Hello there, I am once again looking at this and wondering just what I have been doing since I last posted. And believe you me, I forget that I have access to this. Wow, have you seen some peoples blogs that share great and wonderful things? Yep, this is not one. But know that I am here and thinking,,, now what can I write that may be of interest for someone else. Hmmmm. My exchange student Friederike and I have taken down the decorations and made it to the library so she can have a library card and get some books online for her Kindel. I found that you can check out books and put them on my e reader and I'm so excited. Darrell and Spencer surprised me and helped me decide that I wanted an ereader instead of a Kindel. I love to read and Spencer gave it to us for a great price. Thanks Spencer.
We had a great Christmas with all our children home and everyone got along with one another. Dinner was delicious and being with my family was the greatest gift I could have ever wanted and have recieved...
Spencer and Amber and Adyson have made their way back to Rexburg for school and I am needing to figure out that Skype thing before Sunday so I can see just how much Adyson has changed.. ( in 4 days. ha ha)
Christopher is home and it is great to just spend time with him. Yesterday we were hooking up a car that Darrell got for us to scrap and it was interesting to try to figure out how to use those cool tools to make a car move where you want it to move without a working engine.
Laska has been working and loving her work. I don't get enough time with her but Im sure its enough for her. I drive her crazy at times I am sure.
Dee is working a scraping business that he and Darrell started and we are hoping that it flourishes for him.
Darrell is working hard at Sears and always on the computer trying to figure out just what he needs to make scraping more lucrative and easy. Hmmm.
Me, Im enjoying our exchange students Friederike and Nada. They have been wonderful and they love me. Imagine that.
I hope your new year is fantastic and mark your calendar for the 17 of August. Because I want everyone with me on that day.
Let the Cinnamon Roll
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Hello Everyone,
I just recieved this picture of Miss Adyson her papa-Spencer has sent me. I fell in love with this outfit on one of my shopping trips. Isn't she just cute? Yep, and she is growing so quickly.
It is already the 15th of February and I am wondering how time flys by me so quickly. I believe I need to invent time travel or at least a devise that would allow you to slow down time. That way you could relish the moments that mean the most.
I hope your all doing what you want to do and that you are safe and loving life.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
December 1st
I guess it shouldn't suprise me that is is already the 1st of December. But alas, it suprises me! Where has 2009 gone? And how is 2010 already knocking on the door? Are you ready for this holiday season? What can I do to help? Or better question how can I get you to help me? Hmmm and what can I do to get you over for some games or feeding you?
Yesterday Darrell turned 50, wow, I cannot believe that time is flying by. He is doing so much better. Thank you for all your prayers and concerns. Now we have a one year old almost ready to walk (Adyson) and Darrell almost ready for retirement. Ha ha ha. We could only wish. He is still driving back and forth to Moscow. I believe he is still loving it. Time will tell with the weather. So, if we don't have a bad winter with snowing weather it is because we are praying for clear dry roads for him.
Our Thanks Giving was great. I am so blessed to have Laska so close. She was able to put everything together and made the dinner wonderful. Thank you so much for all you have done Laska. I love you!!
I hope and pray that this holiday season is full of love and tenderness for all. That you find hope in your quests and happiness in your adventures. I am so thankful for a loving Father in Heaven and his greatest gift, our elder Brother Jesus Christ. I know that they are living beings and that they are there to help and guide us in our lives here on the earth. That even tho I am struggling I have only to turn to them and I am filled with such love. I look forward to the day when I will see them again. Thank you all for your love you share with me.
Yesterday Darrell turned 50, wow, I cannot believe that time is flying by. He is doing so much better. Thank you for all your prayers and concerns. Now we have a one year old almost ready to walk (Adyson) and Darrell almost ready for retirement. Ha ha ha. We could only wish. He is still driving back and forth to Moscow. I believe he is still loving it. Time will tell with the weather. So, if we don't have a bad winter with snowing weather it is because we are praying for clear dry roads for him.
Our Thanks Giving was great. I am so blessed to have Laska so close. She was able to put everything together and made the dinner wonderful. Thank you so much for all you have done Laska. I love you!!
