Tuesday, September 21, 2010

We have MOVED

Well. I am a slacker. Life has been CRAZY-FABULOUS-INSANE-ETC.
Awhile ago J decided that we should start writing together on a blog. *Brilliant*
So..he started a blog for us. We are officially moving to
It still needs work-our styles seem to clash sometimes, so we are working on the looks. Ha.
If you want to continue following, please go there. It's much more interesting with J's humorous way of explaining our life. :)
Thanks for reading in. Hope you continue to.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cold In July.

I have this AMAZING talent.....for getting sick. Any time, all the time, from anyone.
So here I have been. For the last four days. Exhausted. Runny nose. O.J. (as in Orange Juice) by my side. It's been awesome (I'm saying this with sarcasm). J has been my slave-making meals, cleaning up after me, braiding my hair, buying me more tissues. It HAS been kind of fun to have J be by my side 24/7. I've also forced three grown men to watch oldies like The Music Man with me the last couple days. But this cold is winning this fight. Two precious days off work, 700 movies later, one missed wedding, and 3 bottles of orange juice later, I'm still just s.i.c.k.
K-I'm done venting.
On the brightER side...have I mentioned that J is taking this term off? Does that mean lots of husband time??? IT SURE DOES!! We also go to Idaho in TWO weeks! Woot WOOT! AND Congrats to Ki and Scotty that got married on Saturday! Woot woot!
So grateful for the hubs. I should be back to normal anytime....then.....watch out world!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Have I mentioned I love a good party?

This summer, I have gotten to throw a few showers. Loooooved it! Secret that's not such a big secret: My dream would be to plan events! Oooh how FUN! This summer I got to give my friend, practically sister, Kiley a little bridal shower. It was a little luncheon get together, but I loved it! I wish I had taken pics, so I have to steal them from Kelly.

I also got to do a shower for Ash. She was going to have a baby, had baby, then we celebrated! I have NEVER seen so many people at one shower! It was so fun!

Then I got to do a shower for lovely Linds, with my partner in crime, Erin. Erin and I had WAY TOO MUCH FUN planning this shower. Hula skirt, pinata, beach house=awesome!
[I had to steal pics from Erin]

I am still in party mode. I am ready to do a sushi party at my house, or a fiesta, or a hollywood party! But, ever since I was little, I have never liked throwing parties for myself. Just other people! Maybe I'll brave up and have a raving end of the summer party.....Maybe. I honestly hope to find some event planning company that I can intern with or SOMETHING. I mean....I AM in the most desired destination wedding place on the PLANET!
Anyways....Just wanted to tell you. I love to party :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010


My exotic husband has been all over. Alaska, Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, Samoa, etc....but J has never spent some REAL time in Idaho and Utah. Although I know we will go back many times in the future, I feel like I have SO MUCH TO SHOW HIM this time around! We only have a week, but I definitely plan on taking him to....
-Pepperidge Farms Cookie Factory-Milano Cookies are J's favorite. He will FREAK when he sees that we can get a BAG of the "not-perfect" ones for cheap
-Gossner Cheese Factory-It's just a classic
-Temple Square-When we go next month, we will have been married 11 months and 1 week! Time to revisit!
-Cafe Rio-Oh how I miss their salads!
-We are going to visit my cute little Korean Grandma. She makes the BEST Korean food....She already loves J because when he met her, he started with "ahn nyeong ha se yo" (hello), and she BEAMED with delight!
-Hopefully go to Rodizio Grill-All meat. J. Will. Be. In. Love.
-We are going to go camping-EVERY time I bring up camping, J says, "I've been camping my whole life, living off of the land in SAMOA." -Oh honey, we only camp for leisure in America.
-I am so excited! Haven't been home for a year and it is TIME! It's still a month away and I am still so dang excited!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Scanlan Family

Honestly, this summer is going ridiculously TOO fast. We have been having WAY TOO MUCH FUN.
I have yet to fill you in on SO many things...so let's start with ALASKA.
After being rejected on the first stand by flight, waiting 7 hours, and then FINALLY getting there, we met tons of family. *Picture this.... Grandpa Scanlan-with his 10 of 12 children there, all with their spouses, with their 3-7 children, who are all there with their spouses, with their 3-10 children.... I met them ALL! It was SO fun. I  thought my family of 6 was alot....who was I kidding?! I learned more about Samoan culture. I learned to love that family oh so much! I didn't get to talk to alot of people, because everyone spoke Samoan, but they were fabulous. We went to visit glaciers, we saw animals, we went shopping *yay!*, and I got to see my dear friend Amanda and her little girl who I had never met! It was such a nice little break to get off of the island.
**And now we are set to leave island again next month for a Johnson get together....can't WAIT!

Thursday, July 1, 2010


A small fyi.....
J & I are in Alaska for the week. Here for a reunion, we have been eating, eating, eating, eating, EATING, shopping, meeting 45+ new family members, and eating. It has been crazy.
Did I mention the sun doesn't go down? Ever?
Sleep will have to wait for Hawaii nights.
More to come later.
For now, we are late for another feast....yikes!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Daddy Day

Love to the pops out there. I am lucky enough to have two dads. They love me, protect me, give me advice....I don't know what I would do without them.

Someday when J is a dad.....
our kid is going to be doing this......

(We found this kid at a break dance comp last weekend. He might be 7.)

Why will our kids be doing that?
Well....for those that don't know.....
J does this.....
(He's the short goofy one)

What a goof! I love him. That's WHY I love him. He is goofy, makes me laugh, he makes himself laugh, he's cool, he's suave, he's hot, he's hilarious. He'll be a great dad someday. So for now,
Happy Potential Dad Day!