Thursday, January 30, 2014


"CONGRATULATIONS!" you are pregnant

- you are having twins 

-It's A Boy & A Girl

-I'm sorry to share with you - Twin B, your baby girl will be born with Congenital Heart Disease.  Truncus Arteriosus 

-1 month later -  Twin A your baby boy will also be born with Congenital Heart Disease. Tetralogy of Fallot PA MAPCAS 

-You will not be able to hold your children when they are born, due to the severity of their heart conditions

-Within 24 hours of their birth - they will be transported by helicopter to the hospital to prepare them for open heart surgery

-Your daughter although 2 days old and 4lbs, will be taken into her 1st open heart surgery tomorrow morning  at the same time your son will be having a catheterzation to see if we can wait a couple months before performing surgery.  

- Your son can wait for 3 months before his open heart surgery

-Your daughter has come out of surgery - repair was successful

-10 minutes later - Code Blue sounds in the hospital -  Mr. & Mrs. Chez your daughter has coded we are doing everything we can to save her. 

-After 8 long minutes we were able to Resuscitate her

-During the 3 months before you sons surgery - he may have tet spells -where he turns blue. Always keep an eye on him and do your best not to let him cry.  

-7 weeks later - you may now take your daughter home

3 months later - your son is now ready for his open heart surgery 

-after many procedures and 2 years later - your daughter's valve is ready to be replaced - it is time for her second open heart surgery. 

-immediately following her surgery - surgeon enters the room, surgery was successful 

-2 days later - we had hoped surgery would of been more successful we will need to go back in for another open heart surgery within a couple months

-3 months later and 1 day before her catherterzation to determine when surgery was needed  -  We were  In ER - Doctor "Truncus Arteriosus, never heard of it."

 -Our daughter codes and stops breathing - rushed into open heart surgery

witnessed what it looks like to have the ECMO machine connected up to your daughter as she does not even look like herself - with a team of over 8 doctors and nurses trying to save her life - while you watch and just try to breathe

- Mr. & Mr.s Chez, I'm sorry your daughter is not going to make it.  This is the time - if you would like to say goodbye.

kissed her on the face and had to leave the hospital without her - comfort in knowing she was with Jesus now - crushed to leave the same little body who we held and kissed every night.

learning to breathe
Still grieving 


-8 months later  - I'm sorry Mr. & Mrs. Chez, your sons valve needs to be replaced - second open heart surgery 

-3 months later after our son's open heart surgery - you are pregnant -it's a girl - I do not know how to say this - she will also be born with CHD - Tetralogy of Fallot

-at 6 weeks daughters 1st open heart surgery

- shortly after surgery - we have paged the surgeon, your daughter is bleeding internally we need to go in again and stop the bleeding.   

- 3 months later - second open heart surgery

*It's been 3 years since our children have had any open heart surgeries.  They both will need valve replacements throughout their lives

My name is Terra and my husband, Adam and I have been blessed with 3 beautiful children all whom were born with CHDLuke (8) TOF, MAPCAS PA, Gracie (Luke's twin sister who passed 1 month before her 3rd birthday they share- but is now safe in the arms of Jesus) Truncus Arteriosus and Abbey (4)  TOF MAPCAS PA.

Our lives have forever been changed by these three words - Congenital Heart Disease.  In our short journey with CHD, we have experienced Trials, Tribulations, Sorrow, Loss, Love, Joy, Peace, Grace and Hope. 

Congenital Heart Defects are the #1 birth defect worldwide

1 out of every 100 babies are born each year in the US have some type of Congenital Heart Defect (approximately 40,000/year

Nearly twice as many children die from Congenital Heart Defects in the US each year than from all forms of childhood cancers combined, yet funding for pediatric cancer research is five times higher than funding for Congenital Heart Defects 

Congenital Heart Awareness week - February 7-14  

The importance of creating Awareness :

CHD- needs to make it in the public eye.  How are we to raise funds for a disease that most people including - large corporate companies (who are required to give money annually) are completely unaware of what CHD really is?    

A disease that is not well known will have scarce research in funding.  It is important that we raise awareness in all areas.  

During CHD Awareness week Hopeful Hearts will be sharing ways that you can help spread awareness and make a difference in lives of those affected by CHD.  