I hope and pray that this holiday season is full of love and tenderness for all. That you find hope in your quests and happiness in your adventures. I am so thankful for a loving Father in Heaven and his greatest gift, our elder Brother Jesus Christ. I know that they are living beings and that they are there to help and guide us in our lives here on the earth. That even tho I am struggling I have only to turn to them and I am filled with such love. I look forward to the day when I will see them again. Thank you all for your love you share with me.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Hello everyone, I am here at work once again. It is a beautiful Thursday morning and I have just gotten the call from Laska letting me know that she is now the newest certified nurse in our long family line of nurses. I know that my Grandma Hazel Ball is sooo pleased. With my cousins and aunt also in the field who would have guessed it? Me, all that studying would wear out my brain cells. And I have so few of them to go around. I am so happy for her. Now we keep our fingers crossed that she may hear of a job prospect.. I'm confident she will find where she is intended to be.
Next week is girls camp and I am so excited! It should be fun, so if your time next week is dragging, know that it is just me holding back the hands of time trying to get so much packed into just 5 days. It will be strange tho in 2 weeks, I will be wondering what to do with my time. I guess maybe I will be outside in my garden trying to coax the tomatoes to grow and produce some lovely fruit that I will gladly devour. I will need to get the German zalt. Oh, yummmm.
Darrell is busy with Sears in Moscow and I am not sure if he is enjoying the drive back and forth. He says he loves to drive. But if you ever watch him when he is drousy and trying to drive you would jump out of the way. I'm not saying I want to move or that we are even entertaining the idea. But I know that he is living his dream and I may need to get my glasses back on and see the big picture.
Next weekend Amber and Adyson will be up in Moses Lake and we get to see them on Sunday. I can't wait to see how much she has grown and hear her laugh. Spencer will be talking to me on the phone and I hear her in the background just laughing.. What a wonderful sound. He tells me it is because she knows that I am on the phone. Maybe just wishfull thinking but I will take that.
Christopher is working hard and trying to save his money for school. I hate it when I have to inform him that he needs to pay for something like his phone or the ability to text or what ever. It really bothers him to spend money. It's not that he doesn't want to pay, it's he has a goal in mind and he wants to meet it. Exceed would be wonderful but that is in the Lord's hands.
Dee, I don't get to see him. I pray for him always and love it when he does make contact. But feel he wants his space. Like all my children I want only happiness and health for them. So, please keep him in your prayers.
Okay that is the update on everyone. Me, I am good. Busy with work and camp prep. I am feeling scary good from surgery. The weight loss is going in the right direction and I am enjoying finding all my old clothes that have hung out in totes up in the garage. It's quite fun finding little treasures. I guess that is what it may be like as I get older. Hmmm
Next week is girls camp and I am so excited! It should be fun, so if your time next week is dragging, know that it is just me holding back the hands of time trying to get so much packed into just 5 days. It will be strange tho in 2 weeks, I will be wondering what to do with my time. I guess maybe I will be outside in my garden trying to coax the tomatoes to grow and produce some lovely fruit that I will gladly devour. I will need to get the German zalt. Oh, yummmm.
Darrell is busy with Sears in Moscow and I am not sure if he is enjoying the drive back and forth. He says he loves to drive. But if you ever watch him when he is drousy and trying to drive you would jump out of the way. I'm not saying I want to move or that we are even entertaining the idea. But I know that he is living his dream and I may need to get my glasses back on and see the big picture.
Next weekend Amber and Adyson will be up in Moses Lake and we get to see them on Sunday. I can't wait to see how much she has grown and hear her laugh. Spencer will be talking to me on the phone and I hear her in the background just laughing.. What a wonderful sound. He tells me it is because she knows that I am on the phone. Maybe just wishfull thinking but I will take that.
Christopher is working hard and trying to save his money for school. I hate it when I have to inform him that he needs to pay for something like his phone or the ability to text or what ever. It really bothers him to spend money. It's not that he doesn't want to pay, it's he has a goal in mind and he wants to meet it. Exceed would be wonderful but that is in the Lord's hands.
Dee, I don't get to see him. I pray for him always and love it when he does make contact. But feel he wants his space. Like all my children I want only happiness and health for them. So, please keep him in your prayers.
Okay that is the update on everyone. Me, I am good. Busy with work and camp prep. I am feeling scary good from surgery. The weight loss is going in the right direction and I am enjoying finding all my old clothes that have hung out in totes up in the garage. It's quite fun finding little treasures. I guess that is what it may be like as I get older. Hmmm
Monday, March 2, 2009
4 days and counting down!!!!

