Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Skellies in my closet but mostly on my couch……

We’re having an inaugural ball (read, teenage part-tay) here on Saturday. How fitting that it should be on “All Hallows Eve”.

The very thought scares the bee-jee-bus out of me.

If there was any bee-jee-bus to begin with. I’m not exactly sure where to look for that particular ummm…would that be anatomy or bodily fluid? Anyone? Fascinating. Absolutely fascinating.

but I digress…….

So, usually I tend to flee from anything even remotely Martha Stewart-like but these fellows were so dang cute.


So I made a whole “passle” and rounded them up for a picture before I sent them off.

It was a lot harder than you might think.


“Hey! Frank and George! I said settle down not upside down!!!!!”

“Look at me, not the dog!! I promise he is NOT paper trained!”

And so it went, it was exhausting to say the least.

Then (much to my surprise) I made my own envelopes, forced each one inside and sent them off to their new homes.


Happy Halloween


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ubiquitous Updates


This place:


is starting to feel like home.


These people:



drove for over 10 hours each way and came this last weekend and spent ALL their time and energy putting away and throwing away (praise the Lord)our junk and other fine accessories…….

Gas from Utah to Montana---$1,000,000.00

Slave/family labor---the price of 9 meals

Enjoying my view because their are no boxes or garbage in the way: PRICELESS





tae2bw  is starting to heal.

She came home at the beginning of October for her birthday.

She smiled…often.

I haven’t seen that smile in quite awhile.

I didn’t realize that I had been holding my breath—waiting for that smile---

until I saw it…..

and exhaled.

She still has quite the journey ahead of her, but she

is taking baby steps.

I am so fiercely proud of her.


This girl:

PBSoftgfdg has been working at the local grocery store by day and……..

“treading the boards” at the local playhouse by night.

I got to go see her this last weekend.

They are doing, The Music Man”

She is playing the part of Zaneeta Shin. Ye Gawds!


Like her mother and sisters before her—ye gawds!! (if you have never seen the Music Man the “Ye Gawds” reference will mean absolutely nothing to you. Go immediately to your nearest movie establishment and check out the movie {in lieu of the actual play of course} and get some culture people!!!!))O)))



The rest of us are fine with nothing exciting or different than normal to report.

Stay tuned for something, I don’t know what, but something. And yes, I do know what ubiquitous means—do you??!!