Monday, July 27, 2009

This baby can eat...

green beans, peas, sweet peas, squash, and carrots! So far, Colby has loved everything we have tried to feed him. He takes down baby food like a champ. I have been slowly introducing the vegetables first, but soon we will add the fruit. I am sure he will love those as well. Lately, Colby has been making this pouty face where he sticks his bottom lip out. I think he might be getting a tooth and trying to feel it. I am not sure, but we will know once it actually cuts through. He is enjoying seeing the world in a different view... sitting up. He gets so proud of himself while he sits up. :) He is such a joy to be around, and I cherish every day I get to spend at home with him. Here are a few pictures from the week.

Look at that adorable little face... where did the chubby cheeks come from?

His pouty, stick my bottom lip out face.

In his bouncy seat...I remember when he looked so small in this seat.
So proud of himself

Sitting on the chair like daddy

I think he knows what a camera is now...posing.
So, Chase and I had him laughing up a storm the other day. What was so funny???... mommy running! I know it is hilarious because she never does that:)
My first time holding Cydney. She is doing great. Once she eats 8 bottles a day she will be home. Today is the first time they will try all 8 feedings, and if she does good they are hoping to have her home by Wednesday. It would be such a blessing for my sister to have her whole family of 4 together:)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Cydney Marie's arrival and Mimi comes to visit!

This week was an exciting one! My sister delivered my niece, Cydney Marie, after being on bedrest in the hospital for 14 weeks. Friday morning, I was able to be at the hospital with my sister for the big day. After the delivery the doctors brought Cydney by for us to see her before taking her up to the NICU. There is nothing like seeing a brand new baby. It brought back memories from when Colby was first born. Such an awesome and surreal feeling. Cydney is perfect and petite. Hopefully, she will have a very short NICU stay, and my sister and Chris can take home their precious baby girl soon.
Chase's family also came to visit this weekend. Mimi had not seen Colby since he was born. She of course ate Colby up! It is always fun having family around loving on your baby. We had a nice time with them, and hope we can see them again soon. Colby already misses his Mimi. Here are a few pictures from this week.

Cydney Marie
Born July 17, 2009
Weight 4lb. 12oz.
Length 18in.

Colby and his Mimi

Colby and Cousin Coy out for a stroll :)

Colby with his new teething ring

Sunday, July 12, 2009

1st Baby Food Feeding!

On Monday, I decided to start Colby on baby food. I set up his high chair, so this was also the first time he sat in a high chair:) He had done pretty well on the Rice Cereal, so I THOUGHT he would love the baby food. I wanted to start on green vegetables, then move on to the others. I know he will probably love all the fruit, so I want him to like his vegetables before getting a taste of the sweet fruit. I started with green beans. Chase was able to take pictures while I gave him his first taste of the green beans. He opened his mouth readily at first ( probably thinking he was about to get his rice cereal.) Once he actually got a taste of the green beans, his mouth was closed tightly! He hated them! After a couple more attempts to get him to eat them, I gave up. The next day, I decided to mix his rice cereal, breastmilk, and sneak alittle green beans in it too. Well... it worked! He ate the whole bowl. I did the same thing for the next day as well. Then day 4, I gave him the green beans all by themselves again. He loved them. I couldn't get them in his mouth fast enough. He kept grabbing the bowl. Tonight I am going to start peas. Hopefully, he will like those too:) This week Colby has been rolling over so much. I can't keep him on his back. He now constantly wants to be on his tummy which is opposite of how he used to be. He always fussed when he was doing his tummy time. We are also still working on his sitting up. He can sit up, but we still have "man down" incidents. He is growing up so fast!
Colby sitting in his highchair for the first time! This was pre-green bean attempt:)

First bite of green beans... it looks like he likes them...LOL

This stuff is gross... where is my milk!!!

Why is my food green???

Sitting up in the backyard

Sitting up all by himself

So cute:)

Playing airplane with mommy...

So fun!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 6 Month Birthday!

Today, my little angel is 6 months old! It is so hard to believe. Really?!? I was in the hospital delivering him at this very minute (1:44pm) 6 months ago. I know I keep saying this, but it is true... time really does fly! Colby has really grown up so much this week. He has now started sitting for longer periods of time. He is rolling much more often, and now he even rolls over in his crib. He also pushes up on his arms when he is doing tummy time. He will be crawling in no time. He had his 6 month check up today. Here are is stats:
weight- 15lbs. 3 oz. (10%)
height- 28 1/5 in. (97%)
head- 16 1/2 in. (10%)
So he is still long and skinny, but the doctor said he is growing perfectly. We are now going to start baby food. Tonight, I am going to try to feed him green beans... let's hope he likes them:)

Sitting up playing with his toy

Look how well he sits up:)
"Hi mom!"

Fourth of July with his Red, White, and Blue outfit!

Happy Fourth of July!

Swimming with Daddy on Fourth of July!

Look I can smile and do tummy time!

Look how far he can push up now:)

Happy 6 months!
Colby today in his swing.... Colby at a few weeks old in his swing...
Eating his cereal... he loves it. I can't get the spoon in his mouth fast enough!