Monday, April 16, 2012

Our new ride

Isn't this motorcycle awesome? So glad we finally got one! It is Levi's graduation gift for all of his hard work. Who wouldn't like to give a gift that you benefit from as well? I'm definitely one of those people!
We sold our last motorcycle when we bought our house because we had no room for it. It was for a good purpose but I was still sad about losing it. Now levi has time to do things besides work and study, this is how he (we) spend our nights now. (Weather permitting, of course!)
I know most people are scared of bikes but when we only mosy around going tops 30 mph it's not scary at all. It gives us a chance to get out of the house and do something together. Now when we want to relax we hop on this beauty and ride wherever our hearts desire instead of sitting on our behinds and watching tv. We now are able to be close together, doing what we love, and we are able to have more meaningful conversations. Who knew of the crazy and great things you'd learn about your spouse on a bike!
Love this thing!

Friday, March 9, 2012

I get my husband back? For real?!

Levi passed the CPA Exam! Woot Woot!!! He has worked so hard on this exam and has done very well! From the time he decided to take this exam to finding out the results on his last test was 8 months. He is all about efficiency ;) They give you 18 months to take it. It is one of the top most difficult professional exams. Those stinkin things sure are grueling! After taking each 4 hour test he would be completely drained from doing so much.

His test scores in order taken..

Audit: 74 (had to retake..) which resulted in 94.
Regulation: 83
Financial Accounting and Reporting: 84
Business Environments & Concepts: 88

It's very rare that anyone only has to retake one test. Passing rate is between 44% and 49% depending on the test. and since Levi won't brag about it.. I sure will! So excited for him! All of his long days and nights of studying has paid off.

This doesn't really change anything in his immediate future at his job but it will benefit later on in getting raises. He loves his job now so he won't be switching either. he took the test because it was one of his goals and to have a fail safe if needed.

Sorry for the double dosage of bragging these last two posts but they were both huge things! How could I resist bragging about him?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

3 years!

I can't believe it has already been three years! Still so happy that I married this amazing man!
I don't want to go on and on with mushy details but I will say that our choice to get married for time and all eternity has been the best decions we have made. We have always had a great relationship and it continues to get stronger but I know that a temple marriage makes it all the better! Some great memories and places we've been..

Monday, February 27, 2012

My life as of late

My amazing parents just left on their mission to the Dominican Republic. Those few months of waiting after they received their call sure did go by fast! I am so proud of them for going to serve the Lord. It is evident just how much they love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ because they are willing to stop their loves and leave their family do to the Lord's work. They will be the greatest missionaries! They both love to teach and share the gospel. I have been so grateful for tehir desire for our family to know of Christ and I know all those lives they will touch will be so grateful too. Only 18 more months!

In other news, my eye is getting better. Little by little anyway. I go to the doctor next month to get fit for a contact. Maybe then I'll be able to see out of the portion of unscarred eye a little better! I am a little nervous since I have gotten so used to only seeing out of one eye these last 6 months. Wow, I can't believe it's been that long... They said once I have the correct prescription in my glasses and with my contact I'll have a tough time walking at first because the kind of glass and contact they will use is a completely different kind than I am used to and my right eye will still be in the usual kind. Good news though is that the scar has gotten better so they have pushed back the date of surgery if it will even be necessary by then. They did reccomend that I get Lasik done because my eyes are so weak but I have to wait until I am at least 26 because my eyes keep changing. Although if I did get lasik I'd still ahve to have surgery on my left eye to remove the scar beore getting it done. That is too many eye surgeries for me! Let's hope nothing crazy like this happens ever again! I feel I have learned all that was necessary in this trial but only Heavenly Father really knows if there is more to be learned.

I was just released as Second Counsilor in the Primary Presidency. The president's husband was just called as bishop. I knew this would be coming as soon as I found out that he was the new bishop but it didn't make it any less hard to be released. the four months that I was serving in the Primary was so great! I was finally getting their names down and was past the point of being intimidating to them because I was new. I loved getting to know them and their sweet spirits. As I was teaching sharing time for the last time I had a hard time getting through the lesson without getting a little emotional. I was glad to teach them one last time so I could feel that I had done something for them. I wanted to be able to look out into their faces and have to tell me the things they know are true for my last memory in there. They are such great kids! While we were telling the kids good-bye and getting hugs from them I was given a hug from one of the kids and he didn't want to let go. He started to cry so I sat down to find out if anything was wrong but he just kept hugging me and silently crying. I don't know if he was crying because I was leaving but I was still touched that he would want my hug before I left. I hope in a way I touched his life and all the other kids in Primary because they have touched mine and made me want to be a better person. Especially to have the strength of a childs spirit.

