The trip wasn't without it's moments. When we got to our stateroom our luggage was already waiting at our door so we decided to unpack straight away. It was at this point that I found I had packed the incorrect bag of cross stitch :'( I had sorted out two small WIP Lizzie Kate designs to complete & the Lizzie Kate Boo Club series to make a start on. I was slightly gutted as our whole trip was based around us doing lots of stitching. The good news is that I did at least pack some stitching, it was my other Lizzie Kate SAL.... Christmas By The Letter.This is what it looked like at the start of the cruise & this is what it looked like at the end:
I have one other piece of stitching to share & it's not cross stitch but instead a mini quilt. I know I haven't posted a picture of Roberts finished quilt yet but thats because I still have some more finishing to do but it is getting there... promise. My newly finished quilt is to double up as a logo for my new blog/shop/thing which I've been (slowly) working on. It'll be called Lisa G Creations & I hope to sell a mixture of the little things that I make & with any luck some of the bigger things that I intend on making too. I hope you like my little quilt, it took me a week of evenings to complete.
More to share but it'll have to wait until next time.
Happy stitching :-)