Everyone has a story.  We thank you for reading ours.

Adam, Terra, Luke, Angel Gracie and Abbey

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Isaiah 55:8-9

August 2009

It's hard to believe this picture was taken over four years ago, yet I remember so vividly all the thoughts that were going through my head.

After Gracie's passing we knew at some point and time we may want to have another child, but our hearts were not ready when we had learned that we were pregnant in December 2008. (11 months after Gracie went to be with Jesus)

The first three months of pregnancy were extremely difficult.  I was nauseous throughout the day, at the same time there was a feeling of guilt.  During a time when most parents would be rejoicing of the news, rejoicing is not easily found in a heart that is grieving.

We did not think our hearts were ready....God did. 

At the beginning of month four, I was diagnosed with Placenta Previa and was put on strict bed rest.  During this time my grandmother whom I dearly loved had passed and I was unable to attend her service.  As I was laying in bed I was grieving the loss of my beautiful grandmother and still feeling the heavy loss of Gracie.  During this time on the same day we had learned that we were going to have another baby girl and she too would be born with a heart condition.  Our minds would often go to the question, why?

We could not understand why God would take one daughter away to give another with a heart condition as well....God Understood.  

As I approached the end of month five I was still on bed rest and we had learned that Luke's valve that he received during open heart surgery in May 2008 (10 months after Gracie's passing) was starting to narrow.  Adam had met with three different surgeons and we received the weight of three different opinions.  After much prayer we felt led to head up north and have a stent placed in the narrowing valve as opposed to open heart surgery.  We continuously felt God's love and protection, but during this difficult time there was still the heavy weight of not understanding why all this was happening.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.  As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your way and my thoughts than your thoughts.  Isaiah 55:8-9

Was blessed to be taken off of strict bed rest during month seven and at the beginning of month eight we packed up and headed up north to Palo Alto so we could start preparing for my c-section.  The photo above was taken a few days before we were blessed with Abbey.  As Adam, Luke and I walked through the campus we were filled with many mixed emotions, however we knew that God would carry us through this and we knew he would never leave us or forsake us.  Also...

We had no idea how much we needed Abbey...God Knew 

Although our hearts were aching for Gracie, we were able to find comfort in our future with Abbey.

"For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

We know that with Him completing each chapter in our's going to be a beautiful ending, so we continue to put all our hope and trust in Him. 

August 2013

Abbey has filled our home with so much love and laughter..
and this Sunday we will be celebrating our sweet girls 4th birthday!  Feeling so blessed!

Monday, August 12, 2013

A blessed encounter

 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened" Matthew 7:7-8

God answers our prayers however, it is in His timing and when they are aligned with His will.

Our God is a God of Love.  I have felt led to share this story, praying that it will touch your heart as it has mine.

It all started a couple weeks ago on a day that I was kid free, I stepped into a coffee shop.  Sat by the window, sipped my coffee and had a heart to heart with Jesus.  

My prayer was long, but the moral of it, included bravery and courage.  He has blessed us with a platform to share our story with others, but when it comes to making decisions in life or having a voice while witnessing to others this is where I feel I struggle most.  My prayer ended on me asking Jesus to show me what it looks like to be brave and courageous.

I finished my last sip of coffee and stepped outside.  

I remembered I needed to pick up a card for a friend.  There was a Papyrus store a couple blocks down right where I parked, so I started to head that way.  A gentleman came walking by me and I was surprised that he passed me up so quickly, it was clear that he was completely blind.  As I watched him walking in front of me, I thought to myself,  thank you Jesus.  You have instantly answered my prayers.  I think I have struggles.  Here is this man who is completely blind and yet he is taking on this city with no fear.  He walked into a couple things, but continued on as if nothing was in his way! 

To my surprise he walked into Papyrus.  I overheard him tell the girl at the front desk that he was hoping to get a card for his wife.  She said, oh they are behind you over to the right.  He said, in a sweet and funny tone. I'm sure you noticed, but I'm blind.  Could you help me by reading them.  I couldn't help to giggle.  At that time I wanted to walk over and help read the cards and share with him how amazing I thought he was, not to mention I liked his sense of humor and most importantly wanted to share about how he was an answer to my prayer, but I chickened out.  

