First stop was Nordstrom, where Rob fell fast asleep on the comfy chairs. (Probably better he didn’t see how much I spent on one tube of mascara.) Next, we had to walk across the mall to Sephora. While walking, all of a sudden Rob got really excited and exclaimed, “I have not been this happy all day!” I wondered, What is he so excited about? I looked over and realized he was at a candy kiosk scooping out sour gummy worms into a bag with the biggest grin on his face. (At this moment Rob is really reminding me of my fourth graders.)
Finally, we reached Sephora, where I went to get my favorite *concealer ever (read about this below)- he proceeds to wander over to the men’s skin care area. “WHAT GUY WOULD PAY 25 DOLLARS FOR THIS?!?” I heard Rob holler across the store to me. “Rob, shut up. Women buy it for their husbands or gay guys- just be quiet.” He continues to pester me about the atrocity of the prices for men’s skin care. By the time I got to the check out, I thought I had him off the subject, but he proceeded to ask the cashier if men really spent that much...
We then stopped by Origins- the lady there put a new product on my hands and was listing off all the natural ingredients, which included a bunch of fruit seeds. Rob, of course, had to chime in on this conversation, “So, I could cut up a bunch of fruit and put the seeds on my face, and that would work?” (Thank goodness this is our last stop.) OH WAIT- not the last stop I quickly realized... Topsy’s is right by Origins. (Topsy's is a fabulous popcorn, candy, and ice cream shop!) Of course, Rob, my 24-year-old boyfriend, had to get a popcorn and a Kool-Aid Squeeze it for the car ride.
Now do you all see why I will not make a habit of taking Rob shopping with me? I have a feeling he will be okay with this decision, as well. :)
*I mentioned the concealer I purchased that I LOVE! You must try this… Benefit’s “Boi-ing” concealer. I put it under my eyes everyday and use it to cover up blemishes!