Friday, 29 February 2008

Mud baby!!

We decided to make a sand pit in our back yard. The ground was very very hard to dig because it's been so dry here. We put all the water from the washing machine into the little hole we'd managed to dig & made a BIG mud pool. It was so much fun!I helped put the mud into the buckets. It felt good!
After all the digging & playing I needed some milk.

All clean again, at the park with my friend Ruby. My jacket from Erina now fits me perfectly, last year it was a bit big.

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Melbourne Feb 2008

We visited Gar for her 91st birthday. Here I am walking in Gar's driveway with Dada, Gar & Gar's dog Pixie. I am wearing my animal suit. Noone is quite sure what animal it is, but it is pretty cute! I gave Gar lots and lots of cuddles.On Sunday we went to visit Salena & we met my second cousin Mikka for the first time. She is a very nice baby. Here are two very busy babies. In fact it was really difficult to get a photo of both of us. No camera seems to be quick enough!

Here is Mikka's family. Matt, Salena & Granny Judy

Sitting in Gar's garden. I can climb onto this seat by myself.Our big adventure. In homage to Kath & Kim we made a pilgrimage to Fountain Gate Mall. Here is the welcoming sign. Cousin Nick came with us & we all ate Krispy Kreme doughnuts.
Here we are inside the mall. I wore my animal suit, so I'd look extra special. Unfortunately, it didn't seem like anyone else had tizzied themselves up.

We did find a beauty salon named after my uncle in Malaysia...

Smelling the gardenias in Gar's garden.
Getting my fill of Boost Juice at the airport

Tuesday, 5 February 2008


In my Fendley 2008 Party Dress at Lucien's First Birthday Party.

For 3 years Denise has been encouraging F to ride a horse. Finally, here he is! What animal is this?
The Tour Down Under Challenge Kennedy team.
There were 3 in the bed...
The birthday boy

Walking to the park with Dada and Baby (my doll)
I'm riding a horse at Denise's place too