My car was parked right outside the store, so as I was getting settled in I thought to myself,  "gosh, here Jesus is... so loving by showing me what brave looks like and I cannot even be courageous in going up to that person and sharing what I wanted to share with him!"  A moment later I saw the tip of the cane, the guy was walking out of the store, my heart stopped.  His face looked like it had been severely burned.  He had skin completely covering one of his eyes and you could tell his beautiful other bright blue eye had a film over it.   My heart dropped, then started pounding.  I couldn't tell if it was pounding from what I was seeing or if it was the usual pounding that I feel when I am being prompted by the holy spirit.  I opened the door, stepped out and then thought about it and sat back in the car. What would I say?  He already made a difference in my life, that is enough right?  The pounding in my heart intensified, so I stepped out of the car and followed him.  He was approaching the light and I thought…if it turns green and he walks, I turn around and head back to my car,  If it turns red, then our conversation was meant to be.  The light turned green, but he was just standing there.  Of course he was!  He was blind, but he could feel people walking past him couldn't he, so why did he stop?  My guess, he was a man that was put in my path for a purpose and we were suppose to meet.

There I was.  I found myself standing right there in front of him.  I gently touched his arm and said, "excuse me"
the rest went like this:

man: oh I'm sorry, I'm blind I didn't see you {as he laughed}
me: oh are not in my way, I actually wondered if you had a minute
man: sure  {we both stepped aside}
me: well, I would like to start off with, I love your sense of humor, don't think I'm stalking you but I was in the store with you and overheard your funny remarks
man: that's my goal - to make people smile
me: I just wanted to share with you that 5 minutes before seeing you, I was praying about being courageous and brave and then there you were!!  an example of both.  You are so courageous to be out and not only that, but you are brave in walking these busy streets.  {then I paused, completely embarrassed by what I said} I continued on… I'm sorry.  Courageous to be are probably thinking what does that mean? I do this everyday.  Brave yes, courageous?  {I was embarrassed because I quickly thought to myself, he has no idea what he looks like, this probably was not a compliment} 
man: {as he gently placed his had on my arm} I think you are courageous for coming up to me and sharing what you did, I understand exactly what you mean. 
me:  {tears} 

**our conversation went on for 5 minutes.  I then stepped over the line again (shocker)

me:  do you mind if I ask what happened to you?  
man:  {placing his hand on my arm again} this has been way to beautiful of a conversation, so I rather not share at this time.  I was 4 when it happened and  It's quite disturbing, but know that through it all I've been lucky to have an amazing mom who always encouraged me and told me I can do anything I want. Giving up was never an option for me.  I am married and now have children and life is great. 
me:  What a blessing to hear!   feel so blessed by our encounter today and it was more than a pleasure meeting you, by the way my name is Terra
Josh:  my name is Josh and the pleasure was all mine.    

We hugged and parted our ways.  As tears were in my eyes I was thinking..The bible is full of people that showed great courage, but God gave me an example in the flesh.  How blessed was I! 

It was not until I came home and googled "Josh burned at 4" when I realized the horrific story.  Josh was 4 years old and his neighbor (who was later diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia) came to Josh's house rang the doorbell and when Josh stepped out he poured acid on his face. Josh has been through even more than what I had imagined.  The pain and heartache he and his family faced is devastating. The story is heartbreaking and will deeply move you.  As horrific as the story is, the outcome is beautiful.  Do yourself a favor and read more about Josh.. He is amazing!!

To read his story, please click on "About Josh"

Josh Miele

"I want to be famous for the right reasons, for the work I’ve done, and not for some stupid thing that happened to me 40 years ago,” says Joshua A. Miele.

I'm not sure if Josh knows Jesus, of course I have prayed for that.  I'm not sure if we will every cross paths again, but one thing I do know and that is, my Jesus put us together that morning.  Through meeting Josh I was blessed beyond.  

His time, His Will.  So thankful for this blessed encounter.  

Friday, March 29, 2013

Abbey's cardiologist have been concerned with her valve, arteries and pressures in her heart, so we are up at Stanford for a Catheterization which is scheduled for today at 7:30am. 

