Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Back Home
Prior to us being released they wanted to get an X-ray on Abbey. The X-ray showed that she had too much fluid around her heart. They decided to order her Lasix and requested us to give it to her for three days and then be followed up with our cardiologist. We are praying that when we go to LA on Tuesday that there will be no more fluid. She is still a little fussy and is not eating very well, but for the most part she is doing good.
Luke is so happy to be home and is looking very forward to Christmas!
As I was trying to fall asleep last night I was reflecting on how amazing God really is. We are so blessed to witness some of the small things he is orchestrating in our lives. Mainly with all the people we continue to meet along this journey. I used to think, wow what a small world or what a coincidence, now it's like, wow our God is pretty amazing how he works. As Adam and I were in the waiting room during Abbey's procedure, with about 15 other families I looked up and noticed the one that was off to our left. They were being called in by a nurse, which I imagined it was to get an update on their child. Instantly I hoped that everything was OK and wished there was some way that I could make sure they were. Within minutes we were called as well so I never got the chance to talk to them.
Well....about 3 hours later after we were settled with Abbey in her room I decided to head down to the cafeteria. There were quite a few people in the cafeteria so I was pretty surprised when I realized the guy in front of me was the same one that was with his wife in the waiting room. I was nervous to say anything (I know shocker for me) so I didn't. But, he turned around and asked how our day had gone. I shared and then asked him about his. He had a smile on his face and said this was his 2 1/2 year old son's 4th surgery and they were able to make another successful step today. He shared his son's name (Burke) and I shared a little about our foundation and said if you need anything or would like to stay in touch please contact us. Then I was anxious to get back to Abbey.
Later that night I was a little disappointed with myself that I did not get any of his information. They were going to be in the hospital for a long stretch...through the holiday.
Well....I went on to my computer and noticed I had received and email from a sweet family that I follow on their blog and she mentioned that there was a family at the hospital that were far from home and their little guys name was "Burke." Ok...there you have it....GOD is always in the small details. It's not a coincidence or a small world. It's him orchestrating our lives. I'm looking forward to getting more information on this family and helping them in anyway we can while they are away from home during the holiday's. Praying for their little guy's recovery and thanking God once again for showing a little glimpse of Himself.
OK....I must get to my family as they are not too happy when mommy is on the computer...BUT come on guys it is 11:00...the house should be asleep. :)
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The procedure went well today and although Abbey was very uncomfortable in the beginning, she is now as happy as can be and recovering nicely.
The results of today's procedure were not as great as we hoped them to be but, they were still good. Abbey's pulmonary arteries have grown however, there still is quite a bit of narrowing in a few areas. With that being said Dr. Hanley will need to open up and patch the pa's in hopes to achieve adequate pressures to her lungs. Surgery is still scheduled for January 6th and at this time we are praying that Dr. Hanley will be able to do a complete repair.
Which will consist of: (for all those that like more details :)
Addressing the pulmonary arteries
placing the conduit
figuring out what he wants to do with the remaining collaterals
closing up the VSD
Sometimes the complete repair is not able to be done due to time constraints on the bypass machine, but we are very hopeful that it will be done. It will be our prayer anyways.
Today after I handed Abbey off to the nurses I felt the usual sadness that overwhelms me at times.
I was sad because we are at the hospital instead of:
Being at home for Luke's Christmas program at school that he is going to miss again this year. Also, for the fun day they are going to have on Friday at school. Sad that Abbey is having to go through this when she should be at home laughing, cooing, sleeping and playing.
Also, feeling sad because this is the time of year that is so fresh in my mind of Gracie. On January 9 it will be 2 years that she is no longer with us. I can remember everyday that led up to the 9th.
The hospital has this way of consuming my thoughts and making me feel so sad about what our children have had to go through and continue to go through. Thankfully after a few hours of being here I pretty much had to say OK Terra that is enough! Well to be honest it was God of course weighing in saying, "hello" are you forgetting about me? Is my Grace not sufficient enough for you.
I cannot forget to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12
So....after reading a couple bible verses I'm feeling much better. God is good ALL the TIME :)
We hope to be released tomorrow, but we are still unsure. Will keep you posted.
Thank you for all your love and prayers.
Chez Family
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Catheterzation tomorrow
Specific prayer requests:
-That as they put the breathing tube in, there will be no further damage to her vocal cords and airways
-That Dr. Perry is able to gather the information quickly without any complications
-Lastly, that Abbey has a smooth recovery
Thought I would end on this quick cute note:
Yesterday Luke and I were out shopping for a stroller. Here is the conversation he had with the sweet sales lady Megan. really don't need to show mommy how to do that I can help her, you must be really smart
Luke...Yep, I sure am just might be the president someday
Luke...nah, I want to be a Doctor a Doctor! For your mommy and daddy?, for kids and babies like me and my sisters
Ok, so the emotional me got all teary eyed. I thought it was so sweet! Sorry, just had to share. He is really excited to be heading up with us because like he said....Abbey will need me after her procedure :). Just love my little guy and his sweet heart!! He will be staying with Grandma Laura and Grandma Marsha at the hotel and is so excited to be hanging out with them. Thank you moms once again for all of your support. We do not know where we would be without you.
