On Monday, I decided to start Colby on baby food. I set up his high chair, so this was also the first time he sat in a high chair:) He had done pretty well on the Rice Cereal, so I THOUGHT he would love the baby food. I wanted to start on green vegetables, then move on to the others. I know he will probably love all the fruit, so I want him to like his vegetables before getting a taste of the sweet fruit. I started with green beans. Chase was able to take pictures while I gave him his first taste of the green beans. He opened his mouth readily at first ( probably thinking he was about to get his rice cereal.) Once he actually got a taste of the green beans, his mouth was closed tightly! He hated them! After a couple more attempts to get him to eat them, I gave up. The next day, I decided to mix his rice cereal, breastmilk, and sneak alittle green beans in it too. Well... it worked! He ate the whole bowl. I did the same thing for the next day as well. Then day 4, I gave him the green beans all by themselves again. He loved them. I couldn't get them in his mouth fast enough. He kept grabbing the bowl. Tonight I am going to start peas. Hopefully, he will like those too:) This week Colby has been rolling over so much. I can't keep him on his back. He now constantly wants to be on his tummy which is opposite of how he used to be. He always fussed when he was doing his tummy time. We are also still working on his sitting up. He can sit up, but we still have "man down" incidents. He is growing up so fast!

Colby sitting in his highchair for the first time! This was pre-green bean attempt:)

First bite of green beans... it looks like he likes them...LOL

This stuff is gross... where is my milk!!!

Why is my food green???

Sitting up in the backyard

Sitting up all by himself

So cute:)

Playing airplane with mommy...

So fun!