Sunday, August 21, 2016

A new blog beginning

I've decided to create another blog.  This one is rather large and hard to load I'm told . . . . . .

You can find new blog posts at:  Thanks for looking!

Sunday, April 03, 2016


March 3rd marked one full year of working FULL-time for me.
I haven't worked full-time for over 30 years.

What a difference this year has made in my life!

9 1/2 hours a day at work (have to count the commute)
and those same hours a day away from home 
has changed my life in the following ways:

Most recently:


Lincoln and I ALWAYS did something away from home for Spring Break.

Spring break gave me one thing this year:
Less traffic on the road during the commute.
Which I have to admit was nice.

It is the first time in YEARS that I haven't had a Spring break.

Okay, enough of that.

What I've gained this year:

Physical stamina
(wow those 8 hours a day were hard to get used to
In the beginning I was FrAzZLed after work)

Mental stamina
(learning new things every day for the first 6 months was tough!)
(again, FrAzZLed)

(before my work life, I spent many many hours each day alone. . .. .
 Having to spend time with PEOPLE 
every day, every minute, every second, was hard on this introvert)

(I always thought I had tact, but I've refined this tool.
Working with missionaries and volunteers and
co-workers constantly calls for a healthy helping 
of paying attention to what comes out of my mouth
and my fingers while e-mailing)

Think, tHiNk, THINK
(I didn't realize how much I leap to conclusions
leaping is something I try to limit in the extreme now!)

The art of the apology
(although I've never really had a hard time apologizing
I've honed this skill which is a direct result 
of what I learned in the "think, think, think" section above)

A day has 24 hours in it
(and only 9 1/2 of them are spent working)
(7 hours of that sleeping)
(giving you a whopping 7 1/2 hours to accomplish something 
other than holding the couch down
(although after working that is all I want to do))

I DO need downtime
(filling the entire above 7 1/2 hours would not
be wise, but filling 4 of them would be okay!)

It is still hard for me that I don't get a Spring break,
that I can't schedule a week cruise any time I want,
that I can't just go spend 2 weeks with my grandkids.
However, I knew this going into the job.
I don't have to like it though!

As I write this, I'm watching a robin build her nest
just outside my window. 
I'm thankful to have caught this moment in time 
and cherish watching her in this few hours I have at home!

Which brings out another thing I've learned:

Cherish home.


Saturday, January 23, 2016

DC or bust

Lincoln's Sister and her husband,
and Lincoln's brother and his wife,
came to DC in October for a visit.

What a wonderful, fun time we all had.

They crossed a LOT off of their list . . . . . 
and hit most of the iconic spots.



The first few days - Evelyn

Justin clicked this picture.
Love it!

It was so nice to spend time with Halley 
and her family and
newborn Evelyn.

Evelyn had a tough beginning with jaundice.
She spent 14 hours a day for a few days in the light bed,
and had to go to the doctor almost every day
for tests.

Asher, helping decorate the tree.

A tough way to get out of a chair!!!
