
Our sweet little Mabel is One! Oh How we love her.  She could not be anymore perfect!! Sweet, shy, happy, sassy. This little lady catches everyones eye. She Loves her big brother but boy does he bug her.  She will crawl right over and bite him. (see so sassy)  We decided for her birthday we would do a family party then do a big family and friends party next week.  We had dinner, cake and present.  She wasnt too interested in the cake.  She was so happy to rip into those gifts.  We bought her a walker to get this little on the move.  Owen picked out a little water baby.  It took a while in the store, he picked out every darker skinned doll in the store.  Wasnt to sure I wanted that for her first doll. ;)
This girl has me hooked.  Love her more then words can describe. 
Love you little peach.


A picture update for my brother Vance who is on his mission in PA!! Love you Vance.

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Mabel's Birth Story

Can I just say I feel so blessed.  Blessed to have a easy pregnancy, Blessed to have a easy birth, and Blessed to have a Fantastic photographer to be in to room when Mabel came into this room.  Alyssa did such a wonderful job.  Words can describe the joy I felt when I first saw these pictures.  They were EXACTLY what I wanted and could not be happier with them.  It was her first time and as you can imagine a little nervous to be a birth room with your boyfriends sister.  There were a few things she probably didn't want to see or smell as did I.  It got a little nasty in the room.  It also got a little funny with my mom putting make-up on me.  Thanks again Mom I looked much better this time then with Owen.  Haha.

Like I said I will be forever grateful for Alyssa being with us and what she gave us.

Sunday September 4th I woke up had a few contractions and started getting ready for church.  As we sat in Sacrament they were a little closer, then by Relief Society they were 5 to 6 minutes apart.  After church we went home started making dinner (thanks to Dan and Gigi)  Joe and I decided to go for a walk around the block.  By the time we got back they were about 4 minutes.  We grabbed last minute things  (my bags were backed for weeks)  and headed to the hospital.  It was a long ride.  1 hour to the hospital in pain is not fun.  Joe was hungry so he decided to drive thru taco bell.  Sorry Joe had to write it.  Don't want to leave out anything.  We got to the hospital went up stairs and waited for a room.  It was a long 15 minutes.  I don't do pain very well.

We got into our room changed into the gown and was checked.  I was at a lovely 3 finally something!!  They wanted me to be at a 4.  They said it would lower my chance of Cesarean, Whatever! So they had me walk for an hour.  The nurse promised me she would have a epidural waiting for me.  After an hour I  got myself the drugs  around 4!  After that hit, I was all fun and games.  Most of my family including Alyssa were camping in San Clemente.  They packed up the camp super quick and headed for the hospital.  Owen came with my Mom and Dan and was so ready to party himself. Poor Collin was in the room with me when I started throwing up. They had given me some pitocin and it makes me throw up every time.   The nurses and midwife thought for sure I would have the baby before midnight.  Midnight passed no baby.  At around 1 they checked me and called the midwife.  Who thought she had plenty of time to eat and rest.  Nope this little girl was coming and coming fast.  They had to rush getting everything ready since she was practically sliding out.  I think I pushed maybe once or twice and she came out screaming.  She was wide eyed and  had a high apgar score of 9.  She also came out with her tongue out and has had it out since.  Owen was so excited to come in and see her.  He had stayed awake and was not about to rest.  He had more energy then everyone in the waiting room put together.  He was having such a good time in the waiting room.  He loves hanging out with my brothers and sister.  He was in Heaven!!  He also couldn't wait to see his baby sister.  He wouldn't sit on the bed with me but would happily hold my hand or give me a kiss.  He is the sweetest.  He thought she was the cutest thing when he came in.

We could not be happier with this little girl!!  She is perfect in every way!!!  I have a hard time when people say oh she is so cute, not saying I know right.  We are all obsessed with her and can't get over her.   I am so glad that we have these pictures to put in a book for her and be able to keep forever.  This is a memory I will never forget!  Thanks again Alyssa for everything!  

If anyone is interested in birth photos please let me know I can get you in contact with Alyssa!!  She is AMAZING!!!