Our hopes and prayers are: 

-Abbey's Catheterization will be performed with no complications
-That her vocal chords {that are still healing from her first surgeries and procedures} will be protected and not damaged further as they will intubate her for the procedure {3-4 hours}
-That she takes the anesthesia well
-That they are able to dilate her pulmonary arteries and bring down her pressures, so there will not be a need for open heart surgery at this time.  
-That God protects her body from the high amounts of radiation for this procedure and all other aspects of the procedure
-Lastly that will feel Gods blanket of Love and perfect Peace

The heaviness of the realization that even though we were blessed with no surgeries for three years, our reality is...our children have heart conditions.  Surgeries and procedures will always be a part of our lives.  If Abbey does not have surgery tomorrow she will need one within the next two years. Pain and suffering is a part of all our lives.  We would give anything to take the place of our sweet babies having to go through what they have been through. 

Sadly fear and anxiety are pressing on us.  Too many post up surgeries, that feel like they were yesterday when you step back into the hospital.  Also,  we cannot help to think of Gracie and what we thought would be a routine visit, turned into events that have changed our lives forever.  We know Gracie was with Jesus, but leaving her sweet body at the hospital, the precious girl we held and loved on for 3 years, left a scar on our hearts forever.  

It makes me sad we let ourselves feel this way and let our minds go there.  However, truth is we live in a fallen world.  We are imperfect.  We grieve for Gracie and grieve the fact that our kids have to go through procedures and surgeries.  Thankfully, Our Hope is in Christ and Christ alone. Thankfully, we do not remain in the feelings of anxiety and fear.  And lastly thankfully we know these precious truths about our children's lives.

God is their personal creator 
God knows everything about our children before their conception
God is actively involved in their lives
He has a special plan for every life

Love. Psalm 139 as it holds all these truth. 

From the beginning we have always known that God has a unique plan and purpose for our children.  We know that we will never fully understand His plan or be able to comprehend His purpose, however we fully trust in Him.  God is sovereign. 

Thank you for your continued love and support.  

Love, Chez Family

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Today marks the 5th year that our sweet Gracie went home to be with Jesus. 

Gracie’s earthly body is no longer with us, but her spirit is indwelt within our hearts.

Many things bring her to mind... 

When we walk by the special box with her earthly ashes 
When we see her face in a picture around the house
Whenever we look at our recent family photos
When we here a certain song that reminds us of her or our Heavenly Father
As we watch Luke grow older we still often think what she would of looked like and what her interest may have been
This year Abbey has a friend in class named Gracie.
In her dance class there are only 4 children two whom are twins 
Anytime we see twins
Whenever someone ask the question, “how many children do you have?”
The list is endless...her memory is never far from our hearts.  Her impact on our life has changed us forever.  God has used Gracie’s life to mold us in so many ways. 

We try not to focus on the events that took place January 9, 2008.  Instead on The anniversary Gracie went home to be with Jesus, we choose to believe in hope and know that  "God has a special plan for every life."  Deeply grateful for His love, comfort and promise of Eternity.  

A book that has always spoke directly to my heart is,  Safe in the arms of God by John MacArthur.

John MacArthur shares that through our trials, pain and suffering, God works through us and we will learn some eternal valuable lessons and grow spiritually and eternally.  There is so much truth to what is written because Adam and I feel so strongly that these are the very things we went through and still do since Gracie’s passing.. 


Examine our own hearts
Put our full trust in the Lord 
Check our priorities in life 
Choose Hope
Evaluate what we love most
Place a whole new emphasis on praise and thanksgiving in our lives
Continue to lean on the Lord and ask Him to make us stronger and more able to persevere
Share our story which gives opportunities to minister to others 

Our hearts will always deeply miss Gracie however, what an eternal blessing to deeply feel all those things on a level we never knew existed.  

In the book John MacArthur also shares, "Scripture tells us that there are at least five keys to our being made whole after the death of a little one: 

A submissive will
A believing heart

Because it has been five years, I sometimes feel self conscious about talking about Gracie or feeling the way I do when missing her.  Then I remind myself OR God reminds me... We know God’s promises and He knows our heart.  We are able to feel Joy. Patience. Wisdom. A submissive will.  A believing heart. and yes, that does make us whole. Our hearts may not feel whole, but our spirits do.  Gracie is our daughter who lives within us and we need not to feel self conscious when sharing about her and her sweet special soul.

