"CONGRATULATIONS!" you are pregnant
- you are having twins
- you are having twins
-It's A Boy & A Girl
-I'm sorry to share with you - Twin B, your baby girl will be born with Congenital Heart Disease. Truncus Arteriosus
-1 month later - Twin A your baby boy will also be born with Congenital Heart Disease. Tetralogy of Fallot PA MAPCAS
-You will not be able to hold your children when they are born, due to the severity of their heart conditions
-Within 24 hours of their birth - they will be transported by helicopter to the hospital to prepare them for open heart surgery
-Your daughter although 2 days old and 4lbs, will be taken into her 1st open heart surgery tomorrow morning at the same time your son will be having a catheterzation to see if we can wait a couple months before performing surgery.
- Your son can wait for 3 months before his open heart surgery
-Your daughter has come out of surgery - repair was successful
-10 minutes later - Code Blue sounds in the hospital - Mr. & Mrs. Chez your daughter has coded we are doing everything we can to save her.
-After 8 long minutes we were able to Resuscitate her
-During the 3 months before you sons surgery - he may have tet spells -where he turns blue. Always keep an eye on him and do your best not to let him cry.
-7 weeks later - you may now take your daughter home
3 months later - your son is now ready for his open heart surgery
-after many procedures and 2 years later - your daughter's valve is ready to be replaced - it is time for her second open heart surgery.
-immediately following her surgery - surgeon enters the room, surgery was successful
-2 days later - we had hoped surgery would of been more successful we will need to go back in for another open heart surgery within a couple months
-3 months later and 1 day before her catherterzation to determine when surgery was needed - We were In ER - Doctor "Truncus Arteriosus, never heard of it."
-Our daughter codes and stops breathing - rushed into open heart surgery
witnessed what it looks like to have the ECMO machine connected up to your daughter as she does not even look like herself - with a team of over 8 doctors and nurses trying to save her life - while you watch and just try to breathe
- Mr. & Mr.s Chez, I'm sorry your daughter is not going to make it. This is the time - if you would like to say goodbye.
kissed her on the face and had to leave the hospital without her - comfort in knowing she was with Jesus now - crushed to leave the same little body who we held and kissed every night.
learning to breathe
Still grieving
-Our daughter codes and stops breathing - rushed into open heart surgery
witnessed what it looks like to have the ECMO machine connected up to your daughter as she does not even look like herself - with a team of over 8 doctors and nurses trying to save her life - while you watch and just try to breathe
- Mr. & Mr.s Chez, I'm sorry your daughter is not going to make it. This is the time - if you would like to say goodbye.
kissed her on the face and had to leave the hospital without her - comfort in knowing she was with Jesus now - crushed to leave the same little body who we held and kissed every night.
learning to breathe
Still grieving
-8 months later - I'm sorry Mr. & Mrs. Chez, your sons valve needs to be replaced - second open heart surgery
-3 months later after our son's open heart surgery - you are pregnant -it's a girl - I do not know how to say this - she will also be born with CHD - Tetralogy of Fallot
-at 6 weeks daughters 1st open heart surgery
- shortly after surgery - we have paged the surgeon, your daughter is bleeding internally we need to go in again and stop the bleeding.
- 3 months later - second open heart surgery
*It's been 3 years since our children have had any open heart surgeries. They both will need valve replacements throughout their lives
*It's been 3 years since our children have had any open heart surgeries. They both will need valve replacements throughout their lives
My name is Terra and my husband, Adam and I have been blessed with 3 beautiful children all whom were born with CHD- Luke (8) TOF, MAPCAS PA, Gracie (Luke's twin sister who passed 1 month before her 3rd birthday they share- but is now safe in the arms of Jesus) Truncus Arteriosus and Abbey (4) TOF MAPCAS PA.
Congenital Heart Defects are the #1 birth defect worldwide
1 out of every 100 babies are born each year in the US have some type of Congenital Heart Defect (approximately 40,000/year
Nearly twice as many children die from Congenital Heart Defects in the US each year than from all forms of childhood cancers combined, yet funding for pediatric cancer research is five times higher than funding for Congenital Heart Defects
Congenital Heart Awareness week - February 7-14
The importance of creating Awareness :
CHD- needs to make it in the public eye. How are we to raise funds for a disease that most people including - large corporate companies (who are required to give money annually) are completely unaware of what CHD really is?
A disease that is not well known will have scarce research in funding. It is important that we raise awareness in all areas.
During CHD Awareness week Hopeful Hearts will be sharing ways that you can help spread awareness and make a difference in lives of those affected by CHD.
Everyone has a story. We thank you for reading ours.
Adam, Terra, Luke, Angel Gracie and Abbey
Our lives have forever been changed by these three words - Congenital Heart Disease. In our short journey with CHD, we have experienced Trials, Tribulations, Sorrow, Loss, Love, Joy, Peace, Grace and Hope.
Congenital Heart Defects are the #1 birth defect worldwide
1 out of every 100 babies are born each year in the US have some type of Congenital Heart Defect (approximately 40,000/year
Nearly twice as many children die from Congenital Heart Defects in the US each year than from all forms of childhood cancers combined, yet funding for pediatric cancer research is five times higher than funding for Congenital Heart Defects
Congenital Heart Awareness week - February 7-14
The importance of creating Awareness :
CHD- needs to make it in the public eye. How are we to raise funds for a disease that most people including - large corporate companies (who are required to give money annually) are completely unaware of what CHD really is?
A disease that is not well known will have scarce research in funding. It is important that we raise awareness in all areas.
During CHD Awareness week Hopeful Hearts will be sharing ways that you can help spread awareness and make a difference in lives of those affected by CHD.
Everyone has a story. We thank you for reading ours.
Adam, Terra, Luke, Angel Gracie and Abbey