In back of us, the work on the house continues. It was supposed to be done in April. But when I last spoke to the owners in early April, they were hoping for the middle of May. But looking at the progress, or lack of it, my guess is the end of June.
On our side of the hedge, I'll start by thanking everyone for their healing thoughts and remedies on my latest bout with poison ivy, that by the way is really improving. I really do appreciate your voices of experience in helping me to find the cure, because I think those remedies are always the ones that work the best!! Many, many thanks to you for sharing them!
Speaking of cures, I have heard back from my vet about Cissy. Her test results were returned and they showed that the last of her infections has cleared up, and she is now finally finished taking antibiotics! She is still bothered with an ongoing rash on her stomach, and she chews her feet more than I'd like her too--But we're managing it, and there's no doubt at all that she's feeling better and feels totally at home with us. She certainly looks better.
I think her "inner spark" is fully ignited!
The other dogs are doing well. All of us are beating a summer heat-wave by staying inside where it's cool.
I hope you are doing well, and I hope you enjoy your Friday!!