Monday, 31 May 2010

Birthday's, Ottawa Race Weekend, Allergies and Poison SMOKE!

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes, Lily and I had a GREAT DAY! 

We spent it working in the garden's and mowing the lawns.  I'm not sure about where you live but the pollen has been excessive this year and there is a bumper crop of poison ivy growing along the fence line between my neighbour's place and mine.  Needless to say, while cutting the lawn I inadvertently ran through a bunch of poison ivy, so now my legs and arms are covered in the nasty stuff.   As well, everywhere and I mean everywhere is covered in yellow pollen, my car, the front and back decks, my patio furniture....GAH!! 

My eyes are itchy and swollen and my throat is sore and I sound as though I've smoked a pack of cigarettes.  I know, "would I like a little cheese with that whine?"

Because of the poison ivy and allergies, PLUS my lack of water and well situation at home (tbd), I never made it down to Ottawa for the Race Weekend, and I wasn't able to meet up with Anne from Asthma and the Gift of Running.  So I'd like to say a BIG CONGRAT'S to Anne for running her first Half Marathon in a stellar time of 2:21:30hr.  Wow Anne, you are AMAZING!!!  Hopefully we will be able to meet up another time!!

This morning I woke to the smell of smoke, not something buring in the kitchen smoke, more like campfire smoke, my first reaction was almost panic, you see I live on a peninsula with one way in and out, so when you smell smoke your first reaction is, how do I get out of the Bay?  The thick haze smoke was unbelievable but when the neighbours converged onto the street it was determined the smoke was coming from the forest fires burning out of control in the Province of Quebec.  Even while sitting here in my office, you can smell the smoke and the haze is reducing visibility....let's just hope that the weather gods throw some rain our way, we certainly do need the rain!

Life's fun if you don't weaken,


Friday, 28 May 2010

Happy Birthday !


(she just happens to share my birthday date)

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Three Things Thursday

Crazy, Crazy, life!

  1. May has been exceptionally busy, my father celebrated his 90th birthday at the beginning of the month, and since he has finally given up his driver's licence I went home to help celebrate the monumental event with him.  Fun times that's for sure, if I have even a little bit of his energy if I make it to 90, I'll be forever grateful!

  2. I'm back running, gah!  I've even participated in a 8K Trail Race, which by the way was too much fun, so I signed up for the whole Beaver Chase Series....But....Who knew you could get sooo out of shape so quickly.  Albeit I've been cycling, it doesn't count....running is a whole other animal.  New shoes are required so I'm on the hunt for the latest and greatest.  I've always worn Saucony's, so I'll be heading off to source some out after work today. 

  3. This past weekend was spent with my ass in / on the saddle, yes, I was on one of the last long rides before the Rideau Lakes Century Ride which is June 5 and 6.  The weekend was spent cycling around the ever so lovely Prince Edward County, with distances totalling 265K.  This area is absolutely stunning and we missed so much of it (details to follow), I feel another road trip coming on.......yippppeeeee!!
Life's fun if you don't weaken,


Thursday, 6 May 2010

Three Things Thursday

  • The jersey's are finalised!!!  This is what I'm wearing when I cycle the 175K+ in August for the MS Society (shameless solicitation for donations can be found here).  I'm getting so excited about this tour and I'm riding in honour of a great friend of mine who is the epitome of a free spirit, someone who has lived her life her way, cigarette in one hand and a drink in the other, all the while yelling WOOOO HOOOO!  Laura is now relegated to using a motorised scooter or a walker when trying to get around, but that won't stop her!!!  You go GIRL, continue living your life your way...and I'll do what I can to help raise funds to find a cure.  (p.s. a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to those of you who have already donated to my ride).

  • I'm not too sure how much my knee will handle while running longer distances.  It is achy and sore even while walking, but I'm going to give it a good attempt and I'll have to be diligent about wearing my brace while running.  The doctor has suggested going back to physio, but she also mentioned that physio does not help arthritis, so I'm slapping on the Pensaid and will hope for the best.

  • Spring is finally truly here.  Leaves are unfurling and the tulips are blooming.  Today's drive into work was stellar.  The sun was shining brightly just ahead of a bank of dark black thunder clouds, casting deep shadows on the farmers fields and sparkling dew from last nights rain was shimmering from the tops of lime-green trees.  You could smell spring in the air, I just love this time of year when everything is springing to life and the air is fresh.
Life's fun if you don't weaken,

(ps, I'm not the team captain for the MS ride)

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Tuesday Tidbits

  • My taxes are done, and were submitted on time and I'm (supposedly) getting money back.  I even took my bloodpressure while doing my taxes and it was 121 / 76.  Wonder what it would be if I didn't have any stress?

  • My trip to home was fantastic, although ten days early, I went home to celebrate my father's 90th birthday.  We had an incredible time together and on Sunday he was recognised at our church for all of the years he has dedicated to maintaining the church grounds.  Even while he was working full time with Toronto's finest, he would work in the gardens on the church property and he has won awards from the City for his beautiful displays of flora which in turn attracted fauna and fowl.  The church ladies made him a beautiful birthday cake and quilted him a lovely comfort quilt.   The minister presented him with a comemorative coin from the Canadian Mint with two goldfinch on special is that?  Its not everyday you get to turn 90!!!

  • Finally, the ski club minutes are done!  Whoot!  Just in time for the May meeting next week!!!  GAH!  Today is the day I start back running, this should be interesting, since I haven't been running in ages.  Oh well, one foot in front of the other....maybe start with a simple 2k.  Hey, you've got to start somewhere!!
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
