Sunday, March 27, 2011


Well folks I am 27 years old now. This year has already been big on change. I have totally changed my lifestyle. I am now pretty much a yogi through and through. I also got a sanskrit name. I am offically Uparati at Yogaville. Pronounced phonetically oo-pa-ruh-tee. (Sanskrit names are names given to you by swami's and its a spiritual name that helps you in your spiritual path). When I first received my name I instantly thought of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Then I thought I am never going to live this down however I have learned to love it. Someone also said it sounds like you should become a rapper or something. So it is good to know that I have options. The name Uparati means to draw-within, become calm, controlled, enduring, concentrated and faithful. But Dont worry you guys can still call me Hanna. Since arriving at Yogaville I have lost a total of 32 pounds. I have such amazing friends that take care of me here. They thoroughly spoiled me on my birthday. We had raw lasagna, truffle desserts and raw ice cream with cacao nibs. It was amazing. Then we watched The Notebook and cuddled. I am noticing that the older that I get and maybe its Yogaville. But I am turning into such a softy. I am so much more a lover than a fighter. This year is just going to get better and better and I just cannot wait for my life to unfold. Life is good!