Jane is 4 Months and it seems time with 2 kids just doesn't work quite the same for me.. so here are some pictures :) we Love them so much and feel so lucky to have them!
at 4 months Jane:
Sleeps 7-8 hours at night, smiles all morning long, only cries when she is tired. eats ever four hours- DREAM BABY! loves vacuums, holding your finger, standing up, watching people eat :) snuggling with a blanket, watching her brother make crazy noises. She likes laying flat, and just recently she found her toes and has that happy baby yoga pose down! she will cue and bable for hours- no exaggeration- if she doesn't like something she will tell you, she doesn't like being held like a baby. She is perfect and makes us all so happy. She keeps me sane. I love you Jane-er!
Max is 32 months :) or 2.75 I can't do math, but he is talking so much these days and knows all the words to a song after we sing it once. He loves his sister a little too much right now and always wants to give her tackle hugs and squishy faces. She loves to steal her socks and pacifiers and hide them.
Max says the cutest funniest things all the time like; " dat my neighbor?" ( thank you daniel tiger)
when asked what a pirate says he proudly say: 'ho ho ho' like santa even though he is trying to say 'yo ho yo ho'
and my personal favorite- he always asked people what their favorite 'tigeee' is. Any guess? yes he means what is your favorite color. It is awesome because he asks everyone and tells them 'mine favorite tigee blue!'
I love his little voice inflections, he speaks in lists and questions all day long.
he also loves to say that he does something 'all the time'
The other day pointing to an animal he shouted look mom a 'crocagator' its my favorite and I am never going to correct him.
When we talk about our testimonies he tells us that Jesus helps him play dribble shoot it.
I just wanted to write these things down before I forget. he is the sweetest most amazing boy who still loves to snuggle, He is growing up to fast and melting all our hearts.
p.s. its also no surprise that he is still obsessed with all things sports. right now it is baseball of course- and he quickly corrects marshall and I that auntie Joy does NOT play BASEBALL its SOFTBALL! my bad, he loves to run the bases at our house and he can honestly hit the ball when we pitch it to him from 10 feet back- his batting average isn't that much worse than normal people :)
He still loves basketball and wants a football birthday party. ( he still thinks every day should be his birthday)
We have a pass to a museum by our house the Tree house museum and we just can't get enough of it! we could go every day we have so much fun! These are a bunch of pictures from the museum.
This brave Brave boy had to get a baby root canal! He handled it all so welL!
We love that Nana has a zoo pass! max loves to rid the train with all his 'friends' as he calls them! I promise he was really happy here, just a little sidetracked by his new cousin baby Jareds cuteness!
I got a new Jogging stroller that I LOVE! the kids look so cute in it and it helps me go for more runs :) or just not loose my mind all the time!
Maxs best friend here Knox and Jane love each other.
I made max these adorable little people and posted it on instagram.. 10 minutes later max decided to help me finish them an make them 'perfect' what do you think? Batman and spiderman were spared.

They are so cute everyday it kills me! he reads to her all the time and she loves it!
Remember how I said she is really good at telling us how she feels?
Playing Doctor at the tree house Museum! sorry all these pictures are in such a random order!