It's important not to dwell in our sorrow or let it take over in our hearts, thankful through His grace we do not.   We will, however, always keep Gracie's spirit alive in our hearts until we are reunited with her again. So thankful that we can have Gracie dwell within our hearts as we focus on our sweet little blessings, Luke and Abbey and their receiving the grace of Jesus.

“To be absent from the body” is “to be present with the Lord” (2 Cor. 5:8)  Our hearts have perfect peace in knowing God was Gracie's personal Creator, He personally planned her destiny and He alone is the author and the finisher of our lives.

Until we meet again....we love you Gracie girl and miss you fiercely, but our hearts will stay focused on eternity and when we will be reunited.  

Mommy and Daddy

Monday, January 9, 2012

Dear Gracie

Four years ago today mommy and daddy held you for the last time.  As we stood over the hospital bed rubbing your sweet soft skin, holding you and kissing your face we couldn't say goodbye.  It was not until mommy and daddy had to remind eachother that you were no longer here on earth.  It was only your flesh.  However, it was still your flesh that we held so tight every night, it was the same little body we loved on day in and day out.  When we gave you the last kiss on your forhead we whispered in your ear,  "you are now with Jesus, you don't have to imagine what He is like anymore...we will see you soon princess."

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."  Matthew 5:4

As mommy has said before, we are all so very blessed that God chose you to be in our lives. You will always be one of our greatest blessings. It was through your life that we have been saved. You have brought us to a place where Heaven is not just a place in the sky and a far away thought, it has become our reality, to be in the presence of God in eternity with you is in our thoughts daily. Through you we have learned to become completely reliant on God, we continue to be on our knees asking for His compassion and grace. Although, we cannot comprehend why He chose to take you so soon, we do our best to “Trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5 Living this life without you here breaks our hearts, but we continue to trust in God’s ultimate plan and we are letting Him mend our hearts with His perfect peace.

We miss you so much Gracie Girl..


Our precious Grace Avery Chez went home to be with the Lord on January 9, 2008. Her strength and perseverance was shown through her everyday life, but it was her ever present smile that will leave an indelible mark on us all. She was the most amazing soul we have ever known and we are comforted to know that the same little girl that we held so tight is now in the Kingdom of God. 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Luke 2:11

As we miss deeply miss our sweet Gracie...
We are comforted in knowing that we have received the greatest gift of all...  

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.  Luke 2:11

It is through Christ where we find eternal life.  

May you all enjoy this wonderful time with family and friends.

We feel so blessed for God's continued blessings that he bestows upon us.  May you all remember the reason for the season and have a wonderful time with your family and friends.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Abbey and Addi

Born just a week apart Abbey and Addi were roomates in the ICU at Lucielle Packards Childrens Hospital at Stanford.  Just over two years ago both of the girls were awaiting their open heart surgeries.  Nicole (Addi's mom) and I were busy doing our mommy duties.  Our relationship started with friendly smiles, from one heart mommy to another.

When I would hold Abbey and pray for her upcoming surgery, I couldn't help but to pray for our sweet little neighor Addi and her upcoming surgery as well.  

Then the time came. Surgeries. Then Cardio Vasicular Intensive Care Unit:



Although Abbey and Addi were no longer roomates, God had still created a bond.  Adam and I would often see Addi's parents in the hall and we would share a few words before heading in to see our sweet babies.  One day when Adam and I were switching off with Abbey, I walked by Addi's room.  As I was walking by I took a quick peek at Addi.  My heart was extremely heavy.  Although our paths may be different, Addi's mommy and I had something in common.  Our little baby girls had just faced open heart surgeries and were fighting for their lives.  I also know what it is like for a parent the first time they see their child like this.  It is more than heart breaking. It takes God's hands holding you up and breathing air into your body, so you can just breathe.  Tears were in my eyes as I ran into Nicole (Addi's mom)  I told her, "one day soon before we know it we will be at disneyland with our girls running around and having lots of fun."  

