Tuesday, April 19, 2011


   Ok, so in my classroom this week I am hatching chicken eggs in an incubator for the first time.  This is kind of a big deal for me since about 99% of my experience with chickens up to this point has been in Nugget form.  The other 1% was the time when I went out to my neices' chicken coop to watch them feed the chickens and felt anxious the whole time because I just knew that one of them was going to peck my eye out.  Or peck my foot off.  Or claw at me in a mean way. 
   Anyway, the eggs haven't even fully hatched yet, but I have already learned tons! 
Lesson #1:  Eggs have to be kept at 100 degrees fahrenheit. 
   When I picked up the fertilized eggs from the place where I bought them, the lady told me they needed to stay in the 99 to 101 degrees range.  (That's not much of a range, if you ask me.)  Then she said I would have to turn the heater on full blast in the car to keep them warm.  I believe her exact words were, "You're just gonna have to sweat."  The weather was perfect outside, but I drove my lovely 40 minute drive sweating like a pig with the heater cranked all the way up.  I wanted to drive fast & get it over with, but I also had to be careful not to hit any big pot holes or anything.  I kept imagning myself getting pulled over and the cop coming over to the passenger's side window where he is blown away by the emerging heat wave.  Then he recovers and asks why in blazes I'm driving with the heater on so high & I have to explain that I have chicken eggs wrapped in the towel on the passenger's seat.  Then he hauls my off to the looney bin. 
Lesson #2:  Eggs chirp.
    After arriving at home, I put the eggs in my rented incubator & went about normal life.  I looked at the eggs a few times throughout the evening (including once in the middle of the night when I woke up standing in the kitchen, a little confused at how I got there... I thought I was over the sleepwalking thing, but maybe not.)  Then this morning, as I started putting them back into the egg carton to transport them to my classroom, I heard a chirp.  I freaked out.  I then realized that two of the eggs had started to hatch.  To be entirely honest, though, I'm pretty sure the chirping wasn't coming from one of those ones.  Is this common knowledge that chicks can chirp from inside an egg, because I sure as heck didn't know it.  I was super excited that the eggs were actually hatching, but a little freaked out at the same time.  What if they hatched on my 30 minute drive to work?  What do I do with a bunch of chicks in the car?  Do they have to wear seatbelts?  What if they hatch while they're in the egg carton?  Will they be smothered?  These questions, and many more, ran through my head, but all that came out of my mouth was, "Oh crap!  What the heck?  What do I do?"  I'm pretty sure I repeated this series, or one like it, at least ten times to my empty apartment.  Weirdly enough, no answer came, therefore, I stuck the eggs in the egg carton, kept the lid off, wrapped the carton in a blanket, stuck the blanket in a box & drove another ridiculously hot 30 minutes to work. 
Lesson #3:  Chicks take forever to hatch, therefore it's ridiculous to worry about them hatching on the way to work.
    I don't feel the need to elaborate on this one. 

    Overall, it ended up being a great day & it was really fun seeing the kids get all excited about the chicks.  I am completely prepared to freak out again once they actually come out of their shells, but I guess we'll deal with that when it comes.    

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Faulty Logic part 2

Ok, so as per request, here are some pictures of the hair.  I refuse to claim it as MY hair right now.  It's just THE hair. 
This one kind of shows the orange-ness, but not completely. 

Fortunately, as you can see from the above picture, I can kind of hide it pretty well if I put it back & spread out the orange part. 
Here are some of the comments I have gotten on my hair: 
roommate:  "It's not that bad, Lindsay!"
friend:  "You're your own worst critic."  (I hope she's right.)
nicest person I know:  "It brings out your eyes."  (Hmm... if I remember correctly, orange & blue are complimentary colors.)
friend:  "I seem to have detected a hint of red..." (Exactly.  But, it was supposed to be blonde.  Strictly blonde.  Nothing against red hair, or orange hair.  It's just not what I intended.)
I have realized, though that it's not as bad as I thought it was that first night I did it.  I think I was just shocked.   

