Wednesday 31 October 2012

Canvas and a Giveaway!

I just wanted to share a double canvas I recently made using some of the new Bo Bunny Blossoms.  I had a quote I found on Pinterest that I wanted to use which I thought would be perfect to have up on the wall as a reminder for me to take to heart especially with how my life very often is!

I had lots of fun with these two canvases, I painted them, used mists, masks and distress inks.  I also used tissue paper and Gesso to create texture, torn book pages and some texture paste through a brick mask.
 I used some of the Bo Bunny Welcome Home papers to cut out those beautiful swirls.

The beautiful butterflies were done with the Bo Bunny Ambrosia stamp set, definitely one of my most favourite Bo Bunny stamp sets!
This leaf punch is one of my new favourite tools and it is an Xcut leaf Embossing Punch, just love it!

 I just adore all the new blossoms and I think the ones with the big jewelled ball from the Zinnia packs are my favourites followed very closely by the Pansy's (the two toned yellow one with the matt ball in the photo below and the two toned purple one)

As the festive season is drawing nearer I have put together a little Christmas kit to giveaway using the beautiful vintage style Bo Bunny Rejoice!  It includes one each of all twelve patterned papers, the stamp set, some Petals, a few Noteworthy, Trinkets, brads and then a couple of other bits and bobs.  Sorry for the not very brilliant picture and some of the colours are a bit wrong but that is due to the wonderful weather we have had over the last few days!  Winter has definitely come early in the UK ;)

If you would like to win the kit just add your name to the link below and I will draw a winner in two weeks time.  There is no need to post the giveaway on your blogs or anywhere else but If you would like to that would be much appreciated :)

(I know the link is showing up as having to add a URL but I unchecked it on the Inlinkz setup so you shouldn't have to add one )

Thursday 25 October 2012

Buttons, brads, trinkets and Nickelback!

Let me start off by saying this is going to be a very picture heavy post!

Today's layout was done for a focus on buttons, brads and trinkets and I chose to use the new Powder Mountain range which is is just gorgeous!  I love all the wood textures and silhouettes in this line which make it work perfectly for older kids winter layouts.  I can't wait to use it for some more updated photos of the kids sledding!

I love stitching on layouts and I have done loads of stitching on this one, around the edges, the photos, on the 'snow' and to hang my snowflake. 

To make my 'snow' I wet some white cardstock, scrunched it up then straightened it out and dried it with a heat gun.  I then used my sewing machine to stitch wavy lines all over it and stitch it to the page.
I used an Ek Success bubbles edge punch around the edge of the page and then used some of the punched out circles to scatter around the page for some random snow flakes.

 Supply List :
Patterned Paper: Words, Scarf/Powder Mountain
Cardstock : Buttercup Vintage Paper
Stickers : Combo Sticker; Dimensional Stickers/Powder Mountain
Brads : Powder Mountain
Buttons : Powder Mountain
Jewels : Powder Mountain
Chipboard : Powder Mountain Layered Chipboard
Trinket : Enchanted Trinkets
Punches : Ek Success Bubbles edge punch; Martha Stewart Iron Gate edge punch

We went to our Nickelback concert recently and can I just say WOW, WOW, WOW!  I have been to quite a few concerts at this stage and this was the best one yet, even Paul said it was brilliant and he isn't a huge Nickelback fan and mostly only went for my sake.  The sound was amazing, crystal clear and let me tell you Chad's voice is as good live as it is on cd and there are not that many bands that can say that!  The opening act was Daughtry who I also really like and they were really good too.  Here are a couple of Daughtry photos :)


 These are a few of the Nickelback photos.  This first close up one I took from one of the big screens.

 The lighting was fantastic too!
 This is the drummer doing his solo, he was amazing!

