Showing posts with label babies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label babies. Show all posts

Thursday, 1 November 2012

A little early and also a little late

I've been out of action for a couple of weeks. It wasn't really much of a surprise, but when it happened it was a bit like Christmas. You know Christmas is 25th December. In fact, it never moves. But it still manages to creep up every year and surprise you! And then you find yourself out there scooping up last minute presents on December 23rd. 

Well, it was the same with the new addition to our family. My new, beautiful, precious niece. It's not like we didn't know she was coming. You get 9 months notice! And the due date was always going to be wrong. We all expected her earlier than the November 1st date my sister'd been given. But when everything started happening, I was totally not prepared and ended up dropping everything to rush over to the UK to be with everyone when the little bundle arrived - exactly the two weeks early that everyone had predicted.

I was in the middle of unpacking boxes, creating layouts every day through LOAD and up to my ears at work. But babies are so much more important. I'm sure you understand.

When I came back, it took me a few days to find my rhythm again and we had a manic weekend planning and ordering our new, fancy kitchen as well as fixing the old flat for handover.

So it was lovely yesterday evening to get my hands on some pretty paper and photos to create my last LOAD layout for the month. A different one to the usual but one I love all the more for that difference.

And apart from being late for everything right now, I'm really late for S's "In Good Company" challenge, which is sadly being retired. But I'm going to just give her my link to let her know how sad I am that she has decided all good things must come to an end :-(

S, I wish you would reconsider keeping IGC going... but hope that you at least come up with a new challenge for us :-) Pretty please?

Oh yes, and this is layout #7 with my Counterfeit kit, Brighter (Oct) and I know I haven't shared the others with you yet, but there's a whole lot of layouts to share so watch this space and I promise to try harder.

Sorry for the dodgy photo, but it's that time of year again and I have yet to discover the good light in the new flat...


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