Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Sorry my human mom hasn't posted much. She has been quite busy working with me............I keep her on her toes. It's now been almost a month since I've come to live in my new home. We have had some challenges and at times..............thought I might be sent off to find a new home. See I'm quite the challenge for my family but the good news is I am finally learning (more like listening...lol) You see I have some quirks............I bark and lunge at dogs when we go for walks, it's a good thing my human dad is strong because if I got loose not sure what I would do..........my parents are hoping that I am just wanting to play and not being aggressive. Time will tell hopefully. I also have issues with people..............don't like them coming to close to me or petting me unless I know them so I will growl at them if they try. My parents don't like that about me............and I really hurt my human sister.............I knocked her down and dragged her in the yard trying to get to a dog. So for a couple of weeks my parents weren't for sure if they could keep me or not. I am feeling more secure with my family so I'm getting a little better. My parents are finding ways to work with me that are working so I think I'm around for the long haul................I mean look at me.............who could give me up............lol.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Does your dog need??

A new collar and leash? If the answer is yes to that question hop on over and enter to win. I'm doing it how about you?


Wednesday, June 1, 2011