Friday, February 25, 2011

Faulty Logic

Here was my train of thought:
  I'll go visit my family this weekend!  Oh, shoot.  Bad weather.  I'll stay here.  Hmm, I didn't make any plans cuz I was planning on visiting my family.  What shall I do tonight?  How about put highlights in my hair?  That sounds fun!  Hmm, I think this box of dye looks good.  I'll buy it.  Wow, I remember the other time I put highlights in my hair, back in high school.  Right when I finished doing it, my older brother's friend laughed because I looked exactly the same as before I put the highlights in.  These "do it yourself" highlights don't show up much, I guess.  Maybe I'll go with some chunkier highlights this time, so it actually shows up.  Yeah.  Good idea, me.  Wow, this stuff smells just as bad as I remember.  Ok, let's lay it on thick.  Then it will actually show up. 
   Ok, so now I have to wait 30 minutes.  Facebook time.  And talk with roommate time.  And eat candy time.  And more Facebook time.  Man, a lot of people's status updates are about Jimmer.  Maybe I should care about him more.  I just might be a fan if I paid more attention to him.  Like Green Eggs and Ham.  Ok, let me watch this little Youtube clip about him.  Hmmm.  That's pretty funny.  How about another clip?  Wow, ok that is pretty impressive.  49 points.  Someone should give that boy a cookie.  Maybe I'll even watch the game tomorrow.  Uh, oh.  I'm pretty sure it has been longer than 30 minutes.  Let me go wash this junk out of my hair.  (wash, wash, rinse, rinse)  AAHH!  WHAT THE HECK?  ORANGE?  WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?  THIS IS NOT OK!  Ok, clam down, Lindsay.  Maybe it will look better after you blow dry it.  Nope.  I look like a golden retriever.  Or maybe a bowl of mac 'n' cheese.  Or a Kraft Single.  Ha.  That's funny.  Cuz I'm single.  I'm pretty sure that every boy I knew in seventh grade dyed their hair this color.  Awesome.  I look like a 13 year old boy from 1998.  Maybe I can fix this.  Maybe if I part my hair way on the side....nope.  That just makes me look like Zack Morris from Saved By The Bell.  So, now I'm a 16 year old boy from 1989.  Great.  Ok, what can I do about this?  Maybe dye all my hair brown?  Then maybe I could look like Kelly Kapowski instead of Zack Morris.  Or I could go to a salon and have them fix it.  Or I could just shave off this orange chunk in the front & blame it on a receeding hairline.  Wait, nothing about that idea would make anything better.  Oh, brother.  I guess I'll just wait until tomorrow & then see how I feel. 
   Note to self:  Next time you don't have plans, read a book instead of dying your hair. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011


OK, so Valentines Day is coming up in like two days & that means we're supposed to be all lovey dovey, right? Well let me tell you what I love right now.
1. I love the weather today!!! It's a beautiful, sunny, warm day! I went on a long walk/hike and felt happier than the Trololo man the entire time. (If you don't know who the Trololo man is, it really is in your best interest to check him out.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Z4m4lnjxkY

2. I love texts from my sister! Here's one of the latest:

“Who's idea was it to make cupid the symbol of Valentine's Day? When I think of romance, the last thing on my mind is a pudgy toddler coming at me with a weapon!” She says she didn't make that one up, but most of her texts are straight from her brain & I'm telling you, she's a genius!!!

3. I love my kindergarteners! This week we had the 100th day of kindergarten & I showed them a picture of a lady who was 100 years old. My favorite comment was, “She looks like you, Miss Miller!”

4. I love traveling! Right now I'm planning a trip to Ireland & some nights I can't even sleep, I'm so stinking excited! I'm totally going to bring back a Leprechaun.

5. I love Mexican food. Some time back in January, I realized that I had eaten some sort of taco every day for two weeks without even noticing. That's love. Or devotion. Or maybe just unhealthy.

6. I love people! Specifically, my family, friends, co-workers, the aforementioned five to six year olds, most of the cast from The Office, and the magical Oompa Loompas who clear the snow from my driveway.***
7. I love making Brazilian lemonade. Mainly because it has sweetened condensed milk in it, which is pretty much the best stuff in the world. Yeah, let's add that to the list of things I love. Ooh! And I love my old roommate from Colombia who taught me that it's ok to eat sweetened condensed milk straight from a can because that's what they do in Colombia. Now I love Colombia, too.

8. I love laughing!

9. I love football. Just kidding.
10. I love planning what I'm going to eat when I'm really hungry. Like on the way home from work. It's always so exciting for me to think, “Sweet! I haven't eaten dinner yet! That means I get to eat when I get home!” Then I spend the rest of my commute deciding what I will eat. Love it! If I were to be COMPLETELY HONEST I would probably admit that I spend a good chunk of my time at church planning out what I will eat when I get home, too.
Hmm, look at that. I was completely honest. Apparently you can think about food during church and learn about honesty at the same time.
11. I love “Would you rather” questions. My favorite of late is “Would you rather have everybody think you were rude or everyone think you were stupid?” I chose stupid. Nobody likes rude people.

