Friday, August 23, 2013

BU Basketball camp

Ryan's favorite camp of the summer was finally here! He LOVES BU basketball camp and has done it every summer since he was 4.  A lot has changes since he was 4 :).  The camp it from 9-1 each day and they run a lot! The most anticipated event is the final scrimmages, and I was happy to be there when it all went down.

My tall guy getting ready to play in the finals....he's wanted to win this since first grade!

 BFF Jake
 Pep talk from dad
 Cheer squad

 YES! his dream came true, Ryan's team W-O-N!! 
 Awards and shirts passed out by Coach Drew
 inside he's expolding with happiness :)))
 Awesome job Bud!
Mark and I always enjoy how competitive Ryan is at everything, and the leader he is out there on the court.  He's gonna make a great coach someday!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Lost Pines--my favorite.

Ahhhh, Lost Pines.  I'm not exactly why I adore this place so much but I do.  I love the spa, the smores, the lazy river and the pool side beverages...I love it ALL.  I feel so relaxed and always enjoy not cleaning up messes for a few days.  Everything at this resort caters to families.  And this year the trip it came at the perfect time!! Every other summer we take a Purdy family vacation, and this year it was to my favorite Texas Resort.

Having a 15month old that still naps and doesn't walk yet was a tad challenging but so is life right now.  We arrived and headed straight to the pool.

 (and passed this Cowboy on the way)
as long as we kept the snacks coming this guy was happy
 a little pool basketball
 and some splash pad fun with sissy

 sadly this event completely tore up Brady's feet :(

a family that snacks together, stays together

 Ryan actually asked to take a out cause the sky is probably fallin'

 a quick phone game, and then inside to our room.  
 This is Brady's "get out" face/cry/scream/whine.  The boy doesn't like to be in a stroller anymore
 But sweet James Wright still loves his!
 First night there were some talented face painters so Ally, Lila and Caroline had to partake in the fun!
Ally wanted a garden

 so cool!
 Ride 'em cowgirl
 Sweet peas
 the next day the Smith crew joined the fun...a lot of watermelon was consumed
 big foot
 Cousin lovin'
 Sorry dad but had to include #9 and #10 grandchildren
 monkey see monkey do
 checkers while you wait for dinner
 sisters! My hair looks like a Christmas Tree, oh well on vacation right??!
 I mean SO cute
 Wood party of five
 Warren party of five
 glow in the dark golf
 crazy Purdys
 more swimming!  Ally on the slide
 Mark on the slide
 oops missed Ryan
 paint a cow piggy bank
 BU cow
 and rainbow cow
See you soon Lost Pines!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

August,'s AUGUST?

July around here was for the birds so I'm VERY happy to see August rear it's hot head, but I am not ready for homework, fall sports, commitments and everything that comes with the start of another year.   I am however very ready for school to start and get back some semblance of routine around this place.  It's like that Pinterest quote:  I don't like routine until I get overwhelmed and then I need routine!

Way back on July 4th weekend Brady came down with hand, foot and mouth disease...which let's be honest is a third world disease and for sure the MOST ridiculous virus we've ever had.  Fever, sores in his mouth, hands and feet (hence the name) and fussy like he's never been for a full 7 days.   Ryan and Ally left early with my parents to enjoy a long 4th weekend at the lake, which was wonderful for them...not so much for me.    While my older 2 enjoyed 5 days of awesomess at the lake, I sat home with sick Brady and cried.  It was terrible not being with everyone on the 4th of July, and I sunk into a funk for sure.  After caring for Mark from his surgery, taking a whirlwind trip to Dallas, being separated on a holiday from my children by the dumbest virus ever I really thought we were done.  Thought wrong.  My kids came home from the lake with a stomach virus.  Not a typical one, it was the most violent one we've ever had around here.  Ryan was sick for 6 days had to go to the ER and had a 4 day migraine that no medicine touched.  Ally was a little better and just sick for 4 days but it was hell around this place.  I don't do so well when I am confined to my house for very long.  I wish I had better perspective on fleeting illnesses but I'm not there yet.  I get upset, frustrated, exhausted, angry and resentful.  I seem to lose sight of what's important, and get bogged down in the struggle.  It's a real struggle inside me.  Am I going to kick and scream and curse or be patient and loving and caring?  I fail  a lot.  Thankfully everyone made a full recovery by the end of the month.  I really needed some work on my sickness and health vows, and compassion.  I hope I learned my lesson, and pray to handle it better next time.   No sense in getting so worked up over things I cannot control (no matter how much Purell I use :))

This guy still is a complete mess and cracks me up everyday.  Ally left the shower door open for .5 seconds and he was in!

I choose Joy.