Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I may have put up a video too soon.

Sorry to be break the news through a blog post, but yesterday we miscarried. I've cried a lot and now I feel much better. We accept God's plan and have faith that all will be well and we will yet be blessed with a little one according to His timing. We want to thank all those that have called, offered service, babysat, etc. We truly have felt an outpouring of love during this hard time and in a strange way, we feel more blessed than even. We'll update you on any future news.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Propostion 8

Vote Yes for Proposition 8!

Go to these websites to learn more about Proposition 8 so that we can make a difference in what is being taught in schools and in our freedom of speech. Help protect marriage and families. Make a difference soon! Voting is November 4th!

Me and my beatiful baby girl

Me and my beatiful baby girl

"Uh-oh. I think I may have filled my droors...again."

Lillia's Milestones

  • Slept in her bassinet and not her bouncer at 2 1/2 months
  • Grabbed at items in front of her at 2 1/2 months
  • First slept through the night at 3 months
  • Learned to roll over at 3 1/2 months
  • Sat up without support at 5 1/2 months
  • Ate most food at 6 1/2 months
  • Crawled at 8 1/2 months
  • Started sleeping through the night continually at 8 1/2 months
  • Had six teeth at 8 1/2 months
  • Began pulling herself up on furniture at almost 9 months
  • Ate rice cereal at 5 1/2 months

"I"m not going to tell you again to get that stupid camera out of my face."