Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Short of someone calling the police for this insane woman saying "are you Vava? You're tall and with kids"....I gave up looking for him. Maybe next time more of a clue would help, or I'll just hang out at the finish line listening for father's yelling at their kids to run faster!!
This year, I was still on my hiatus from running, but many of my friends were there competing in the Half Marathon and one of the Wooo Hooo's significant other was tackling his first marathon ever!
(some of my Running Room friends getting ready for their Half and Full Marathons)
Now, trying to be positive here, I would never slag an event intentionally (well, maybe just a little), but when I think of a Boston Qualifier race, shouldn't there be timing mats at the beginning of the race???
Nope, no mats, no announcement that the race is going to begin, just stand near the pig pen, that's the start line, everybody ready???
Last year I ran the half marathon and it was a nice race, but not one that I would do again, but what the heck I'll go and support anyone who wants to run.
Okay, while I'm on my soapbox, could they not have a food concession stand available for the spectators / support people? There was nothing!! Some of these people (a large majority) had kids and pets with them and they were going to be there for hours waiting for their loved ones to cross the finish line.
There was no water, no juice, no coffee and no food for anyone other than the runner's who by the way, got chocolate milk and chili! Yup, I'd want to eat that after running a marathon....come ON! Maybe in my subliminal mind I remember all of this from last year!
Well, after re-reading that little paragraph I suppose I did slag the race....oooppps sorry!
Luckily I had packed an apple, orange and power bar into my purse, which really came in handy while I waited and chatted, then someone showed up with Tim Bits and a jug thermos of coffee....
My camera was put to good use and and so was my little bell, (not a cowbell, darn) and I happily sat in the sunshine and waited for the runners to arrive. One by one they huffed and puffed and sweated their way past me, some with smiles, some with grimaces...but Roger came along with one HUGE grin on his face as he completed his first marathon in the time of 4:11:47 in the men's category of 55 - 59!!
Way to go Roger!!
The general consensus is, although very picturesque it certainly wouldn't be a "must do" race for next fall.
Because I just might be in Grand Rapids with Vickie, Jan and Chia!!!
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
Thank You Mr. Q, but also at this point, I'd like to say a big, nay huge, thank you to the sponsors:
Marianne at Headsweats,
Xy at Dirty Girl Gaiters
Julie at Wicked Fast Sports
for the extremely generous prizes!!! Thank you so very, very much! They have found a very happy home here in Canada and I shall wear, install and energise with all of you in mind constantly!!! Thank YOU!
Okay, I'm on a role here.
My buddy Ted at Ted's Running Journal and Logbook had purchased and read Dean Karnazes book, 50 / 50 and decided that while he loves his books, why not share it!!!
What a "novel" idea!!!
So doesn't he set the the library in motion with "the library on wheels" and puts it out there that the first person who responds to his blog gets the copy to read, comment and pass along. Well, aren't I over reading at Mrs. Shop.Jog.Blog and Yup you guessed it, I'm next to get the book, #3!!!
Ted has even gone to the trouble (thank you so much) to identify not only my beautiful country (Canada), but my breathtaking city (Ottawa) with our city's flag and ehmmmm, adult BEvERage and a little trivia as to who our Prime Minister is!! Wow Ted, you are the very BEST!
So now I am really looking forward to receiving, reading and passing this book along to the next lucky reader....stay tuned!
My not so close Canadian neighbour (three provinces over, but we are close at heart), Leana, tagged me with "I *heart* your blog". Thanks Leana, I love your blog too!!!
I'm to tell Six random things about myself, so here goes:
So, there you go! Play along at will if you wish, I won't tag anyone because most of you have been tagged by someone already!
Hope you all are enjoying your weekend. Monday is our Thanksgiving Holiday!
Enjoy our bountiful country, bountiful table and give thanks to those who are serving our country so very far away on this Thanksgiving weekend! Thank YOU for keeping our country safe and free from harm...God Bless.
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
To get ready for next season's triathlons (why didn't I start doing them when I was younger?), I start my swimming programme tomorrow night. My calendar is taking shape and looking something like this:
Monday & Wednesday ~ Swimming 5:30 - 7:00pm
Tuesday & Thursday ~ biking at the gym right after work
Saturday & Sunday ~ running...(well just enough to keep me going for a Half Marathon in January called the Hypothermic Half, Half Marathon, Ottawa)
(if any of you really, real triathletes have a better plan, please let me know!).
In the middle of all that I'll be busy with my new Silpada Jewellery business and of course work work.
So, there you go, all is quiet on the home front, Lily and I relaxed, played cat games and generally tidied up....
Life's fun if you don't weaken
If you want to see how much fun we had trying to take this picture, just go to Marci's blog! Oh, thanks, I like my sandals too!
Anne and I left the Expo and headed off to meet with Vickie and Jan at Little Anthony's Italian Restaurant. It was exactly what we all needed to relax and catch up over a fabulous dinner and glass of wine. Open elegance is how this restaurant is described and the meal was out of this world.
Afterwards, we headed back to the hotel to catch some shuteye so we'd be nice and fresh for the mornings race.
Sunday morning arrived and it was dark but not too cold. Rather balmy! Anne had brought two throw away sweatshirts which we had on, but doffed even before the start of the race.
Thanks guys, that is exactly what I needed to hear! When we hit the turn to go under the Gardiner Expressway and head to Lakeshore Blvd., my legs and feet were on their own, my brain was thinking back to all the memories I have of growing up in Toronto.
Memories of all the friends and family that have passed away, all the memories of being a kid and going to the Canadian National Exhibition, all the fun we had as young adults down by the Toronto waterfront.
Time flies when you're having fun! Next thing I know I'm running towards my marathon friend Henk (who was running the marathon in Toronto) and we were able to cross the 10K mat together! We had a quick exchange of "good luck" and I zoomed off (well as fast as I get, more like a thundering herd of turtles).
The race route is an out and back along the Lakeshore for the Half marathon runner's, so as I was headed back on the other side of the boulevard I got to see Henk again, Anne, Vickie and Jan who was totally hoofing it.Navigating our way back to the hotel was a half marathon in itself. Jan had a huge icepack on her shoulder, we were in our mylar blankets still trying to get oranges and apples into us along with water! It was quite the parade!
Once we got back to the hotel after manipulating our way through closed streets and more potholes, Jan and Anne headed off (still with their mylar blankets) to find an Adult BEvERage store, more commonly known as the LCBO. They came back with red and white wine, which we poured into plastic cups and headed to the kiddie pool! (The adult pool facility was being serviced, silly hotel).
After our much enjoyed and needed time in the whirlpool, we made our way back to the room for more chit chat and plans for dinner at the exclusively expensive Hy's Steakhouse. Very old, very chichi, with a lot of Toronto Stock Exchange secrets!
We couldn't give up the evening so we headed back for one last cocktail of the evening and our last goodbyes. Jan and Vickie were up at the crack of dawn to catch their flight back to Grand Rapids and Anne and I were on the road heading back home on Monday morning.
What an amazing weekend! Thank you Emily, Marlene, Marci! It was a treat to meet you and congratulations on your AWESOME RACES!! You guys ROCK and you are MARATHONERS !!!
Jan and Vickie, what can I say other than you feel like I've known you both forever!!!
I can hardly wait until we spend another fantastic weekend partying and racing again!
Life's fun if you don't weaken,
**sorry the report is so late, it has been one *beotch* of a week, reality bites!!!
***blogger actually kick this post out of the web yesterday afternoon, so I had to re-write it!