It's kind-fun to find pictures on your camera that you didn't take . . .
The wonderful months of fall . . . . .
and with fall, brings my most favorite holiday of all . . . . .
with it's food . . . .
more food . . . and especially family. . . . .
though I and the rest of us felt the absence of some of our loved ones.
It would be nice if we could all be together again.
It would be nice if we could all be together again.
This is Ceci skyping with Baxter.
I've resisted skyping, but had an enjoyable time talking with Baxter.
Maybe it's time to go buy a camera . . . .
We made our (what is becoming) traditional "gingerbread" houses.
Mom actually made gingerbread this year!
I'm amazed at how much even the boys love to make the houses.
Trude got quite involved in the making of her house!
Mom and Dad . . . with dad working "outside" the box as normal!!!!
He made a combination gingerbread/cardboard house.
(and joined me in the use of a glue gun to bond the house together)
(which is cheating according to my nephews)
Here's my gorgeous man.
McKay's finished project . . . .
and mine . . . . . (Ceci's in the background)
and Lincoln's.
We can't end the day without Christmas carols!
McKay went and sequestered grandpa's guitar.
which must have fueled Grandpa's desire to save our ears (from McKay's playing)
and join in in the accompaniment.
It's been a few years since he's actually played along.
I loved hearing him play again!
Stevie was just itching to get involved in the piano playing!!!
She did a good job I think. She'll be taking my place in a few years!
and . . . as many times as I tell myself, "you can't flip videos"
I still make the mistake of taking them wrong . . . .
So you will need to "flip" your head to watch!
Trudy played for us too (I have a video) but I think she'd skin me alive if I posted it!!!
Happy Thanksgiving ALL!