Levi has taken his last exam for the CPA. Woot Woot! He will get the results back the first week in March. I just know he passed it because he studied so hard and so much that it will pay off. I am so proud of him and the things he has done for our family. Such an amazing man I married!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Changes aren't always bad

Most of the time when people talk about change, it's always looked at negatively. The people I am talking about are the ones that didn't necessarily like change because it messed up the groove you were already in and you were liking it. Until recently I was one of them. I have had some things change in my life that have opened my eyes a little bit to realize what it is that I've been missing. To explain why I now feel this way it would be best for me to go back a few months. You know how you can sometimes feel when something in your life is going to change? You aren't quite sure what is going to change or if it'll be good or bad?

Well I have been feeling this for about 4 months now and the anxiety was getting built up and wearing on my patience to wait to find out what was going to change.

I was asked to meet with a member in our Bishopric on September 18th and they extended the call to be the 2nd Counselor in the Primary Presidency. I couldn't believe it! I have never been asked to be in the presidency of any really big organization (the Laurel president doesn't really count, I don't think) and didn't feel like I'd be the best person for the job. I mean, I have no knowledge of what really goes on behind the scenes, I get nervous teaching no matter what age it is, and I have no kids so I don't completely understand them or know the best way to teach them. I'd rather practice on my own kids instead of others' in the ward! Plus I was loving Activity Days and I would miss the girls. Even though I was silently feeling this way, I eagerly accepted. I feel so blessed to be trusted with this calling.

Maybe this was finally the change that I knew was coming! I could finally relax! I was wrong though.

The next day (September 19th) I submitted an application to a credit union. I had kind of an 'in' with the job but still wasn't sure what to expect. I went in for an interview on the 22nd and was offered the job on the 23rd. Talk about quick! I knew I was wanting a change in jobs but wasn't quite sure if this was what would be best for me at the time. I talked it through with Levi and he being the amazing husband he is talked me through all the fears and reservations I had. I prayed about it and received and answer quite quick. I knew I was supposed to take the job but also that I needed to pray to receive more of a confirmation. I called back a few hours later and accepted! So now I have a new job! I work at Associated Federal Employees Federal Credit Union. Yeah, I had never heard about it before until we became friends with the couple where she worked. She just had a baby and wanted to stay home.

It's been three weeks so far and I am really liking it! I am glad I made the switch. Now I think I am all done for changes in my life right now!

In other news my eye is doing much better! Not completely healed yet, but it is improving. There is no longer an open sore just an ugly scar. I can't really see still because everything bounces off of the scar and makes it even harder for the part of my pupil that isn't covered to see. The shapes are more definitive now but still shapes. I don't have to go to the doctor as often but I still go so they can make sure my vision will and is coming back. I am so grateful for all of the prayers on my behalf. That is why my eye is to the point that it is.

So in the end, timing in our lives is expertly planned and executed. Change is good.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Catch up time!

I don't know why I try to keep up with this blogging thing.. I always tell myself that I will be better. That I will write a post at least once a month. Obviously isn't happening! The main reason I haven't kept up with it is because we've been so busy! Not always with exciting things, but things none the less.

Levi missed school and studying so much that he decided to sit for the CPA exam. He's been taking classes ever saturday and studies whenever he gets a free minute. So needless to say, I haven't had a hisband very much! He's taken 2 out of the 4 so far but won't find out the results until the end of this month. It's killing us both (him a lot more) just wanting to know the results but we've got to be patient just a little while longer... He's finishing up his huge audit at work so he is staying busy at work as well which is always good. In a few weeks he will be working for a new manager in Dallas, Texas for a year. No, we won't move out there, he'll just be going there each month for a week at a time. He'll be able to work from home more as well which is great! He's still not sure how much he'll really like it though. His calling as YM president is also keeping him super busy but he is really enjoying it. The kids just look up to him and have fun with him.

I'm still just working for my dad and enjoying that. It's nice to see my family on an almost daily basis! I'm absolutely loving my calling as an Activity Days leader! Those girls sure are fun to be around. I have found out that the more quiet ones at church are the most spunky and outgoing girls at the activities which has been fun to see them be themselves and to better enjoy what we are doing together. Well that's the update on my life! Sure not exciting!

When we have had time, we've been able to go on some fun mini vacations with our family and friends. We've been to Moab, camping in the Uinta's, rides in the mountains, and to Vegas.

Moab was very hot but extremely fun! We went with Levi's brother Cody and his family and were there for just under a week. We had fun jeepin' (or whatever they call driving over some scary rocks in a jeep!) I had to close my eyes a lot mainly because I'm a baby when it comes to that stuff and we went over some crazy things! We also went swimming one afternoon then just relaxed. We went to Arches National Park which was so fun! I know they are just rocks but it's still fun to see them in crazy shapes and everything. We made it to Dead Horse Point as well. It was so pretty! Sad story to why it is named that but it is still a pretty area to go and see. Other than that we just enjoyed our time together!

