It is pretty cool being the only grandson able to search for eggs.
No fighting here!! WOW, look at that baskte!
This is his reaction to them all being his! COOL!
It is pretty cool being the only grandson able to search for eggs.
No fighting here!! WOW, look at that baskte!
This is his reaction to them all being his! COOL!
We Love having our friends Krystin, John, and Madi in our ward.
Skye and Madi have become good friends and love to hang at these kinds of functions!
Sunday morning was so funny! We decided to do one big basket for the family this year. We put it out the night before so the the "Easter Bunny" could fill it with goodies! Skyelar didn't really understand the "Easter Bunny." Who does anyway? A bunny hopping into your house and leaving filling your basket with goodies? Even my 3 year old is smarter than that!
So, Sunday morning we were awoken by a little 3 year old at our bedside saying, "Come on, lets go find the bunnies in our basket!" Skyelar thought that the Easter Bunny left you real bunny rabbits in your basket. Regrettably, there weren't any bunnies! I felt so bad I almost went to the pet store just to get one for him! We laughed all day at our sweet boy! Why wouldn't the Easter bunny leave real bunny rabbit's?Snuggle bug!
Precious!!!! I just want to pinch those cheeks!
Our first family photo! Can you tell who our favorite team is?
Hanging out with mom!
Sooooooo Tired! So Cute!!