Not only have we remained close friends with this family, Abbey and Addi are little buddies and have had many play dates.  Most importantly....WE MADE IT TO DISNEYLAND!

Abbey and Addi are a true testimony of God's love and faithfulness.  For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

I'm so excited to see what God has planned for these two little miracles and I look forward to many years of friendship with Abbey and Addi. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Our God is awesome

I'm kinda wishing I would turn off my computer and go to sleep because writing a post at 2:30 am may not be the best thing.  Especially coming from someone who has a hard time articulating what she is trying to say when she is completely rested.  Thing is, this can't wait.  It may not make much sense.  You may think I am just going on because I am so tired, but truth is sometimes you can't help but share how amazing our God is.  Some things just cannot wait until morning.  Well, I guess it is morning. get the point.

What I want to share with you is how I am always in complete awe of Jesus.  When you make the most important decision of your life in accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and when you believe that Jesus came on this earth, died for our sins and rose again so we may have eternal life, followed by repentance of your sins, renewal of your spirit and living Christlike, things start to happen.  Amazing things.

It's amazing to think God knocks on all our doors, it's just a matter of you letting Him in.  How blessed you will be when you do!

One of my friends last week was talking about prayer and obedience.  Not too long ago another friend was sharing how she really works on rejoicing in all her wife/mommy duties.

Let me just be honest.  Those are both pretty tall orders.  May not be for some and God bless you for that.  However, for others being obedient is not super easy.  Especially as women who are in charge of schedules and a million other duties we are called to.  I'm guessing as we mature in Christ being obedient gets easier.  As for the rejoicing and housework, I really struggle.  I don't know about you, but rejoicing and housework in my opinion should not even be in the same sentence.  Well, that is how I felt last week anyways.

My heart has been pretty heavy recently about many things.  However, nothing that God has not met me at.  Since there has been something very heavy on my heart and mind today I decided to pray heavily throughout my day.  I'm not great at praying, it's something I am working on, but today God heard many prayers from me.  All throughout the day.  Then this evening as I was cleaning the back of the house I started to feel that "complaining Terra" coming out.  It all started as I was cleaning the bathroom.  My mind went right to my friend....I was cleaning the sink, then the floor, then the toilet.  Having a six year old does not make cleaning the toilet any fun let me tell you!  However, since God had been listening to my prayers all day, I thought the least I could do is stop and rejoice.  Rejoice in the fact that I have a bathroom to clean up.  Rejoice in the fact that I have a six year old son to clean up after.  Rejoice in the fact that my job to take care of my home and family is one of the many great blessings God has given to me.

As I went on with my night, I couldn't stop thinking about this thing that was heavy on my heart.  I kept praying for God to help me think of a verse that would comfort me.  Nothing.  Nothing came to mind.  However, since my friends powerful word "obedient" has been weighing on my heart....I prayed and just gave it to Him and knew I would wait patiently for His response.  Sometimes we can wait forever for things and we may not see them this side of eternity and then there are the things that are answered within hours.  I crawled into bed, turned the lights on and opened up my computer.  There was an email from a friend. She felt led to share a verse and prayed for me and our family and told me to look up a verse.  The first amazing part of this story is how we reconnected.  Too long to share, but God had his hand in it.  The second amazing part is, that verse comforted me for tomorrow's cardiologists appointment with the kids.  BUT then it took me to two, not one, but two more verses that led me directly to scripture on the very same subject that was weighing on my heart throughout the day!!..  Not the appointment, rather the other thing that i was praying for God to help me think of a verse.  Is that not amazing!! I knew I could of went on to the computer and typed in the subject I needed help with, but it was very important to me that I was not being fed by own desire.  Did not want to get sent to the wrong verse.  I really needed Gods clear guidance on this one, it was extremely important and HE provided yet once again!  When you are blessed with Children you realize you never knew that you could experience such a deep love.  When you have a relationship with Christ the level of "deep love" takes on a new meaning.  Comfort like this can not be found by anything here on earth.  Everything else brings temporary comfort, yes it does, but not the same as eternal comfort.  Promise there is a difference!