We will update as soon as we receive any news.
All our love
Saturday, December 12, 2009
A Special Bond
Last Thursday evening was spent with some of my absolutely amazing "heart Mom" friends. I've been so very blessed to have met so many beautiful, strong, and simply amazing women along this journey. We all share the familiarity of what it feels like to live with our sweet little blessings who have CHD. From the first time watching your child be rolled in after surgery (nothing can prepare you for this) to sitting along side their beds as the fight for their lives and some of us have had to face the most difficult of all, saying goodbye for now to our precious babies. We all live with the concern of what tomorrow will bring and even though we love to enjoy each precious moment we all feel the anxiety of the "next appointment."
One of my new special friends, Dana shared a perfect comment, she said, "there is a spoken and unspoken bond that all heart moms share." She was so right on! Had I not gone through this journey I would of never met these beautiful women. It hurts to have travled this path, but I cannot begin to tell you how lucky I feel to have God placing these women perfectly in my life.
Not everyone was able to make the Orange County get together, but we plan to continue this "heart mom night out" tradition. My hope is to have moms, in all areas get together a couple times a year to celebrate what God has given all of us, "a special bond."
Some of my heart mom friends:
Thank you for a great, fun and as Jennifer said, "uplifting" time.
Love you all!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Quick little update
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Philippians 4:6-7
Life is full of many concerns stemming from the absence of certainty and control over our future. While we can never be completely free from worry, the Bible shows us how to minimize worry and anxiety in our lives. Philippians 4:6-7 says do not worry about anything, but with prayer and supplication with thanksgiving make your requests known to God and then the peace of God will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Heading up to Stanford
Monday, October 26, 2009
Pumpkin Patch fun~and sweet memories
My sweet precious Gracie~although you are no longer here with us, there is not a day or season that you are forgotten. We all miss you so very much. Our hearts will be so happy when we are with you again and it will be as if we were never apart. Mommy loves you princess!
It would be unfair for me to say live each day as if you thought tomorrow may not come. It’s just not that realistic and besides to be that deep it would be simply exhausting. However, I do feel I can say during this season where things get crazy and you try to make it to every party and have the kids involved in every thing sure to just stop and take a moment as a family to enjoy your time together. Life is so precious and how quickly we can get lost in the daily grind. I wish we had more holidays and seasons with Gracie, but she is now in Heaven. God and Gracie have taught me so much about embracing life and each special moment and for that we will always be grateful. We will be creating new special memories with our sweet Abbey and Luke and will ALWAYS remember and cherish those spent with Gracie.
Update on Luke and Abbey coming soon, very soon promise :)
All our love,
The Chez Family
Sunday, September 27, 2009
- Exceeding description
- Too extraordinary for description
Indescribable moments:
Listening to Luke’s laughter
Picking him up from his first day of school
Watching his first soccer game
Kissing him good night and good morning
In a quiet moment having him say, “mommy...I really love you”
Watching the deep bond between him and Daddy
Loving my baby girl Abigail beyond a measure I didn’t feel existed after Gracie
Holding her close and feeling her heartbeat against my chest
Staring at her precious face and little body
Singing her to sleep
Witnessing her first “real smile”
Watching Luke kiss her, love her and protect her
Witnessing Adam fall deep in love with his baby girl
The ability to cherish each little moment and not worry about tomorrow as it has enough worry of it’s own
Feeling the love of family, friends and even those we do not know.
Knowing that God loves us enough to use us to encourage and inspire others leaving us the feeling that nothing is being wasted
Feeling God’s arms wrapped around us and never feeling alone in this journey
To finally be able to understand the words “rejoice in your suffering”
There will always be that void of not being able to:
Hold Gracie
Smell her skin
listen to her laugh
watch her grow
and on and on.....
The void cannot be filled with my new blessings however, it is filled with many memories of "indescribable" moments with Grace that will always remain in my heart until we see eachother again and God's comfort helps fill the void and knowing Gracie is safe with him.
I’ve been following a blog of Paul Cardall and like all the other blogs I follow, he continues to inspire me and keeps me focused. I love this statement he shared:
There will be roads to take, and mountains to climb in our future. Admidst our future joy, celebration, and happiness, we will face heart-ache, pain, and grief.
He then quotes Neal Maxwell: We have a Father in Heaven who loves us specifically and gives us things to do and, because he loves us, will cause us, at times, to have our souls stretched and to be fitted for a better world by coping with life in this world.
My soul has been stretched and I do feel it is helping me cope with my journey in this world for that I am thankful.
We all make choices everyday on how we will spend the day...I give in to every emotion whether it be to laugh or cry~mourn or rejoice. Today I’m choosing to rejoice and I am feeling blessed to have such indescribable moments in my life.