Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Grey's 2 Year Stats

Grey had his 2 year check up this morning.  The doctor said his eczema is still bad, but we will continue with the steroid cream, but up the regime a bit.  All went well until it came time for the finger prick and blood draw.  Overall, he did well and is a happy, healthy growing 2 year old.
Height- 35" (63%)
Weight- 26 lbs. (24%)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday to Grey!

For Grey's birthday we decided to go to the Downtown Aqaurium for some family fun.  The boys had so much fun on the train, looking at the sharks, fish, and tigers, and riding the carousel.  Next weekend, we are having his party! I can't believe my baby boy is two!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

We love our daddy!  The boys are lucky to have such a good daddy!

Grey's First Haircut

At 22 months old, Grey got his first haircut.  Unfortunately, I did not get a picture of it because daddy decided to get a little scissor happy when I was out with girlfriends.  My baby no longer looks like a baby.