12. I love music!!!!!!!!!!!!
13. I love maps! I have maps hanging in my room & I look at them while I blow dry my hair in the morning. I just like seeing where things are & learning the names of different places. This week I looked up the story behind how Cape Disappointment got its name. I don't think it's fair to call a pretty place “Cape Disappointment”. That's like naming your child “Mistake”. Even if it's fitting, you shouldn't choose that name because everyone's going to have a skewed perception of the kid for the rest of his life.

Ok, so there's a ton more stuff that I love, but this thing is too long, so I'm out of here. Love!

P.S.  I know that some of you (out of the 2 people who actually read this blog...) might have been expecting something juicier from a post entitled "LOVE!!!"  I apologize for the misleading title. 

***(I was recently told that it is not actually Oompa Loompas that are clearing our driveway, but rather landscapers hired by the HOA. I seriously doubt that, though.  No one has ever seen them, so I don't see how anyone could know either way.)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Facebook, you are so smart.

Ok, so I was just updating my profile information on facebook & every time I began to type something in, facebook tried to guess what I was writing & give me a little pulldown menu of options.  At first it did a good job-- under education I typed B-r-i & facebook guessed Brigham Young University.  Well done, facebook.  Then I went to type in my current residence--- P-r-...facebook guessed Prague.  Fail.  Here's an overview of the person facebook would have me be:
Current residence:  Prague
Grew up in:  London
Employer:  Nebo School District
Position:  King

Suddenly I don't feel as though I am living up to my potential.  Someday, though.  Someday I will be the king of Nebo School District. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Rain in Winter!!!

I am so freaking happy right now! I just got back from doing one of my very favorite things-- driving in the cold rain with the windows down & the heater cranked all the way up. I LOVE IT!!! I have always loved the rain & when it's cold outside, this is by far the best way to enjoy it! Maybe I like it because of the mix of hot & cold air hitting me. Maybe I like having both those opposites at once. Kind of like sweet & salty Nature Valley granola bars. Except now that I think of it, I actually hate sweet & salty granola bars, so that can't be it. Maybe the reason I like driving in cold rain with the heater up is that I'm defying nature. “Ha! Big bad rain cloud thinks he's gonna make me all cold? Well, I'm crankin' the heater & rollin' down the windows! What now, sucka'?”

I think I especially enjoyed the rain today because it was just that-- rain. It is December 9th and the stuff falling out of the sky was rain & not snow. I feel very good about that. If we can keep this up until March, I will be happier than a mouse with an Easy Cheese IV. Snow is pretty & all, but when you have to wait for the bottom 8 inches of your pants to thaw out every time you come inside, it loses a bit of its charm. Now, I know there are those who would say, “There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.” Well, then buy me a freakin parka because nothing I have seems to cut it. Actually, those people are probably right. I should probably dress warmer. But even with warm clothes, my face is still cold. What do I do about that? I can't cover my face up because I have this annoying addiction to air & as it turns out, you can't breathe when you swaddle your face.

Ok, enough about snow. (It's really not that bad--- ok, so maybe I even like it a little.) Back to the rain. So, this drive wasn't even that long. I merely drove to Sportsman's Warehouse where I purchased some worms for my kindergarten class (I love teaching the letter W!) and a few Christmas gifts for some Sportsmen. Ok, so one gift for one sportsman. Ok, fine. One gift for my brother. I'm pretty sure I would actually be safe writing on here what I bought him because he probably doesn't even know I have a blog, but just in case, I'm going to lie and say that I bought him a big hairy cross-eyed elk head that was hanging on the wall & wasn't even for sale until I flirted hard core with the managers (a.k.a. The Brawny Man & Paul Bunyan ) who finally gave in & sold it to me for a very reasonable price.

In reality the only man I spoke to there was the salesman who said I looked lost.

