Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Miscellaneous May 2015

May 2015

Some of our favorite Oberg ladies came out for a visit, 
so we showed them a good time 
by hitting up the Cinco De Mayo festival downtown.


 The girls and I survived our first tornado warning, 
which consisted of spending 5 minutes in the basement.  
It was actually kind of exciting 
and touched down relatively close to our house.  

I received a special delivery from Utah, 
which could not have been received with more excitement and tears.  
A Dad always knows the way to his daughter's heart.   
Speaking of knowing the way to my heart, 
breakfast and a clean kitchen could not have been a better Mother's Day gift.

We continued our adventures with potty (poop) training Nora.  

'Toilet training this kid has been a long nightmare.  I thought we had finally turned a corner, but 17 pounds of poop in her undies today proved me wrong.  It was rough.  There may have been some tears and barfing involved (on my part), but I couldn't really stay mad when she asked me "do you still love me, Mom?" with this face.  
#constipationsucks #poopproblems #thoughtweweredonewithpullups'  

 Fun Aunt Chelsey came to visit,
so of course we had to take her shopping on 16th street 
and to see the Rockies play.

"It's not so much about baseball, as it is about the nachos, free fedora and cotton candy.  
#workbaseballgame #gootimes #evenforHazel"


Nora got her first "real"haircut
(Let's try to forget about that PageBoy haircut I gave her),

 and looked completely adorable.

Hazel graduated from Kindergarten and made me cry.

"Well hello there, you little kindy grad, you!" 
#wantstobeateacher #lovesart #fabulousreader #countsto100 #addandsubtract" 

 We spent some time with our Lone Tree cousins at the Cherry Creek Mall,

 Played in the rain in our princess dress-ups,

Celebrated my 31st birthday, 

 And enjoyed a very pregnant Memorial Day weekend
with Erik and Sammy
playing at the park, 
eating sub sandwiches, 
and shooting off rockets.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Miscellaneous April 2015

April highlights 2015

Easter Prep

Don't be fooled;
this was not as easy, breezy and relaxing as it looks
#onedgethewholetime #dontspill

Easter Day,
General Conference,
and dinner spent with family.

Nora: running through the neighbor's sprinkler in our Easter clothes was awesome.
Elsie:  Yeah that was a great idea!
#twoyearolds #cousins #doubletrouble

Mile High Flea Market
where we found Ribbon Fries,
and games

Found me some ribbon fries, and I didn't even have to wait for the county fair.
#milehighfleamarket #wasntevenhungry #butIatethewholething #boom

A FHE trip down to the Denver Temple

Why didn't I take the girls to see the temple when we lived 2 minutes away from one?
#hourdrive #dinnerpicnic #templelesson #theylovedit #tulips #ilovetoseethetemple

Some much needed time with dad,
since we basically hadn't seen him since January.

It's true,
Taylor is the absolute luckiest person on the planet
and it doesn't stop with arcade games.
Hazel: 2783 tickets  Nora:101 tickets
#itpaystoplaywithdaddy #jackpot

Finding out the gender of The Babe,

Happy Hump (baby bump) Day!
20 weeks and 1 day; officially on the countdown!
We get to find out the gender of this little nugget today.
#feelslikechristmas #canhardlywait

and then letting the world know.

The apple has a stem!!!
(If you aren't familiar with Craig Oberg'isms', 
it means it's a boy)
#ohboy #freakingout

And a fantastic, little, getaway to Vegas
with my mama and the Bridenstine girls

FBF to last friday when I was in sunny Las Vegas 
with this beautiful mama 
eating the most delicious Greek food I have ever had,
hands down.
Those fries were a life changer.
#lovemymama #andgreekfood #andlasvegas #andgirlstrips

What happens in Vegas...
#hopeitfitsinmysuitcase #girlstrip