’ve set it back then that may be a sign that I’ll never run again and/or a rod in my shin. Isn’t that insane?!

I may have mentioned that I read Michael J. Fox’s 2 books back in the Fall even though I don’t know a soul with Parkinson’s disease. (Very interesting/eye opening) I love a good biography! I read “The Blind Side” recently since I was told it’s better than the movie. Much more info in the book, of course. It made me teary eyed in some chapters & educated me on the game in others. Loved it! Sandra Bullock earned her Golden Globe for this one! I'm reading Bart Yasso's book, "My Life on the Run" now & so far it's very interesting. That man has a HIGH pain tolerance! I ordered "A Race Like No Other: 26.2 Miles Through the Streets of New York" today & I can't wait to get it.

I still manage at least a day or two of weight machines/free weights. No heavy lifting but more consistent.

Overall, I feel pretty good right now…..
If I could keep the sinus & migraine issues at bay, I’d be dangerous!
Lots going on & can ya believe it’s almost the end of January?!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Things I accomplished this past week

*Got up before 5am three days in a row for spin & time on my trainer
*Got back into my regularly scheduled workouts (3 days spinning, 1 day trainer, 4 consecutive days elliptical & weights)
*Bought a pair of superfeet inserts off amazon with gift card (thanks, Cheryl!)
*Counted calories this week even though I ate 3 lunches outside the office (arg!)
*Still ate some Japanese candies but made sure I burned them off after work
*Found out I “heart”
*Realized that I love the SEC but couldn’t bring myself to root for Bama (blah!)
*Glad Joe’s “Chips” (Central MI) won their bowl but also glad we didn’t go watch it in person. :)
*Was reminded that cold weather running clothes are great to wear under work clothes this time of the year! (Brrrr!)
*Don’t leave gym clothes in the car all day unless you want to get a good freeze on after you put them on at the gym. (Arg!)

I’m looking forward to a 3 day weekend next weekend. (MLK Day)
My Texas sis turns 41 Jan 18th!
Oh, and Elvis, where ever you are...happy birthday!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Rough start

Both Joe & I battled sinus infections this past week. What a rough way to go into the new year... On average I'm getting a sinus infection every 5-6 months. Supposedly, that's not as bad as most people. 2-3 yrs ago, I rarely got them. As soon as we walked the dogs in San Antonio I could feel the allergies flare up. That far south rarely freezes so there was plenty of stuff to affect my allergies.

Anyway, I didn't make it to spin at all last week but I did get to Harvey's for a few workouts & on my trainer for 30 mins New Years Eve. I went to Joe's gym three days in a row. They're cracking down on passes there so I'll either have to join or not go anymore. It's only $15 a month since they did away with their classes at Urban Active. (He was paying $25 when they had classes.) I can just see it with 3 gym memberships! I'm actually thinking I'll let the Rec Center lapse a few weeks so I don't have to fight anyone for a spin bike. (Rejoin in early Feb when the newbies disappear.)

I always analyze how I'm spending money every year at this time but when it comes to staying active I have a hard time cutting back. I got a GREAT deal on some workout clothes at Dick's yesterday, btw.

As for the Titans '09 season....the only true, consistent, player this year, Chris Johnson. About to watch the Seahawks game & hoping he gets at least 128 yards. :)