Sunday, 11 March 2007

Food Glorious Food!

I'm learning to eat food. I started with eating the Baby Food Cook Book.
Here's the pureed apple. YUM!
After that experience, Mummy decided that eating is much better when I don't wear clothes.
Here you can see mashed banana and baby rice.

Super Heroes

I went to the Super Hero Quiz night. Daddy is Inspector Gadget.
Ursula is Scrabble Wonder Woman (helping Scrabble players everywhere)
Mummy is Endangered Species Woman (encouraging animals to give up their skins in the name of fashion) and I am SUPER BABY!

At the Quiz I met up with Super Mummy!

Big Events in March

There are lots of big events happening this month.
Happy Mardi Gras everyone!

Fauzee came during the Clipsal 500.

I visited Beth and Adele.
I like the kain batik.
At the Fringe I was given my very own balloon. I held on to it very very tightly (it didn't break...yet)