
Project 365 days in photography ° Day 31 - Foreign ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 31. dan - Tuje

I prefer reading books in their original language if possible - that is, in a foreign language.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 28 - I grow ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 28. dan - Rastem

My room plants grow in spite of the fact that I don't take care of them as much as I should...


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 24 - Play ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 24. dan - Igra

During my Modern English Drama course, I learned that a pause in a play can be even more significant than words. The author can convey so many meanings by inserting a pause in the dialogue. And it is the same with our everyday lives. Even stillness can teach us certain lessons. When nothing is happening in our lives, we should think about what we should learn from it.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 23 - A look ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 23. dan - Pogled

It's not always easy... to take A LOOK in the mirror... So this time, I hid behind my camera a bit...


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 22 - Discovered ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 22. dan - Odkrito

Today's word was one of the toughest so far... But when I baked this bun, I knew it was going to be in my photo of the day, because in the recent years I've discovered my love of baking and cooking :)


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 21 - I read ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 21. dan - Berem

I started reading this book months ago, but haven't had the time to finish it. I love reading but I have periods of time when I somehow don't have the time or the right energy to do it. And there are other times when I can't put the books down and spend most of my nights reading. So I'm just waiting for that to happen again, so I'll be able to finally finish this one.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 20 - Genuine ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 20. dan - Pristen

So I'm cheating just a bit today, but not because I was lazy or anything like that, but because I had an exam and though I took my camera with me, I didn't manage to take any photos. I thought I will have to skip the day, but as I was going through the photos I took three days ago, I found the perfect one. I visited my friend whom I've known for more than 10 years and took a few shots of her and her little boy. Though he's not that little anymore. I can see the genuine bond between a mother and her son and I love how their entwined hands are in focus.

A big thanks to my friend for letting me use this photo :)


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 19 - Visitor ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 19. dan - Obiskovalec

This little girl is a common visitor in my world. Though she often goes off on her own adventures in wonderland, dreamland and some other land I don't remember the name, she always comes back to check up on me. When she puts on her shiny shoes and bright cardigan, I know that I won't see her for a while. But I can always count on her returning with a big smile on her cute little face.

Sunny Sunday (12.1.2014)

Today is a gloomy rainy Sunday, which makes me miss the last one even more... It was one of those days when you can do ordinary things like go sit by the river with your favourite people and it just feels like a holiday. Special moments like that make life worth living.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 18 - Ordinary ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 18. dan - Navaden

Take a bunch of ordinary colourful pieces of paper... and make a rainbow... It might help, especially on this gloomy rainy day. :)


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 17 - Home ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 17. dan - Dom

The weather ruined my plan for today's photo... When I lived in the capital, I knew I was home when I drove off the highway. And I knew I was definitely home when I saw the view from our terrace. But the clouds blocked the view today so I couldn't take the shot. So instead, I took this one. Home for me is also where I can take my pile of pillows, line them up and throw myself on them :)


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 16 - Big ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 16. dan - Velik

As soon as I saw today's word, I thought of this heart that I've had for a few years now. It's soft and you can squeeze it - that's also good for my hands, now that I think of it... But that's not the point. The thing is that I've been thinking about an alternative the whole day but I knew that today's story is about my big heart. Sometimes too big, often trying to take over the entire system, making my mind go crazy with emotion. I can't be any different - I probably feel every feeling more intensely than most people. So these big feelings can overwhelm me. But I don't know any other way. I used to shut down that part of me but it didn't do me any good. So I've decided to stay true to myself and live my life and feel my feelings to the fullest. Even if it's not always great, even if it hurts even more when I get burnt... If I didn't fall down, I wouldn't know when I'm on the top. So don't be afraid of big feelings or big hearts. They only lead to big lessons and big lives.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 15 - Makes me laugh ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 15. dan - Me nasmeji

I was thinking about everything that makes me laugh or smile - my friends, random jokes I hear, movies, and finally, series... And this scene in the show Community made me laugh so hard, I just had to take a photo of it. :)

Everybody needs an Abed in their life :)


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 14 - Outside ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 14. dan - Zunaj

I only got to take my camera outside in the evening, when it stopped raining and I managed to convince this street lamp to pose for me... It's almost like a UFO, landing on the lamp :)


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 13 - Dreams ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 13. dan - Sanje

I had another plan for today's photo but didn't manage to take the shot... So I decided to take a photo of where dreams usually form... If we don't count the day-dreaming, of course :)


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 12 - Weak ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 12. dan - Šibek

I thought that today would be a challenge, but then I went outside with my friends and found a few motifs :) I found inspiration while walking by the river.

