Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Father's Day

We are so blessed to have such wonderful men in our lives.  Ryan and Brady have  fantastic role models in Mark and GP and we love to celebrate their leadership of our family!
Happy Father's Day Mark
Mark is LOVED

 Ally loves her Daddy so much
 new kicks!
 nice buddy
 Brady can't get enough of the tissue paper (won't be long before Ryan will wear Mark's shoes!)

 I love my Ry-Ry too
 Ally and Mommy silliness (and a closeup of the orthodontics in our near future :))
 Sunday night we hosted the whole Purdy family.  This picture is one of my favs.  #1 and #10 just chillin'
 Where's the bites?
 GP and his girls
 ohhhhh ahhhhh a new shirt for GP
 all 10 grandkids

Friday, June 28, 2013

Summer, Summer, Summer-time

What a F-U-N month we've had!! We started summer off right with a trip to Hawaiian Falls with the Smiths and the Bowdens.  Since WCS got out of school in ALL schools should we had the park basically to ourselves that morning.  It was fantastic, not too hot and a wonderful way to kick off Summer 2013.
Ready to GOOOO
Wave pool action
 sweet Ainsley hanging with Ally
 Back in March we added some new landscape in our back yard and these big rocks are Brady's FAVORITE.  He says "eee" all the time for tree and wants to be outside every minute he can
 When summer hits so do errands with mom.  They go much smoother with enormous ice cream cookies from Target
 We also got a pool this summer....:)
 still fun even if it's a white trash baby pool
 How many Woods will fit in a Wagon???
 Ally had swim lessons with Mrs. Back again this summer and is a great little swimmer.  Notice the three boys in the background...pretty typical--Daddy showed up to watch his princess, Ryan is playing on the phone and Brady is crawling everywhere!
 pool party at the Farmers
 little 14 month stinker
 Waco has a FANTASTIC Farmer's Market every Saturday and we love it.  Hope to go back soon
 Ally and I went to Lila's dance recital
 we watch a lot of baby Einstein,
and swim. 
 This week Mark and I celebrated our 14th anniversary!! I cannot even remotely believe that we've been married 14 years!  For fun I let Ally dress up in my wedding dress.  She was SO excited and Mark was loving his pretty princess.  Ally was so sweet and asked if she could wear this dress when she gets married?? She's the best.  Love her!  
 Ryan went to Midway baseball camp and had fun afternoons with his buds.  
 Craft time with Ally girl
 Grandma watched Brady every day for 5 days so I could teach kids Zumba camp.  THANK YOU!! It is so nice that she comes over to our house to watch the kids so often....we love our Grandma!
June was very fun, not too busy and a wonderful break from insane May.  My kids went to VBS at FBC Woodway and loved it! I stayed home with Brady and I loved that too :).  

We love summer!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Memorial Day at LBJ

We had a wonderful weekend at the lake for Memorial Day this year.  It is one of my favorite places and I love the my kids get to experience fun at the lakehouse.  This year it was just mom and dad and the Wood five pack which was different for sure.  We missed the cousins!

Check out this cute snaggletooth:)
Baseball 24-7
 LOVE this picture of Honey and Brady
 such a peaceful wonderful relaxing day

 let the swimming begin!
 Ally was timid at first but then...
 1 for the money 2 for the show 3 to get ready now Go girl Go:)
 my boys
 GP purchased a paddle board.  The kids loved it!

 they completely wore themselves out! I swam helping Ryan ski and was worn out too
 this bad boy is B-I-G

 Brady's first time in the lake...all smiles

 Nice one Ry-Ry.  
ahhhhh aching to go back soon