I realize for those of you who even made it to this point are thinking, "really, is that it?"  YES, that is it.  I'm here to share our GOD is so amazing.  He answers prayers.  His love is so deep that it is beyond our own comprehension.  Pray. Be obedient. Then you will see Gods amazing love!

AND must we not forget, rejoice in all you do.  Feel blessed for having the opportunity to show your family how much you are grateful to be able to take care of them and your home. Lastly, I'm always feeling so grateful for my amazing relationships God blesses me with, so thank you to all those who are always encouraging me! We are called to encourage and love one another.  Bless someone today with your love and encouraging words, you never know what they are going through!!!

Okay..time for bed.  Have about 2 hours before I wake up for the day.

Please pray for tomorrows appointment.  Pray for Gods wisdom as the doctors look at all the test. Also, please pray nothing is urgent and that we get to be home for the Holidays.

Thank you yet again, for reading my ramblings...

God bless!

Monday, October 3, 2011

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

I've known this verse for some time however, it was not until Gracie went to be with Jesus that it seemed to always come up.  Whether I read it in a card, heard it from a friend or pastor, it seemed like every time I turned around there it was. 
I'm going to be honest and tell you, it was one I truly struggled with, so you can imagine my frustration as it kept coming up.  It could not of been coming up at a worse time. I was at the weakest point in my life, and the pain and hurt seemed so unbearable.  I remember saying, "God, how do you expect us to give thanks for the circumstances that we are in, is this really your will?  How do we give thanks as we are witnessing our children suffer in pain through their surgeries, appointments, over all health and lastly the most difficult, witnessed our baby girl passing away and then being separated from her."  "Is our faith and trust not enough?  Now you want us to be thankful for this pain and hurt?"

It took quite a bit of time, but I will never forget the day this verse came up once again and it finally sunk in my heart.  "I got it."  I remember crying and saying, "thank you Jesus for not giving up on me and thank you for helping us to see the light in your truth."
You see, we need not to be thankful that our children are suffering in pain, we need not to be thankful that we are separated from Gracie, but we are to be thankful for all His glory that has come from these circumstances.  To trust in God's will is to trust in it at ALL times, not just when we see it fitting.  

Sometimes like you, I find myself in circumstances that are difficult and some life changes that I would happily do without.   However,  we always come back to the realization that these very same circumstances are the ones that are followed by great blessings.  We have been blessed so much and our trust in God's will for us, is now our source of energy through all times. 

God also uses many of my family and friends, including the Nelson's (a family whom I love so much)  to remind me of the power of this verse.  I struggled whenever I thought of them and this scripture.  How do you give thanks when everyday is like running a marathon.  It brings tears to my eyes to know how much they have been through, but also how much God loves them.  Through their circumstances many of us have witness a bountiful of blessings that have come along with it.  They continue to give thanks to God and what a true testimony of faith they are!!  

Remember as you are walking through your circumstances filled with pain and trials, God never leaves us or forsakes us.  He is constantly working on us.  Consider it pure joy that He has chosen you!  As difficult as it is during the times when we feel we will not make it through our journey, God has something much bigger and greater on the other side.  Pay attention and trust in Him and He will give you a sneak peak at how amazing He and His glory is.  If we allow God into our hearts to do His work, we will be able to Give thanks for all of our circumstances.  

Much love,

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Abbey turns 2!

 As we celebrated Abbey's 2nd birthday we were reminded once again.....

We did not think our hearts were ready...God did

We could not understand why He would take one daughter away to give another...God understood

We had no idea how much we needed her...God knew

"For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

In August, 2009 Abigail Elyse Chez entered our life and we were once again blessed with a miracle from God.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
your eyes saw my unformed body, All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:13-16

For Abbey's birthday we went to Disneyland!  It was such a great day and Abbey was so excited!  Auntie Bridget and cousin Jaden helped make it a perfect day! It's a small world and the parade were her very favorite.  She absolutely loves Mickey.  We tried, actually begged, for her to get a picture with Minnie and she would not have it! Mickey is who she loves and so we took our family picture with Mickey.  She had the biggest smile and kept saying over and over, "Hi Mickey."  

Abbey is all personality.  She loves to laugh, dance, scream and boss us all around.  She has the happiest heart and she has brought so much joy to us all.  

