Monday, June 3, 2013

Aaron's quip of the day

Aaron has been WAY into building forts. Today he had a fort brewing that I think was supposed to be like a pirate ship.

"Hey Leah, wanna be my land ho-er?"
"When you see land, you say ' LAND HO!' just like that"

I love it!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Had to share

Here is a recent conversation at my house...

Aaron: Leah you can't suck your thumb.
Leah: Yeah huh, I can get braces later. Mom said
Aaron: No, braces is what you get when you don't brush your teeth.
Leah: Nu uh, MOM SAID!
Aaron: Well, if you keep sucking your thumb you will have to get double braces, then you will die.
Leah: OK, I won't suck my thumb.

Ah, to be a child again!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Craft room redo

So, this is really for my family that is away from me so they can see what I've been doing

Here is the before picture

Yes, I know....very messy and embarrassing. But I had to show the before so you could appreciate the after....drum roll please

 All this on a budget and about 12 hours of time! First I cleaned the room out. I spray painted the tables white while Tyson was putting together the shelves.  I made the curtains and the table skirts with out sewing!!! by using heat-n-bond. AWESOME STUFF!!  Then put it all back together. I love it. Now we'll see if I actually use it, who wants to mess up something this beautiful?

Monday, October 1, 2012

We moved in!!

So, I am a failure, I don't have a picture of the finished product...yet.   I have this sorta finished/ half painted picture from our contractor's website...that is why it is blurry. I will get a better photo after the driveway is paved this week.  Trust me, the house looks amazing now that it is all painted and the details outside and inside are finished.  We moved in Labor Day weekend and have loved every minute of it!

Our breakfast nook. Seriously huge. We have fit 12 people around it already.  There are 4 storage drawers under the bench. 

This is a shot of the entry area

THE fireplace. Right behind the two doors to the left and right of the fireplace is the kids play room, and stairs going up! Double doors to the right are Ty's office and the brown cupboards to the left is a window seat.

Our kitchen. Above is the wide view and below is a close up. Can you see the drinking fountain? We love that feature as well as the touch faucets! Tyson loves the griddle on the stove top and has made breakfast or dinner probably three times a week. SO WORTH IT! Since the picture was taken (before we moved in) the back splash above the stove has been finished and the pot filler has been put in.

So far we love being here.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

my prize is better than yours

I've heard that you can get prizes in your cereal box...but boy did I get the cutest one EVER!!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

10 days already

So, here she is!! Already 10 days old.  
We called in to the hospital on August 1 at 4:30 am to see if they had an opening for me to be induced. Labor and delivery shafted us and told us to wait until they could clear out a few rooms from a busy night.  We waited very impatiently but received the call around 8:30 am. We left right away and were checked in and had the pitocin started by 10:00 am. Labor went as expected and Olivia was born at 4:37 pm. The hospital was so busy that they sent us up to pediatrics to recover. That night Olivia had her first BM, which was a pretty exciting moment for us considering what happened with Jeshua.  They usually want to keep babies a full 24 hours but because of the full moon they had SO many deliveries (some women delivering in the hallway) they were begging us to leave. We were home by 2 that afternoon. WE love baby Olivia and are so happy that she is healthy and in our family!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Welcome Olivia!!

We wanted to let you all know that we welcomed miss Olivia Dawn to our family yesterday afternoon. She is a doll and we love her so much already. As we are still exhausted, I will share our story later and just give a few details and pictures right now.

Olivia Dawn Frantz
7 lbs 2 oz
19 inches long

sorry for the sideways picture, we tried!!