 One of the things that also made the concert so amazing was the crowd.  The stadium was packed they even had all the very top tiers open (I don't think they even had those open for Guns 'n Roses) and the crowd was just sooo responsive and clapped and sang and screamed the whole way through.  In fact when Chad asked them to sing he could have probably not bothered singing the song at all because the crowd sang the whole way through!  I always feel so bad when the band asks the crowd to sing parts and the crowd doesn't know the words or not enough of them sing and you can barely hear them so it was brilliant to have everyone singing along so enthusiastically!

 Now I just can't wait for them to come over again because I will definitely be going again next time! :)

Friday 19 October 2012

Layout Challenge

This months layout challenge on the Bo Bunny blog is to use at least 2 photos, at least one tag and to use one of the following photos for inspiration....

I chose the second one because I just love that glass leaf design, I want to do it in my house somewhere!!!

It was so fun making the mosaic effect with the diamond shapes, I was quite sorry I had to cover some of them up with photos lol.  I used two different sized diamonds to do the mosaic and I decided not to ink etc them because I wanted a crisp contrast and really clean look.  The 'frame' was just embossed with a ruler and a stylus and then sanded to show the paper core.

That's it for today just a quick one, I have quite a few things I want to post at the moment but just never seem to have the time to post them anymore!  Hopefully it won't be too long before my next post and then I will also be having another giveaway soon.  I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! :)

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Use Your Scraps and a Winner!

I did this layout for a use your scraps assignment for Bo Bunny.  I find I generally end up with quite a lot of long thin strips of patterned paper so I decided to use them like this.  I used a few different paper ranges for this one Zoology, On The Go and Freedom.  The layout is about my youngest  son and all the strange things I would find him wearing when I would go and check on him before I went to bed!  Of course then I would always end up waking him up by taking photos, removing said strange items and of course having to squish him because he was so cute ;)

Patterned Paper : Word/Zoology; Freedom, Old Glory/Liberty; Roads/On The Go
Stickers : On The Go Combo Sticker; Zoology Combo Sticker; Garden Girl Combo Sticker
Stamps : Blast Off

I also supplied a sketch to go with it. :)

Now for the winner of the Bo Bunny Mistletoe card set.  I used and this is the number it gave me......

So Valerie that means you are the winner!  Email me your address at carin(at) and I will get the card kit sent out to you.

Thanks everyone for taking part in the Bo Bunny WCMD blog hop and don't forget that Bo Bunny is giving away a beautiful pink Bo Bunny purse every week this month for Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Saturday 6 October 2012

Bo Bunny WCMD Blog Hop!!

Hello Bo Bunny fans welcome to the Bo Bunny Blog hop to celebrate National Card Making Day!

You should have started out at the Bo Bunny Blog and then followed the trail before coming here from Lynn's Blog.  Incase you have got lost along the way this is the order you should be following

  Carin - That's me!

At each blog you will find a letter, once you have gathered all the letters unscramble them to form a word and then email your word to Bo Bunny at the following address : for the chance to win some gorgeous Bo Bunny goodies!
You have until Tuesday 9 October to email your answer and then Bo Bunny will randomly select a name from all the correct answers to win the prize!  The winner will be announced on Wednesday the 10th October.

Here are my cards for today's blog hop.  I decided to choose three cards out of one the Rejoice Card Kit seeing as it is already getting to that time of year again!  
The card kits that Bo Bunny do are fantastic!  Already designed for you with all the bits that you need, perfect for when you still want to give a handmade card but don't want to have to design your own or just don't have the time to worry about it.  
I have kept the cards pretty much as they are in the kit but have just dressed them up a bit by inking the edges and adding small touches like gems, pearls and ribbon.

 As it is WCMD today I have decided to give away one of the new Christmas card sets the super cute Mistletoe set!  I will be having another giveaway of some other Christmas goodies soon!

If you would like the chance to win it then leave a comment and I will pick a winner in a few days!

Now for my lEttEr....wEll if you takE anothEr look at this paragraph thEn I am surE you will bE ablE to guEss what it is ;~) 

Once you have worked out what my letter is then head over to Jolan's blog for the next letter!