Can you believe it, now it is only 4 days to go before my family is all together once again. How wonderful it will be. I was speaking with Laska this weekend and said I more than likely will not sleep on thursday nite so I have 1 less day than everyone else. She then turned to Darrell and advised him to slip a sleeping aid into my food that nite. I guess I will just have to forego the eating.
As you can see the hotel at which I work has undergone a sign change. We are all awaiting the other new things we will have. I will let you know later.....
We had a wonderful weekend driving to Moscow, Idaho and then taking a wrong road and driving for over an hour only to end up in Lewiston, Idaho??? How funny is that? I kept telling Darrell to remember Elder Wirthlin's address 'Come what may and love it!' It really was a beautiful drive along the river, our bottom ends were sore by the time we got out of the car. But all is good. We had a nice visit with Laska, she was so kind to let us take over her bed for the nite while she got little to no sleep on the couch. Thank you Laska for that. We had a great time.
Spencer just called and told me that they took Adyson to the drs and she has a slight ear infection and has been growing wonderfully. I am so excited to be able to have them home once again. You should see how beautiful she is. Yes, I know I am very partial, but what grandmother isn't?
Dee has been working on our washroom, he is putting down tile and doing a beautiful job. He is such a brilliant young man. It is my prayer he will be able to realize how much we love him.
So, if your reading this know that I would love to hear how your doing.....
We had a wonderful weekend driving to Moscow, Idaho and then taking a wrong road and driving for over an hour only to end up in Lewiston, Idaho??? How funny is that? I kept telling Darrell to remember Elder Wirthlin's address 'Come what may and love it!' It really was a beautiful drive along the river, our bottom ends were sore by the time we got out of the car. But all is good. We had a nice visit with Laska, she was so kind to let us take over her bed for the nite while she got little to no sleep on the couch. Thank you Laska for that. We had a great time.
Spencer just called and told me that they took Adyson to the drs and she has a slight ear infection and has been growing wonderfully. I am so excited to be able to have them home once again. You should see how beautiful she is. Yes, I know I am very partial, but what grandmother isn't?
Dee has been working on our washroom, he is putting down tile and doing a beautiful job. He is such a brilliant young man. It is my prayer he will be able to realize how much we love him.
So, if your reading this know that I would love to hear how your doing.....
Monday, February 16, 2009
18 Days and counting......
Hello everyone,
Laska tells me I should work on my blog spot. To tell you the truth, I have a hard time remembering this is here. So I guess I should tell you all that is going on in our lives... Where to begin? We had a wonderful time traveling to see Spencer and Amber and Adyson. It is amazing how fast one day goes. It was wonderful to spend that time with them. And to get my fix of baby need. She truely is beautiful even if I do say so myself.... Amber and Spencer are doing a wonderful job with her. She is loved so much. And she knows her parents very well. You should have seen how she just lights up when she sees them.
You may be wondering why 18days and counting? Well we are counting them down to when Elder King comes home from his mission in Washington DC. He is flying into Pasco on the 6th of March and we are hoping everyone can come home that weekend.
It is a full month for us, Laska and Spencer are both celebrating their birthdays. So before I forget. HAPPY BIRTHDAY I love you both!
I hope to see all of you some time soon. And let me know when your in town and I can do some cinnamin rolls for you.
Laska tells me I should work on my blog spot. To tell you the truth, I have a hard time remembering this is here. So I guess I should tell you all that is going on in our lives... Where to begin? We had a wonderful time traveling to see Spencer and Amber and Adyson. It is amazing how fast one day goes. It was wonderful to spend that time with them. And to get my fix of baby need. She truely is beautiful even if I do say so myself.... Amber and Spencer are doing a wonderful job with her. She is loved so much. And she knows her parents very well. You should have seen how she just lights up when she sees them.
You may be wondering why 18days and counting? Well we are counting them down to when Elder King comes home from his mission in Washington DC. He is flying into Pasco on the 6th of March and we are hoping everyone can come home that weekend.
It is a full month for us, Laska and Spencer are both celebrating their birthdays. So before I forget. HAPPY BIRTHDAY I love you both!
I hope to see all of you some time soon. And let me know when your in town and I can do some cinnamin rolls for you.
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