My intention was to attend the wreathing ceremony conducted by Vice President Biden, but I realized that 45 minutes early is, apparently, not early enough. I was bummed about not being able to attend, because only ONE section of the cemetery was open while the VP was present. It was the Iraq/Afghanistan Section. Boy was I glad I missed the ceremony and went there instead!

Passing through the never-ending rows of headstones was humbling. Reality hit a little harder with each step as I passed the newly-created graves that had not yet been tucked-in tight with sod; as if they were children put to bed without their blankets. There was one grave that hit me HARD. His name was Scott. Scott was born only two years before me and died just a few months ago while I was on Spring Break visiting my family. Below his name was engraved Beloved Son, Husband, and Father. Just below that, on the grass, was an awkward arrangement made of fallen leaves and a stick; evidence of a grieving child. I was glad to be wearing sunglasses to hide my tears.
I wish you all could see the families who were there to visit someone specific. My favorite family was a couple in their 50s (?). They were camped-out in their red lawn chairs facing one of the many plain, white headstones. Neither of them said more than a word or two or even diverted their eyes to much else. They just sat in their solemnity, eyes forward. As I passed by, I noticed the individual to which they were paying tribute had died earlier this year and was only a few years older than myself. It was beautiful to see their tender love and respect, yet heart-wrenching to witness their sorrow.
As I wandered through the hundreds of thousands of graves, I couldn't help but think about why so many men and women had to die. I came up with multiple answers, but they all ultimately came back to one thing, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This nation was founded and has been protected so that the Gospel could be restored again and have a place to thrive. Our country has had to interfere with other nations' conflict so that the Gospel could continue to roll forth throughout the world.
I think John F. Kennedy said it all:

The energy, the faith, the devotion
which we bring to this endeavor
will light our country
and all who serve it,
and the glow from that fire
can truly light the world.
which we bring to this endeavor
will light our country
and all who serve it,
and the glow from that fire
can truly light the world.
I am truly grateful to those who have sacrificed so much for this great cause. Both those who are selfless enough to risk their lives, and those who are selfless enough to let their loved ones risk their lives. Thank you Veterans!!