Even the WEAK waves can make a double impact.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 11 - Red ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 11. dan - Rdeče

Unlike yesterday, when I struggled with the word of the day, I had today's shot already in my head when I checked out the words of the week in advance. I recently died my hair orange/red, so I immediately knew, I would be taking a photo of it. And today, they're also curly, because of my yesterday's visit to my friend. So here it is, my photo of the day...


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 10 - Real ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 10. dan - Resnično

So today's task was very difficult for me... I was thinking about the topic all day long, thinking about what is real for me and what not... And when I got home, I noticed a pile of clean clothes on my desk and decided to take the shot. Why? Because since I've started wearing colourful clothes, I feel like the REAL me. Plus, it shows that I have a REAL mess in my room, because I don't have the time to breathe, let alone clean up my room :)


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 9 - Here I stand ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 9. dan - Tu stojim

So I lost a few days, though I had ideas what to photograph, I didn't have the chance to do it... So I'll just continue with today and hope this doesn't happen again... Or better yet, work on it not happening again.
Today's words are Here I stand. And it's perfect for me, especially today. When I'm wondering where I stand... I took two photos with just a slight difference and was thinking about which one I should choose. So I chose this one. Where I'm standing solid on the ground, in the light, aware of the shadow but not crossing to that side. Treading the border and staying positive.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 4 - Still life ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 4. dan - Tihožitje

So fourth topic is still life... My life in the near future is going to be a bit still on the outside, because I need to seriously start my studies, but I STILL need to live my LIFE while studying. So I will have to work hard to handle it all :)


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 3 - Transition ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 3. dan - Prehod

From eating this much chocolate... to eating more healthy...
From being alone... to having people who give me the chocolates...
From just living... to being grateful for every day I've lived.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 2 - Me today ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 2. dan - Jaz danes

When I saw today's topic I caught a glimpse of this frame over my laptop... So I immediately took my camera and I knew this was my photo of the day. Why? Because I feel like I am, as is this little ceramic owl, just peeking out... I feel like I'm just beginning to come out of my shell in which I was stuck for years and I'm finally beginning to feel like myself again... And although I'm half way there, it still needs a lot of work and, of course, time, but I'm happy to do it. Because I know that in the end, it's all going to be worth it.

So, instead of posting a photo of me today, I'm posting this owl. And since I love owls, I think it's appropriate to do so.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 1 - Promise ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 1. dan - Obljuba

I've decided to join Pia's project of 365 days in photography... Today's topic is about promises... So I promise to always turn my face to the sun, to use as little of old photos as possible during the project and to enjoy this year to the fullest :)

My photo of the day...

And yes, I know that I just promised not to use old photos, but I think this one is perfect for today... Because I vowed to always turn my face to the sun and also because it's a sunset and I believe that with 2013 ending, the new dawn of 2014 seems very promising. So a reminder of yesterday and a promise of today and the days that follow...

You can follow or even join the project here:

~ ° ~

Pa še na kratko v slovenščini: odločila sem se pridružiti Piinemu projektu z naslovom 365 dni v fotografijah, kjer bomo vsak dan objavili fotografijo na neko temo. Današnja tema je obljuba. In jaz danes obljubim, da bom vedno gledala proti soncu, da bom čim manj uporabljala stare fotografije v tem projektu in da bom uživala to leto kolikor se da. 
In čeprav je slika, ki jo danes objavljam stara, se mi zdi zelo primerna, saj me sončni zahod na njej spominja na leto, ki se je zaključilo in mi ponuja nešteto možnosti, ki jih leto 2014 obeta. Torej spomin na včeraj in obljuba današnjega in prihajajočih dni...

Projektu lahko sledite ali pa se mu tudi pridružite tukaj: