Thursday, April 23, 2015

January 2015

God must love me to send me this Sunbeam.  My heart is full. 
We are finally getting around to painting and decorating our bedroom.  We painted it a gray that I didn't end up liking (it was too blue) so we were back to square one.  (It is now April, and I'm happy to say it is finished)

I was obsessed with hot chocolate and I would drink it every night.  I was out of mugs, so I would drink it out of a measuring cup. 

Grande came to town! #junglegym

We went on a walk to the park, and Austin climbed up on the fire hydrant, and this happened. 

Picnic at the park.  Perfect day. 

My mom makes the best brownies, but no one likes the crusts. 

D and her grandkids.  You can tell how much Austin loves her, it's in his eyes. 

Joshua went to a basketball clinic twice a week.  He was one of the youngest kids there, and became friends with one of the oldest kids. 

Joshua played basketball, and one night at practice they were short a player for a scrimmage game, so Audrey played, and she (surprisingly) loved it. 

Joshua takes his defense very seriously. 

The reason I blog, and Instagram. 

Playdate with Ellie and Madeline. 

We celebrated Jessica's birthday a month late (she was in Utah, and Dec is such a busy month).  It was a fun night celebrating one of my all time favorite people.  

I didn't know a lot of the girls, but I know and love these ones!

Austin boy is my salad loving kid.  And I love sharing my lunch with him. 

Audrey and I were able to go to the Cirque Du Soleil show with some friends.  It was a really fun night! 

It was almost Fafa's birthday, and Austin took signing his birthday card very seriously. 

My favorite part of Christmas time is getting Christmas cards.  The tape was wearing off and lots were falling down, so it was time to take them down. 

A cute note Joshua wrote and mailed.  I gave him the right address to write, but the wrong zip code, and the note still made it to their house.  It was a little miracle. 

A fun afternoon at the book store.  Dave said a lady walked by and saw me reading to the boys and told Dave to take a picture.  I am so glad he did. 

Dr.  Austin

Clean kids, making their own pizzas (and a little what not from Joshua).  My idea of a perfect Saturday night. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

December 2014 (Christmas and everything, I am so lazy)

The cutest Stormtrooper I ever did see. 

Dave's partner gives the kids Barnes & Noble gift cards and the kids loooooove spending them. 

Austin wanted a picture with everyone on the chair.

Homework time for all (even Austin. He has to be in on the action).

Dave and I were on a date, and I love this little handprint on the inside of his car window. 

Second Annual Homeless Stocking Stuffer Party

Polar Express night! 
Side note: Austin's favorite dress up in the whole world is that blue dress he is wearing.  Chrissy wore it as dance costume in her younger years.  Every single time we are over there he puts in on. One time another little boy asked him why he was wearing it, and he looked down at it, and said, "What da heck?" as if he didn't know he was wearing a girls dress. 

Eating lunch with Joshua, and Austin stayed busy by coloring this picture. 

Traditional singing at the nursing home. 

Jess and Ryan came over to watch the Christmas devotional and have breakfast for dinner. Austin drew these pictures.  Picture on the right, Santa. Picture on the left, Squiggles (our elf on the shelf).

I don't know what this is about, but I love it.

Joshua didn't know how to draw a star (????) so here he is learning. 

 Our friends surprise 40th birthday party, complete with laser tag. 

Jess and I did a stair run, which was so much fun, and I couldn't walk for three days after.

Joshua played basketball (Austin is still too young), but the only pictures I have are of Austin pretending to be one of the players on the team.  And it's blurry. 

I did a fun fashion show with my friend Quinn. 
Evening gown look. 

More homework and broccoli eating. 

Jess and I made candy.  It's been a long time since our San Francisco Sweets days back in 2005.

Joshua was having some problems with his eyes hurting so he went to see a pediatric ophthalmologist. He was diagnosed with convergence insufficiency. They had to dilate his eyes really wide. Hence the sunglasses. 

Chrissy hosted a "Favorite Things" party. So much fun. 

My friend Quinn started a company called Life Out of the Box.  These bracelets were made in a different country and every time you buy one, a child in that country gets school supplies.  There is a number on the bracelet and you can log on and see the child that received the school supplies.  Such a neat company.  We gave all of Dave's assistants a bracelet.  

December 13, 2014. I have a weird fetish with numbers.  This is the last time the date will be in numerical order like this until 1.2.03. January 2, 3003. #longgone #creepy On a happier note, my sister Rachel had her baby today! 

Baby Clark! 

Ward Christmas party. 

 Chrissy and I took the girls out to a fancy lunch and then to see the Nutcracker. New tradition. 

 Austin's school Christmas performance. 

Chrissy's fun birthday tradition where Pete becomes Pierre and serves us all dinner. 

I made these potpourri bags for all our neighbors/visiting teachers etc. gifts.  They are so pretty and smell so good. 

They sure do love each other and it makes me so happy. 

Piano recital. 

 Gingerbread house making at Chrissy's.  I just ate the pull n peels. 

Christmas lights. 

Second annual (for us, this family has been doing it for a long time) Cowboy Christmas. 

My little wise man, and angel. 

This little wise man of mine.  He teaches me every day about how to love, how to be a better person, and how to laugh. 

My angel.  No other words needed. 

We rushed home and had our Christmas Eve dinner for 35.  
The almond in the jello is always a big hit. 

Fafa told a cute story about a Christmas Candle, and everyone got a candle to take home. 

Our nativity. 

Christmas morning! 

We sent the kids on a scavenger hunt to find their big presents, and it ended in the theater room. 

The boys got these things, and Audrey got a new Barbie house. 

Audrey's gift to Memor.  

It's Audrey as a baby with Mormor, Memor's Mom. 

We gave Bruce and Marianne a photo book of our trip to Disney with them last year. 


Dave made me a video of pictures and videos from when our kids were younger.  Best present ever. 

Post Christmas snuggles on the couch.  Audrey gave me the pink heart necklace for Christmas. 

Ice skating! 

We lasted longer than he did. 

 Decorating gingerbread houses. 

It snowed.  We went to a movie (Into the Woods. It was weird) and when we got home the snow was melted, my kind of snow. 

So I can always remember, our Christmas decorations. 

This makes me smile every time I see it. 

Every year (starting this year, ha!) we are going to let the kids pick out an ornament they like.  Austin picked Star Wars, Joshua picked Transformers, and Audrey a blonde ballerina. 
Side story: They shirt that Audrey is wearing has pictures of Audrey Hepburn all over it, and at the bottom is says, "Audrey".  Even though she wasn't named after Audrey Hepburn (I have never seen an Audrey Hepburn movie actually), I love this shirt.  Jess wore it to Audrey's second birthday party, and I was freshly pregnant with Joshua and kinda a beast, and I made her take it off so I could wear it, and Jess wore my shirt.  I'm such a brat. 

Wiggly tooth! 

 I make calendars every year.  This makes it worth it. 

"Mom, I'm just gonna pull up a chair and watch the clock until Dad gets home." And then his sidekick sat and watched with him. 

Cleaning up his mess. 

New Year's Eve! Audrey got invited to go to a basketball game with a friend (she was really sweet about it.  "Mom, do you think I am old enough to be away from my family on a holiday?") so I took the boys to the dollar store to get treats and then the boys rented a video game and played it until it was time for Austins bedtime. 

After we put Austin to bed we watched Scooby Doo with Joshua, his choice. He was in bed at 9, and then Dave and I watched the basketball game, booked our trip to Cancun...

and rang in the new year with some Navarro grape juice by the fire (and then Dave left to go pick up Audrey).  Last year we were on an airplane heading to Thailand, but this was fun too. 
Happy 2015!