Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I was frightened to go through a summer with just me and four boys. It would be a first for me. And now I miss summer. We had a good time. Not to say there wasn't rough times, but we conquered summer and had fun doing so. Here are some highlights.

Aaron's Parents came and we went to the beach with Kathy and Pete. And yes, my children like to give me bunny ears.

We went to the Springfield Museum for the Art of Brick. The boys loved it! I think Aaron's mom and dad loved it too:)

We also went peach picking with our friends the Yeagers.

Oh, and did I forgot to mention that we bought a home and moved? We love our new home. We have been very busy furnishing it and painting and working on a table that I got a great deal on at a antique fair. It arrived at our house with some help from some of our friends, the Ackermans. We have been blessed with great friends. Look for some before and after pics of this project. Aaron and I should make our own show.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Potato chips bring boys and men together

I found this picture on my sister Michelle's blog and had to smile because I would like to go to that place again where all of this happened and be with all the people I love.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

What we did on our vacation away from blogging

We have made lots of new friends.

The boys had a winter break where we traveled to the Armory. I have to face reality. Most boys like guns. So I embraced it. Here is Sterling next to the gun that he thought was the coolest.

The mall had a sandbox during winter break that some women in the ward told me about. The boys love to dig. I'm happy as long as they aren't digging up the backyard.

Tomy recently got some glasses. I think he looks stylish and handsome. He doesn't really wanna hear that. He wants to hear that he looks "cool".

Damian, "the baby" turned five. There were tears. We can't believe he is so old. He is hilarious. Such a little man now.

Zachary had some of his friends from school and church for his 7th birthday. And yes, there were girls. Are you surprised? We aren't. They like him because he is such a little gentleman. He likes them too.

Here is the man who has the biggest smile ever.

Last but not least, we are buying a home. Stayed tuned for pictures of the house. We are pretty excited.

9 months is a long time...

Sunday, March 7, 2010


The last couple weeks have made me think a lot about the Atonement and how we deal with tragedy in our lives. We have lived in MA for about 8 months now and have made a lot of new friends. About 2 weeks ago, one of our new friends lost both her parents. Almost the same day, another couple, also friends(and our Bishop) lost their 7 day old baby girl. Last Sunday while we sang the Sacrament hymn, my thoughts were brought to think about the Savior and his Atonement. As I have for quite some time known, but was very much reminded of by the spirit during that song, the Atonement does not only apply to a forgiveness of sins. Christ suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane in order to also take away our sorrow and pain from tribulation. Today, the Bishop was conducting and therefore had the opportunity to bear his testimony. He and his wife are amazing people. They are very much in tune with the Spirit and know our Father's plan for us. While the Bishop was bearing his testimony, sharing that even though they are sad for their loss, he and his wife also know that their little girl is with our Father in Heaven. He expressed his comfort in knowing that his family will be reunited some day and that thought brought him joy. As he spoke I couldn't help but think about Nephi's Psalm found in 2 Nephi chapter 4. At this time in Nephi's life he has just lost his father and mother, his brothers basically hate him and he is feeling weighed down by the hardships in his life. As he talks of these feelings, he realizes the goodness and love and mercy God has for us and it brings him out of his despair to in verse 30 proclaim "Rejoice, O my heart, and cry unto the Lord, and say: O Lord, I will praise thee forever; yea, my soul will rejoice in thee, my God, and the rock of my salvation." Just like Nephi, our Bishop and his wife, our dear friends, rejoice in the Lord and know that he has done all for us so that we may once again live as families for eternity.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I thoughtlessly forgot to mention the best part of our lives here in MA. Last Nov, the 12th thru the 18th to be exact. We had 3 special visitors. Their names are Mike, Mary Lou and Mickey. We had a lot of fun and got to do lots of fun things.

Then on Jan 21st we got another visitor. Her name is Pataroo. Again we had a great time and we went and visited the Dr Seuss garden. It was a blast.

Sorry to our very special visitors for not mentioning you earlier. We miss all of you as well as those who could not come. We love you.