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
This month Bo Bunny are going to give away one of their stunning Pink Bo Bunny Purses every Monday.
How cute is that little flower purse!
All you have to do is share how being aware has helped you or someone
you know in the fight against breast cancer.
So pop over to the BoBunny blog if you want the chance to win one!
Also pop on over to the Bo Bunny Blog later today to participate in the WCMD Bo Bunny blog hop!

Saturday 29 September 2012


I am a bad, bad blogger! :)  Totally crazy week and I don't even have anything crafty to put up because everything I either can't show or I have not got around to photographing yet lol.  So this post is just lots of random things!

It was Christopher's birthday this week.  I don't have any good pics of him blowing out his candles as we had a party for him today at one of these Laser tag places and it was dark and there were too many kids getting in the way! (if I am honest I was also just in a rush to get it over with so that everyone could get cake and go home when normally I would relight the candles until I got a good photo, such a patient mommy :) ) I am sooo to old for kids birthday party's and boys are just so hyper and seriously can scream even louder than girls!  I think he liked his big present.... :)

 I got a new toy this week as well.  I have always had a pay as you go mobile phone but we decided to get contracts as it works out better in the end.  I pretty much just use my phone for calling and texts but I decided I wanted a phone that could take decent photos as I often want to take photos when I don't have my camera with me as it is just so big!  I would have loved an iphone but can't afford that so this was the next best thing as far as photos and price range go, a Samsung Galaxy S2 and so far I am having lots of fun with it.


But just look at the gorgeous case my hubby found for me !  Isn't it just the cutest cover ever!  I totally adore it and think I am going to have to order another one for incase this one ever breaks because I love it soo much.  It was also only £1.75 so perfect excuse to have an extra one ;)

Then I was busy looking at my Pintrest boards and was laughing at some of them and decided to add those here too!  This one always makes me laugh because I do this...

This one is me all over too and I have a habit of going to bed after hubby is already asleep and finding some random thing amusing and then trying so hard not to laugh out loud that I of course end up snorting and cackling and waking my poor hubby up!  I think he is used to it now though :)
Lastly for tonight I am going to share another song I love, well actually two because I couldn't decide which of these two to put up lol.  First up is Stone Sour with Hesitate, love this song, especially the end bit :)  Stone Sour is out here in November but unfortunately I can't go because we won't have any baby sitters as my parents in law are going to South Africa for 3 months.  At least P will be going though with my SIL and nephew as he is a bigger fan than I am :)

The next one is from Slash and is called Starlight.  Myles Kennedy from Alter Bridge is singing and I decided to put the live version on simply because Myles Kennedy is awesome live.  We went to the Alter Bridge concert last year and it was definitely one of the best I have been to, they are brilliant live.  Slash is here in October and we really wanted to go and tried to get tickets for that but the concert was sold out in the first 2 minutes just from pre-sales and these places that buy loads of tickets and then sell them at double the price, sooooooo irritating!

 Ok I have probably rattled on more than enough for one night....I hope everyone is having a great weekend and the rest of it is wonderful too! :)

Saturday 15 September 2012


Just sharing a couple of layouts that I did for Scrapbook Magazine issue 63.  This first one was for the Fourways Challenge and was done using a Sarah's Cards kit with the beautiful Random collection from Crate Paper.
I love these photos of my sisters and me 'posing' for my Mom.  There were a few good photos but of course lots and lots where at least one (or all) of us are pulling silly faces, although I have to admit that is usually mostly me and my older sister as my younger sister is generally much better behaved when it comes to photos ;)

 The T.T.C is all of our initials :)

The next one was for the designer gallery and that was Easter themed so this is my layout for that.
 I used my EKSuccess open scallop edge punch to make the rosette and a Bo Bunny Trinket.
 I played around with some bling to decorate my eggs.
 It was lots of fun working out the journaling to include EGG!

  We have just sat down to watch Doctor Who after watching last nights episode of Master Chef Australia and then next we are watching 21 Jump Street (the movie).  Now that is what I call a laid back Saturday evening.  Thanks for visiting, I hope everyone is having a good weekend.