Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tyson spilled the beans!

So, the cat's out of the bag...We are expecting again! We were never so good at keeping secrets, so our endeavor to keep this thing quiet until AUGUST didn't quiet work out.

We are super excited and SUPER nervous. I don' think we really thought out what would happen when this thing is born:
- Our house is 900 sq feet with technically 2 bedrooms. Where is this thing going to live?
- Who is going to help me during sacrament meeting. Ty is in the bishopric, HOW will I deal with THREE rug rats.
- AND why do we do this time and time again when things never go as planned. I am already sticking out and in maternity clothes, and I am already sick sick sick. Happy days! I am only like 8 weeks or something.

oh well, enjoy the news and call us CRAZY!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

pictures as promised

So, looking through our pictures, we have had a FUN year. Leah turned
one, Aaron turned three (and was potty trained) Tyson ran a triathlon, we moved... A LOT... and now we are enjoying our new place. the first two pictures are of our new place. The first is the drive way (cool huh?) and the second is the house from the driveway. We took tons of pictures but these were the best. There is also a really old barn on the back side of the property and two beautiful "mountains" we sit right in a canyon. We call this place "Granite Canyon". There is almost four acres here. As of right now, we have torn up all that beautiful grass and are putting in a sprinkler system. We also enjoy all the wild life. We have two marmots that live in a swell up in front and there are ducks that come by often, and on Mother's day we saw our first deer.


The next few pictures are requests from my sister. The first is the photo wall that we did for my mom on Mother's day. Tyson took the pictures, he did a swell job huh? Sorry

.And this last bunch are of the cupcakes I made my mom for mother's day. She said she loves Chinese food. So, we made fried rice cupcakes, and pork chow mien noodle cupcakes! All edible and made out of candy. A little hard to eat when the look like that!! It was so much Fun.

If a lot of this was rambling sorry, I didn't proof it either!!!