Wow, I'm really babbling. So, anyway, the drive wasn't even that long. Just to Sportsman's Warehouse & back. But, it was fan-freaking-tastic!!! I'm really glad I got to enjoy it because despite my attempts to will nature into bypassing snow altogether, there's always the chance that I will wake up tomorrow & find myself back in the snow covered reality that is Utah. Will I mope & be depressed? No. Will I curse the snow & wish I lived somewhere else? No. I'll probably sip a little hot chocolate through a minty grasshopper cookie, put on an embarrassing number of sweaters & suck it up. In fact, if this winter is like many others, I might even find myself running barefoot in the snow at some point with some crazy friend. Whatever happens, I'm glad I got my rainy drive in tonight!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Room

   I just wrote out a to-do list that is 19 items long.  Some of the things are important, like "Register for District Summer Inservice" and some of them are not so important, such as "paint toe-nails".  Regardless of the importance (or unimportance) of any of these things, I am not doing any of them.  Instead, I am sitting on the floor of my room, with my laptop atop my lap (imagine that!)  writing on my blog & listening to Beatles music.  I am terrified to start this "to-do" list because I know that the first thing I need to do is to unpack my room.  This idea terrifies me.  
   You have to understand something about this room right now:  It's bad.  It's really bad. 
   Now, don't get me wrong.  I'm not a chicken when it comes to messy rooms.  I've conquered my share of messy bedrooms growing up.  I keep my room pretty clean now that I'm older, but there have been times in my life when I could really do a number on a bedroom.  (Usually with a little help from whichever sister I was sharing a room with.)  My favorite book has always been Jillian Jiggs because it's about a delightful little girl who has a delightfully messy bedroom due to the fact that she is delightfully creative.  Every time she tries to clean it, she thinks of a new fun game to play using the stuff in her room & she gets sidetracked.  Basically, she rocks.  She is my hero.  Growing up, I related to this book because I, myself, had such a horrendous room at times.  I've had messy bedrooms that made grown men curl up in the fetal position & cry for Mama. 
   And I cleaned those rooms.
   No problem.
   In fact, I usually kind of enjoyed it.
   My room right now, however, is in a league of it's own.  I recently interviewed for a job teaching kindergarten in Northern Utah.  Upon getting hired, I moved back up to Provo, got an apartment, & moved all of my stuff into it.  All of my stuff.  That means my own normal collection of clothes, shoes, books, goblets, etc. along with all of my stuff for teaching kindergarten.  Kindergarten is very stuff-intensive.  It can be hard to keep the attention of 25 squirrelly little ankle-biters, but if you bring out a puppet or a set of binoculars or a giant stoplight that really works, all of a sudden their eyes & ears are glued on you & they're ready to soak in anything you feed them.  For this reason, I have A LOT of kindergarten stuff.  My bedroom is currrently lined with boxes upon boxes of kindergarten stuff.  Once summer school ends and I am able to move into my new classroom, it will all be gone, but right now it's in my room. 
   This makes unpacking very difficult.  I have spent the last couple days trying to attack this beastly room by methodically sorting things out and going through them.  I stacked all of the "my stuff" on one side of the room and all of the "kindergarten stuff" on the other side of the room.  My room looks like a giant chess board with all the pieces set up on opposite sides of the board.  I hope nobody moves a pawn out to the middle because that's where I sleep;  In the middle of all the boxes, on a mattress that I just bought.  The mattress isn't that glamorous; just a cheapy I bought at Ikea because it could roll up and fit into my car.  I like it, though.  It's definitely a step up from the sleeping bag I was sleeping on before.  Between all the boxes, the mattress, the sleeping bag, the camping stuff, and the random picture of Freddy Kreuger that I somehow ended up with (how terrifying is that?), I find myself the owner of a very intimidating bedroom.
   I figure that I have three options at this point: 
1.  Slowly, but surely start to chip away at the stony wretch of a bedroom that lies before me,  
2.  Consider it an opportunity for personal growth and learn how to pole-vault over the boxes to get from point A to point B,
3.  Wait until I see some poor unsuspecting passerby out my window and then act out one of those dramatic scenes from the movies where the woman throws all the man's stuff out the window & yells, "And don't ever bother coming back!!!"  (I think this option is my favorite.   I think I like the idea of chucking stuff out a window to make more space & I'm sure I would relish the look of confusion & fear on the poor man's face when I threw "his" blocks & puppetts at him.  Plus that, it would give the neighbors lots to talk about.)

   Five minutes have passed since I wrote those options and I still can't decide which one I will carry out, so I think I'll just add "decide on option" to my to-do list and then I will go to bed.