During Luke's last school year I met a fun and very loving friend.  Her love for God and life exudes out of her. I was so excited to see what an amazing photographer she was and asked if she would not mind taking 2 year old photos of Abbey.  Although I was excited to capture this sweet time in Abbey's life, we could not help but to be reminded of the fact that this was the last birthday that we celebrated with our  Gracie.  I felt so safe with Becky and she was gentle with my emotions as she captured the sweetest moments of Abbey and what a miracle she is.  Thank you Becky, we love you!  To check out Abbey's photos please visit:  Becky Lew Photography Blog  

Thanks for checking in!
Chez Family

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's been a while it's going to be a long one...

I remember the time in my life where I felt incomplete if I did not update my blog every week or two.  Many have asked where have you been?  It all started with writers block and for those of you who are unware of it's defition: 

temporary psychological inability to begin or continue work on a piece of writing.

Seems crazy coming from the person who cannot stop talking, right?  What I have come to realize is; those who cannot stop talking are the ones that ramble and those that ramble cannot aritculate their thoughts properly (at least in my case anyways) Therefore they go on and on, with the delete button to follow and then what happens?  Blank screen. 

So I've disappered to Facebook. A place where I could share a quick update and post some pictures within seconds. Facebook does not let me ramble.  With FB you are limited and can only write so much, so I have gotten used to it.  As much as I love facebook, this blog is my heart and I miss it. So, I am back for now.  However, it's been a while, so there may be some rambling.  

Let's start off with the fact that things have been pretty amazing lately. I know this goes without saying, but I feel better by mentioning it...Gracie is always missed deeply.  As a matter of fact, there have been some really difficult times as Abbey is approaching the age that we remember most about Gracie.  However, through the missing her we have been very aware of all the great blessings God continues to give us.  

Adam and I continue to put God at the center of our marriage. We have been really enjoying this season of our lives together.  Our trials and challenges, through God's grace have brought us so much closer.  All marriages have there season.  I'm so thankful to be in this one.  Adam is truly a an amazing husband and father.  More than ever I am a believer that if you put God first, your marriage will be blessed over and over.  

So with all that being said, the kids have been great as well.  Sometimes it is hard to believe that it has been over a year and a half with no hospital stays!  Some concerns, but not too serious. We have been enjoying every single moment of this time.  It feels weird, it almost feels like we are living someone else's life.  Does that sound crazy?  It's how we feel.  So...since the rambling is in high gear, let me just give you an update on the kids.


Health-No vomiting for quite sometime.  So long ago in fact I cannot even remember! It's wonderful!  Still extremely limited diet, but we have added quite a few things along the way.  Not sure he will ever enjoying eating, but as long as we are not vomiting, we are rejoicing!

We have been seeing the cardiologists every 3 months and Luke has remained stable.  We felt that he may have to have a surgery this year, but not so sure that will be the case.  Will keep you updated.

Socially-He graduated from kindergarten and had the best school year. He has grown so much spiritually and academically.  His social calendar has been busier than the first 10 years of my life. He is enjoying all the things that 6 year olds enjoy and much more. It has been such a blessing to see him doing well and loving these innocent years.  


Health- Due to concerns with the narrowing of her valve, she had an MRI not too long ago. They are a little concerned with her pressures and her left ventricle is dialated.  Although there are some slight concerns, no action needs to be taken at this time.  However, he wants to monitor her very closely and we will need another MRI within three months.  Her energy level is extremely high and her coloring is great, which of course makes us feel good. 

Socially-she is a fireball!  One minute she is dancing and the next minute she is screaming.  She is a huge people person, of course she has her favorites, but mostly she just loves to interact with everyone. She is also a huge book lover!  We used to visit the library often, but she gets so excited when she is pretend reading that we had to change locations.  Now it is Barnes and Noble.  The helpers at church say she reads all the books and then plays.  Her and Luke bug eachother as much as they love eachother.  It's hard to believe she is turning two in two weeks!

Being the emotional person that I am, I tend to get teary eyed often thinking about blessed we have been.  So thankful for this time we have been given!

Thank you for checking in and sorry for the rambling. :)

All our love, Chez Family