Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A family of owls hang out in our yard

We are pretty sure that they were a family of Great Horned Owls and at one point there were three babies in the yard but it was around two in the morning and there wasn't enough light so I didn't get any clear pictures. We woke up to them hooting to each other. They spent about 4 days around our house before they moved on. It was pretty neat to watch and listen to!

A parent with two of the babies..... ?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Saying goodbye to Brett and Lexi

For the past year, Haakon's brother and his wife Lexi have lived with our family. They came up to Alaska while they applied to dental schools and worked up here, earning extra money to get them get ahead before they begin four more years of school.
We loved having them around and the kids became very close to them.

Right before they left, Lexi's family came up to tour around for a while and enjoy Alaska in all it's beauty. When they got back into town we all went to dinner at Moose's Tooth Pizza. It was delicious!

Here they are trying to get the last of their stuff to fit into the back of Brett's truck.

It was impressive what they were able to fit in there!

Hugs and kisses all around when they left.

As it got closer to the time when everyone would be leaving all the smiles and goofing around turned to tears. Our children had become very attached to Brett and Lexi and it was very hard to see them leave.

After they left, Torsten wanted to cry in private.....

while Lauren wandered around the yard sobbing loudly and dramatically.

Brett and Lexi are missed tons and we hope that they come back soon! :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A staple in the head!!

He got it when a cute little girl friend hugged him so hard they toppled over and he hit his head on a cement step. Hope this doesn't become common practice with this cute kiddo!