Camping in the Uinta's with the friends was fun as always! Out of the 3 years we've done it, we were finally able to stay 2 nights instead of just 1. We didn't hike, fish, or anything this year. We were just loving being together and visiting as we were. We did play some different games so it's not like we sat around the while time! :) We did get hit by a huge storm our last night there but it was fun! I love listening to the rain hitting the tent and hearing how close the thunder is and seeing how bright the lightening is getting. All until it was right over us and it kind of freaked me out! It was ridiculously muddy in the morning so it's a good thing we weren't planning on staying. I'm so glad we didn't get wet at all inside of our new tent!

Vegas was really fun as well! We went there because Levi had a Tax Forum and I went to just enjoy myself! While Levi was in class I would shop, check out the hotel, or just relax by the pool -which I regret right now. We stayed at Caeser's Palace so I was loving having the Forum Shops right there. We went to see The Blue Man Group one night and it was awesome! We went there not really knowing what to expect but really liked it. We were in the middle of the third row back so we were able to see every little thing they did! It helped to see their faces and eyes since they don't talk at all! We did have to wear ponchos though just in case some of the paint sprayed out or the food hit us but we luckily stayed clean! We went to the temple as well to get away from the strip. It was just a bit too much for the both of us. The temple was gorgeous as always! I love going to temples that I've never been to before and having different experiences at all of them. Such a great night! One of Levi's companion lives there so we were able to meet up with him and his wife and go out to dinner. It was so nice to see them! We see them about once a year so we had a lot to catch up on and just have fun being together again! Over all it was great to get away with my hubby!

The reason I am regretting the pool right now is because I got an infection in my eye that grew to an ulcer. I thought it was just pink eye so I stopped wearing contacts and makeup and put some medicine in it. It all started on thursday night with the eye kind of red at itchy then by friday night I lost all vision in the eye. Still telling myself it's a bad case of pink eye so I don't need to go to a doctor for them to tell me that. By saturday I was in so much pain that I had Levi and Cody give me a blessing. On sunday we decide to go to an instacare that is by our house and he said he has never seen this before and that I need to go see an opthamologist right away. We go to him and he looks at it for 2 minutes and says that it is worse than he has ever dealt with or even seen so he sent me to the University Hospital right away since they have the best doctors there. Since he told us it was a matter of me ever seeing again and possibly have surgery that day you can only imagine how horrible of a ride it was down there just worrying! We get to the hospital and are there for over 4 hours! Constantly having doctors come in and the opthomologist on call got a bit tiring. We just wanted to figure out what caused this and get it taken care of! They took some coulters (I would not recommend this, it killed onc the numbing drops wore off!) The opthomologist was just dumbfounded that this ulcer grew so big and it got so sever in a matter of days. It is right in the cornea and was competely covering the iris and pupil so that is the reason I can't see out of the eye right now. Luckily it was gotten a little better. The first week there was a big jump in the healing process and the size of the ulcer went down considerably but it's just slowed down since then. I've been going in every other day so they can continue to monitor it and try to firgure what else they can do. Now the infection is gone but the ulcer is still large and in charge! It's starting to bulge and they are really worried about it since the cornea is already so thin and they don't want in any more thin so it could perforate. 2 weeks down, at least 2 more to go... Sorry the picture is gross. The white is the ulcer.

On a happier note, one of my best friends got married! I set the two of them up so it was really fun to see it all come together! She looked gorgeous as always! It was so fun being there for her at the wedding. I'm glad I got married first out of my friends so I could see each of them get married but I do wish they would have been able to be there for me. It was such a great day!

I love spending time in the mountains! I love getting away from everything and being somewhere so beautiful! We've been so blessed to have mountain property in our families that we try to use it a lot.

Sorry for the really long post but I'm far behind!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween time fun

This Halloween we missed out on the dressing up, trick-or-treating, and (thank goodness) the pranks. We decided to play it safe and go have a party with some of our family. We went to Levi's mom's house and Cody and Sariah came over. We just had some pizza, watched a football game, and enjoyed each others company. We took the girls trick-or-treating after the rain had stopped. It was so cute to see how excited kids get when they go trick-or-treating! Sariah, Melanie, Shay, and I went around the neighborhood with Chevelle and Aneesa until they were just wiped out from so much walking. They sure looked adorable in their princess and monkey costumes. Totally fit their personalities! Glad I could go trick-or-treating with someone's kids! This is the only holiday Levi and I get kind of left out of because it's mainly for kids and we are lacking in that area.
Thanks for letting me go trick-or-treating with you guys! I had a lot of fun!